Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 199 Trial Controlling the Martial Soul

Chapter 199 Trial Controlling the Martial Soul
"Oh! I'm not interested! Boss Shangguan, you should find someone else!"

Oscar said lightly, turned around and left, what was he interested in, why didn't he find himself as a thug, and, what could be more important than Roland, she kept saying that she wanted to warm her bed, and Zhaoxue!

"Hmph! This flamboyant radish called me, but the door is closed!"

Outside the door of Tianer's room, the female staff member named Zhaoxue stomped her feet and said, for some reason, she suddenly fell in love with that charming man in red!

"Zhaoxue~, who told you to run so fast!"

The red shadow flashed, and the visitor smiled, looking at the deflated female staff, it was interesting for some reason, perhaps, life was too monotonous!

"Hmph! Open the door quickly, or I won't serve you anymore!"

Looking at Oscar who came and went without a trace, Zhaoxue bit her red lips and said, one bite for one old lady!
"Whose old lady are you?" Oscar teased.

Zhaoxue, who was angry, had time to think about it in the future, and replied directly: "Your old lady!"

After I finished speaking, I regretted it, because looking at Oscar, that bad guy’s smirking face, how can a man look so good-looking, but this guy is so annoying, so I took one out and brought another back, thanks to him, I like the new and dislike the old , and the women around are so beautiful!

"My old lady!" Oscar smiled, taking the opportunity to wrap his arms around her slender waist, pressing the virgin peak, which was as soft as cotton, against his chest.If the beautiful master is here, he will definitely scold: Bad apprentice, don't you even let the female staff go!
"Oscar~, are you there?"

An eager voice came from inside, interrupting the two who were playing!

"Stop messing with you, my bed warming girl is looking for me!"

As Oscar said, he let go of Zhaoxue who had a red face and could squeeze out red pigment, but the development was really good.

"Ah bah, who wants to make trouble with you!"

Zhaoxue replied angrily, but her heart was like a deer bumping wildly, it was difficult to calm down, and she didn't dare to look at this bad man!

Oscar opened the door, and a beautiful figure appeared. It was Roland, the little blind girl. She had slender legs, tender toes, wet hair, and the towering Jungfrau Peak in front of her. Yes, it can be so perfect!
"I! Am I going to die!"

A black light rushed towards Zhaoxue, startling her, but was blocked by a red shadow. Facing the black light, she seemed to have just walked through the gate of hell.

"Zhaoxue, it's okay, I'll cover you! Haha, Roland, have you finished washing?"

Oscar smiled, in front of Zhao Xue, admiring him very much, looking at the cute girl in front of him!

"Well! Oscar, who is she? Didn't anything happen just now?"

Roland asked very worriedly. She knew about the subtle changes in her eyes, because she called Oscar for a while, but when he didn't respond, she came out!
"Okay, it's okay, Zhaoxue, go down, I don't need you anymore, thank you!"

Oscar said, there is really no need, it seems that she was brought up for the convenience of Roland, and now it is fine, I did not expect Roland's perception to be so good.

"Hmph, you're welcome, work requires you to be a sweetheart!"

Zhaoxue looked at the figure named Roland, whose appearance was not inferior to her own. Thinking that she had just been hugged, she said with injustice in her heart, and walked down angrily!

Oscar closed the door. Hearing the anxious closing sound, Zhaoxue who was walking turned around and cursed, "You are so impatient!"

The sound of closing the door sounded, Roland was also startled, his heart pounded like a deer, and he began to think wildly. Now she has nothing in it except a bath towel, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, facing the big bad wolf!
"Little Roland, do you miss me? The blush on his face is as big as a red apple!"

Oscar smiled and walked towards her. The flamboyant jade skin was a pleasure to look at. The delicate little face may be very thin because it is often cold in the snow valley!
"No, Oscar, where did you go just now? I'm so worried!"

Roland heard the sound and felt that she was really scared. She didn't even know where this place was, and she was afraid that Oscar would leave her!
"Find you a scrubber, why are you in such a hurry, my little girl who warms the bed!"

Oscar laughed, took her little hand and hugged her up! !
"Oscar, you, I..."

Roland was so nervous that he stuttered. After all, she was always alone, and now, she wants to! !Giving it to a man I just met not long ago, I will inevitably be nervous!

"Otherwise, my little girl who warms the bed!"

Because of what Roland said before, Oscar said with a smile, but his hands didn't move extra, thinking in his heart, maybe they are all the same, but it's a pity that Master is going to sleep, otherwise he must know what's going on!


Sensing Oscar's hand and pressing it on his back, Roland shouted nervously, Oscar didn't make any other moves, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little lost!
"Don't talk, try to run your soul power, follow this route, and control your martial soul!"

Oscar suddenly said seriously, a thick black and green spiritual energy quietly merged into her body, she was blind because of the martial soul, as long as she controlled it well, she would be a top martial soul, maybe Lian Haotian The martial souls like Hammer Seven Killing Sword are slightly inferior to it!
Feeling a cold breath coming in, the soul power in the body, which was like a pool of stagnant water, began to riot. Two strange eyes, a jade-white light, and a gray-black light, they are like enemies of life and death, entangled with each other Get up, the black light still has the upper hand!
"It's so uncomfortable, Oscar, I feel, I feel, my eyes are going to explode!"

Roland covered his eyes with his hands and cried out in extreme pain. Only this name can make him feel better and comfort him more.

"Roland, hold on, run your soul power, hurry up, think about your family, it was killed by it, you have to try to control it, control it, so that you can see this beautiful world again, you can see To the person you want to see!"

Oscar said seriously, his aura was the fuse, igniting her soul power that had been silent for more than ten years, and now she can only rely on her to channel it!

"Yeah! I'll stick to it!"

Roland straightened her petite body. She has been in pain for so long. Even if she dies, she must fight to the end. Also, look at him...


It has to make people think about it!Among them, Zhaoxue was extremely unhappy, muttering, "What are you doing, screaming so loudly!"

In a warm room, Oscar is already very tired. Roland, the little blind girl, has bloodshot eyes, which shows the pain she has suffered in the past two hours. Her eyes suddenly turned gray, as if she saw it, but it was black and white. There was only one The blurry shadow, fainted for the last time, and fell into Oscar's arms. The spring is infinitely good, but unfortunately, Oscar didn't have the heart to appreciate it. He pulled a warm sheet, thinking, if it wasn't for the recovery effect of the heart and soul bones, the current Roland, who may have died, hugged her delicate body pitifully.

"I will definitely cure you, little girl who wants to warm my bed!"

In the end, I said this with a smile, then put her away and let her have a good rest!

(End of this chapter)

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