Chapter 205

"Why did it even come here!"

Shangguan Xue'er looked at the giant shadow in the sky, wrinkled charmingly, and the snow-white spirit beast Snow Eagle that appeared was another overlord spirit beast in the forest. Looking at Oscar who was still absorbing the spirit ring, she smiled wryly, didn't she? He was so lucky, he had never encountered such a good thing in his life!
"Snow Fox True Body!"

Facing the attacking eagle claws, Shangguan Xue'er turned into a snow fox, and escaped the snow eagle's giant claws, her martial spirit was suppressed!
Xue Ying missed the shot and circled down again, aiming at the 10-year-old soul beast corpse next to Oscar!

Shangguan Xue'er rushed over and stood in front of Oscar. The sharp giant claws were right in front of her eyes. She was running her soul power desperately to resist. If she was caught by the claws, she would be seriously injured if she didn't die!

Martial spirit was suppressed, just when Shangguan Xueer was smiling and was about to give up, a longing and familiar hand hugged her slender waist!

"Xue'er, thank you for your hard work!"

Standing behind her was a charming man in red, whispering in her ear, the heat made her numb, and the man slowly raised his right hand!

"Chain, bundle!"

With a low shout, thousands of terrifying black chains entangled the unprepared Snow Eagle, and instantly tied it into a big rice dumpling. There were also other ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts who were eyeing it!

"Huh! Little man, I thought I was going to die!"

Seeing Xue Ying being subdued in an instant, Shangguan Xue'er stretched her pretty eyebrows, leaning against Oscar's arms, and said comfortably.

"Don't worry, with me here, you will be fine, you have worked so hard, I have to thank you very much!"

Oscar talked and laughed, and lowered his head to kiss her charming red lips. Taking advantage of the confusion, a stream of cold thick liquid was sent into her mouth, and he pressed her belly with his hands, a stream of pure aura flowed through. Smooth skin!
"Hmm! Oscar~, what is that?"

A burst of cold refreshed her, Gulu swallowed a lump of sticky stuff, Shangguan Xueer asked curiously, she is so beautiful, Oscar will not harm her!

"That's a good thing!"

Oscar smiled, but his heart was twitching. This was snatched from the mouth of the rogue master. Anyway, he came here to help his woman break through. A strong woman at the level of Contra, full of sense of accomplishment .

"My soul power, Oscar, I have broken through!"

At this time, Shangguan Xue'er was like a young girl in the snowflakes, cheering happily.

"Yes, Xue'er, congratulations, there are so many ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts, which one do you like?"

Oscar hugged her excitedly, pointed to the surrounding spirit beasts and said, these spirit beasts have cultivation bases above [-], they should be half of the "powerhouses" in the Frozen Forest, and they are all locked by a black chain at this moment .

"~, your sixth soul ring is 10 years old, and I really want a 10-year-old one!"

Shangguan Xue'er thought for a while, and said to Oscar with some dissatisfaction, except for a 6-year-old Snow Mountain Flying Fox, the 7-year-old Snow Eagle has the highest age limit!

"Uh! Alright, Xue'er, wait for your ninth spirit ring, and I'll take you to find a 10-year-old one!"

Oscar smiled awkwardly, and comforted the fairy woman, 10-year-old soul beasts are rare, and this continent doesn't have them, which doesn't mean there aren't any in other continents.

"Then it's done, you have to remember! Now, I want it!"

Seeing the success of the plot, Shangguan Xue'er pointed to the huge Snow Eagle and said, the eighth spirit ring is more than 5 years old, she is not as perverted as Oscar, and the sixth spirit ring is the 10-year spirit ring.

"Okay, Xue'er, wait a minute!"

Oscar said, thinking, he took the Forest King Soul Ring from the Frozen Forest, and Shangguan Xueer took the Sky King, it was considered the fall of the two kings, could it be considered as the king kill?
"Chains of misfortune, Shi!"

Oscar calmly let go of the chain, and the trembling Snow Eagle jumped up immediately, wanting to leave this terrifying human being, but it could understand what the two said, if it didn't run away quickly, it would be doomed.

"Oscar, why did you let go of it? Are you trying to anger me!"

Shangguan Xue'er said coquettishly, that is her eighth spirit ring, the unique 7-year spirit ring!

"Xue'er, what are you worried about? You still don't trust me, your man. You have just made a breakthrough, and your strength has increased too fast, and you can't fully control it. I want to use it to practice my hands!"

Oscar smiled leisurely. In the middle of the fusion period, the soul power is equivalent to the 65th level of a soul master. It has been suppressed for half a year, and with the energy of a 10-year soul ring, the improvement is a bit vain now, and needs to be polished and implemented.

"But it can fly..."

Before Shangguan Xue'er could finish speaking, she was shocked. Oscar tapped his toes, his figure flashed, passed the giant shadow, and rushed in front of it at an extremely fast speed.

"Mysterious Nether Body!"

With the black mist subsiding and his body shining like black jade, Oscar plans to have a head-to-head battle to win!

Xue Ying screamed, very angry, it was this person again, this guy who hurt him last time!

The giant claw collided with the black jade-like fist, and there was a loud noise. One man and one beast retreated, and then they all fought back with all their strength, as if either you die or I live.

"You have a sharp claw, I have a handprint, look at my Xuanming handprint!"

Looking at the eagle claws that were close at hand, Oscar quickly pinched his fingers, and the aura from his body flowed in continuously. This is a combat mode beyond the stage of transforming gods. The higher the realm, the stronger the recovery, and he no longer has to hide his clumsiness. !
"Xuanming handprint!"

A huge black handprint was formed and struck out, simple and solemn, facing the attacking giant claws!

There was a loud noise in the sky, and the scattered mist formed a mushroom cloud of ice and snow, which was very spectacular!
"You are such a pervert. You are so young and you can fight alone with the king of the sky Xueying for so long, and you still have the upper hand. I, Shangguan Xue'er, have really good eyesight!"

Shangguan Xue'er, who was watching the battle below, raised her lips slightly, she was very satisfied with this man!
In the sky, snow-white feathers mixed with snowflakes fell, making it hard to tell what it was. There was also dripping blood, which instantly condensed into ice slag.

"Come on! Let the blizzard come more violently!"

Looking at the fluttering snow eagle and the chilling wind and snow, Oscar said with a smile, a soul beast that combines wind and ice attributes!

Xue Ying was furious and despised the eagle too much, the eagle's claws came to Oscar again, vowing to tear him apart.

"Hmph! It's almost time for practice, it's time to end!"

Facing Eagle Claw, Oscar suddenly became serious. He was afraid that if he killed Xue Ying, it would be difficult for the big goblin to explain it!
"Xuan Ming flashes!"

Oscar pressed Blink, and a red shadow appeared on Snow Eagle's huge back, and he did not forget to praise, "If Xue'er didn't need to absorb you to advance, it would be good to use it as a spiritual pet, at least it can fly!"

After the praise, the black and bright fists came down, making the black eagle tremble, Xue Ying wanted to say, it's too torture, let's give it a good time!
"Howling! Howling!"

Snow Eagle screamed, feeling the endless pain, looking at the purple flame with sharp eyes, his soul trembled, and he began to fall extremely fast, intending to die with him!
(End of this chapter)

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