Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 200 Going to Assassinate Contra

Chapter 200 Going to Assassinate Contra

"Boss Shangguan, after watching the show for so long, you should show your face!"

After placing Roland, Oscar said to the cabinet on the side, it is indeed much better to have spiritual consciousness, and can detect the surrounding dangers.Sure enough, opening a house is risky, so be careful!
"You are indeed not an ordinary person. What happened just now has only two outcomes. Whether she likes you, she kills you or hurts you. Moreover, even I am not sure how to help her suppress that black glow!"

A plump woman in a snow-white sable fur jacket came out of the cabinet gracefully, and there was a dark passage inside!

"I thought, I'm not interested in your business!"

Oscar replied lightly, he is not stupid, things that you, a soul sage, can't handle, must be bad!Moreover, whatever she likes, I like too!Advertisement, I looked at her, and saw that she still had no intention of leaving!
"Maybe you'll be interested because of her!"

Shangguan Xue'er didn't care either, and she said it plainly, pointing at the sleeping Roland elegantly with her jade hand. She is a businessman, and Oscar's effort to help her has already proved her value. Moreover, this guy even owns employees. Molested!

"Oh? Then tell me, if not, then please leave!"

Oscar also looked at this strong woman with great interest. The snow fox martial spirit, the first-class martial spirit, the cold air, and the charm can all be retracted freely.

"Astrology Tianming Grass! An auxiliary fairy grass that can restore blindness, even if you have been blind for decades, it can restore it, but it will not boost soul power!"

Shangguan Xue'er said, but seeing Oscar's calm expression, she was very disappointed. Even Contra couldn't resist her own seductiveness. How could he be so natural at such a young age!

"Tell me, what do you want me to do, I don't want to do money-losing business!"

Oscar smiled and said, Astrology Tianming Grass, he has seen the effects of the autumn water dew with his own eyes, so the effect of this Astrology Tianming Grass will not be too bad, right?

"It's very simple, help me get rid of Gong Xigan!"

Shangguan Xue'er said very calmly, it seemed that the person to be eliminated was a small person, but the person who can't even deal with this strong woman must also be a soul sage!
"What is your strength now? What is his strength?"

Oscar asked very curiously, looking at this beauty is a kind of enjoyment.

"Me? Then you don't have to worry about it, and his strength is already a level 81 Contra!"

Shangguan Xue'er said calmly, but she was dissatisfied in her heart, wasn't she just one step ahead of her in breaking through, relying on that filthy martial spirit, she still wanted to make her own way!
Iron Claw Bunting Martial Soul, a martial soul represented by desire, needs to be cultivated by women, and the promotion speed is extremely fast. The only flaw is that it cannot break through to Title Douluo in a lifetime!

"Oh! Boss Shangguan really thinks highly of me!"

Oscar said mockingly, an auxiliary celestial grass, if you want to kill a level 81 Contra by yourself, it will really count!
"It's not for you to face him head-on, I'll hold him back, you took advantage of that strange teleportation soul skill to take the opportunity to sneak attack, this is a rotting bone black poisonous nail, once it is nailed, even Contra will surely die! "

As Shangguan Xue'er said, she took out a jade box. Inside the jade box, there was a long black shadow, which made people shudder just looking at it!
"Boss Shangguan, do you have any spare black poisonous nails? Give me a dozen or so to practice first!"

Oscar smiled, Tang San's Hades Posts were useless, he didn't expect there to be a hidden weapon comparable to Hades Posts!
"I only have this one, and it took me a lot of energy to get it. Remember, one hit kills!"

Shangguan Xue'er waved her hand, and said seriously, if she fails, she can only become Gong Xigan's plaything. Thinking of that dirty spirit, there is only one choice at that time!
"Okay, when to act!"

Oscar also said, killing a Soul Douluo, maybe one or two soul bones will drop, everyone lacks these things, and his own woman costs six yuan each, which is a big deal!

"Tomorrow! This guy keeps teasing me, so I'll ask him over tomorrow!"

Shangguan Xue'er said as if she didn't want to wait for a moment!

"Gong Xigan, what evil did you do that makes a beautiful woman want to kill you!" Oscar mourned for Gong Xigan, sure enough, don't provoke women casually!
Oscar smiled and said to Shangguan Xue'er: "Why wait for tomorrow, let's tonight!" Looking at Roland, he hoped to get the Star Grass as soon as possible, so that she could see the light again sooner!
"What do you think, you are in a hurry than me!"

It was rare for Shangguan Xue'er to smile, this smile was charming and charming!
"I can't help it, collect people's money and eliminate disasters from people! It's agreed, I will give you all the valuables on Gong Xigan's body!"

Oscar smiled, for those who throw eagles when they don't see rabbits, a Contra's net worth should not be bad!
"Okay, so you don't have long nights and dreams!" Shangguan Xue'er sighed, feeling like she was at a loss. As a businessman, she was cheated by a little man younger than herself.

On the way, Oscar learned that the Gongxi clan, the largest clan in Frozen City, was originally in the capital of the kingdom. The family squeezed out, so they moved to Frozen City for development!
In Frozen City, there is Gong Xigan guarding the city. The Gongxi family is like an emperor here. Even the daughter of the lord of the Frozen City was brutally murdered. He was played to death by Gong Xigan and his son. They all dedicate their own clan's female relatives, begging for survival!

At night, with snow sandwiched, except for a little light during the day, the rest of the time is almost all white!
Gongxi Mansion!Only the Gongxi tribe has the strength to live in the largest mansion in Frozen City, and at this time, two charming figures, one red and one white, sneak in!
"Hmm! It's necrotic, and I need someone to perform this action! But, you are much better than your son!"

"It's better to be young, you can come a few more times, Young Master Long, you are so amazing..."

There was a blushing sound coming from two relatively obvious rooms!Obviously, because the other rooms are dark, only these two places are lit, and they are the most remote!
"Why are you dragging me!"

The woman in a white leather jacket spoke to a festive man in red, with some sense of reproach.

"This, can you let them solve it before going on, after all, if you die after being romantic, you will die without regret, right?"

Oscar smiled wryly, as a man, interrupting other people's things is simply unreasonable, cough!Still with a big beauty, the influence is a bit bad!

"You are so wordy, I wonder if you are a man after all!"

Shangguan Xue'er glared at Oscar and said, "Father and son have a lot of romantic affairs, those who have no strength are almost ruined!"
"Uh, don't you like watching Gongxi fuck without clothes?"

Oscar was speechless, she was obviously a strong woman, wouldn't she know this?Could it be that she has feelings for Gong Xigan?But no, he still wears clothes for the women who come to his door?

"Bah, don't talk, just play by ear!" Shangguan Xue'er replied to Oscar, and the two started to act!

(End of this chapter)

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