Chapter 206

A huge snowball fell from the sky and slammed into the deep ice layer, accompanied by a loud noise, like a snow mountain cracking!
A big, snow-white eagle was already lying on its stomach weakly, without any movement, as if it was dead!
"Oscar, are you okay!"

Shangguan Xue'er worriedly pulled the man in the red shadow and asked, looking through to see if there were any missing arms or legs. After all, it was a thousand meters above the sky!

"Okay, Xue'er, I'm fine, go give it the last blow!"

Oscar grabbed her slippery hand, smiled, this little impact would not cause any harm to him, when Xuanming's body was fully developed, with the fairy sword in his left hand and the chain in his right hand, even Titled Douluo could fight!

"Well! Thank you for your hard work!"

Shangguan Xue'er smiled, imitating Oscar's appearance just now, like a dragonfly on the water, a little on his face.


Shangguan Xue'er approached the 7-year-old soul beast Snow Eagle, took out a sharp dagger, and killed it with one blow.

Xue Ying, it has been destroyed by Netherfire, and it is also the most relaxed ten-thousand-year spirit ring that Shangguan Xueer has absorbed. Its quality is not comparable to that of other Contra eighth spirit rings, even though she has three thousand-year spirit rings !
"Oscar, then I will absorb it!"

I was very excited in my heart, but I still shouted at my little man to make him feel at ease!

"Okay, you are also looking forward to becoming a Contra!"

Oscar waved his hand and smiled.When seeing the untouched corpse of the Emperor of Mirror Image, a purple light flickered on its head, and it smiled again, "This silly woman can resist the temptation of the soul bone!"

The quality of a 10-year-old soul bone can be imagined!What's more, this is the head soul bone that is only inferior to the driving bone!
"Natural scales! It has fulfilled me, and the demon poison's natal feathers have not been used yet!"

Oscar took out the purple soul bone, and then took off a purple mirror on the mirror beast's forehead and smiled wryly. This is another treasure, it should be the effect of mirror image replication!

Oscar flicked a flame, flicked it out again, and said with a smile: "Master said that a ninth-level monster is a treasure, so make the most of it, and save it for Xueer to see, she should know how to make good use of it! "

Then, looking at Shangguan Xueer who was still absorbing, Oscar threw out a black robe, and a person who was almost the same appeared beside him!

"You are my avatar, since I am called Oscar now, then you should be called Xuanming!"

Oscar said to that person, took out a gold-rimmed orchid half-covered mask, and put it on, so that it couldn't cover that charming half of his face!
"Master also said that clones can absorb energy for self-cultivation. Although I am now level 65, my strength exceeds Soul Douluo. Can I absorb nine spirit rings?"

Oscar looked at the avatar Xuanming and muttered, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, at that time he would be an avatar of a Titled Douluo, a powerhouse at the Tribulation Stage level!

"Xuanming, go, try absorbing a few thousand-year spirit rings!"

Oscar ordered, there are quite a few ten thousand year spirit beasts around!

The dull avatar Xuanming responded, walking towards the weakest soul beast. It can be said that he is controlled by Oscar, and the soul is a soul split by Oscar.

Jingle Jingle!

A black chain instantly strangled the weak ten thousand year spirit beast, a majestic black spirit ring appeared, Xuan Ming began to sit cross-legged, pulling the spirit ring, he himself was a martial spirit!

"I didn't expect to be able to borrow my strength!"

Seeing Xuan Ming who just made a move, Oscar sighed, "I don't know what level of pervert Master is, what he created is so powerful, he is standing on the shoulders of giants!"
Half an hour later, a simple and beautiful black soul ring rose from Xuan Ming's body, which was very shocking!

Immediately afterwards, Oscar signaled him to continue absorbing, half an hour passed, the second black soul ring rose, Oscar was very excited, the title Douluo with nine black soul rings, when the time comes, he might be scared to death .

"Oscar, I succeeded, I am Contra!"

Before the moment arrived, there was a joyful and moving voice, followed by a white and alluring person!

"Congratulations, Xue'er, by the way, at what age did you become Contra, tell me!"

Oscar put his arms around the visitor, and asked with a smile, she looked about 30 years old, and Gong Xigan also said that she was over 30, how much is it, I am also curious!
"Hmph! Do you dislike me for being too old!"

Listening to Oscar's words, Shangguan Xue'er was taken aback for a moment, bit her red lips tightly and said, but she thought in her heart that Oscar looked like he was only about 20 years old at most, and he was about 20 years younger than himself!
"Xue'er, you are so beautiful, how could I despise you!"

Oscar hugged her slender waist, and comforted him, maybe at his age, all his women combined, he could not live as long as him, but compared with Master, alas!
"Xiao Ao, do you really want to know how old I am!"

Shangguan Xue'er looked at the charming man, and asked in a soft voice, how could she, who became a Contra, look like such a small woman!
Oscar smiled and replied: "I won't force you if you don't tell me, I'm just happy for you, Contra's strength, I believe in you, you will always be young and beautiful!"

"Slick, do you often say that to other women!"

Shangguan Xue'er twisted Oscar's waist, and said proudly, sweet talk, that woman didn't like to hear it.

"No, I'll send four!" Oscar said with three fingers upright, very honest.

"Hmph, I believe you for the time being!" Shangguan Xue'er frowned and smiled, and then said seriously: "Oscar, have you absorbed that spirit bone?"

"No, I plan to leave it to you!"

As Oscar said, he took out a small purple noble bone and handed it to Shangguan Xueer.

"Tch! I'm from the control system, this one is suitable for the auxiliary system, you should absorb it, it should be somewhat related to your ten thousand year spirit ring, they complement each other, and Snow Eagle might have one!"

Shangguan Xueer's eyes were full of salivation, she concealed it, and she resigned calmly, but she was even more moved. He still kept the 10-year-old soul bone for herself.

"Well, let's go, Xue'er, see if the mirror image beast is worth anything!"

Oscar smiled, it was really hard for her, he didn't eat any meat in his mouth.Walking to Xue Ying's side, he was covered in snow-white feathers, and those eagle claws could be forged into weapons!

In the frozen forest, dozens of soul beasts were impressed, and the husband and wife began to be busy. Shangguan Xueer carefully collected every bit of the mirror image beast, which was produced in 10 years, and Oscar took off the eagle claws, as well as brains and other valuables. He began to burn Xue Ying's remnant body with Nether Fire, hoping to give her a good soul bone!

"Oscar, who is he?"

A black shadow returned between the two of them, standing there blankly, causing Shangguan Xue'er to exclaim, completely forgetting that she is still a strong Contra.

"He, my trumpet!" Oscar said casually.

Shangguan Xueer was puzzled and asked, "What is a trumpet?"

Oscar was embarrassed, and replied: "Uh! It's my little brother!" Then he motioned Xuanming to find the star-like Tianmingcao!
smash it!

A small cyan crystal-like bone fell, breaking the embarrassment between the two of them!
"It's a 7-year-old right arm spirit bone of wind and snow!"

Shangguan Xueer shouted, and hurriedly snatched the cyan crystal soul bone that Oscar had just picked up. For some reason, this soul bone became so beautiful, crystal clear!

"Okay, Xue'er, it's yours now, and this trip is complete, let's go!"

Pulling Shangguan Xue'er, Oscar smiled, and took a 10-year-old soul bone himself, and this soul bone belonged to her!

In the end, Xuan Ming returned, holding a sprig of green grass in his hand. After Shangguan Xue'er confirmed it, the trip was rewarding!
(End of this chapter)

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