Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 208 Roland Sees the Light Again

Chapter 208 Roland Sees the Light Again
"It's me, little Roland, why are you still crying!"

Oscar responded with a smile, looking at the girl with crystal eyelashes, that charming appearance, isn't it just going out for a night, as for crying like a little cat!

"Oscar, I, I thought you didn't want me anymore!"

Sensing the approaching Oscar, he grabbed the red shirt he left behind, and the little blind girl Roland hugged him persistently, crying.In Roland's mind, he was her companion, which Oscar didn't know.She was pitiful, sniffing the fresh breath on his body fiercely, feeling the softness and warmth of his body, as if she was afraid that someone would snatch him away!
"How come, I'm so ugly, you are the first little girl who wants to warm my bed, and you haven't warmed my bed yet!"

He hugged her delicate waist, stroked her fragrant hair, and said softly.Maybe it's her life experience, sympathy for each other, or maybe it's her beauty that makes me nostalgic.The loneliness of more than ten years and thousands of years is the same, and it also needs someone to care, and he is indeed her warmth!

"Oscar, when I woke up and didn't find you, I was really scared, afraid that you would leave me, I, I want to be with you forever, don't leave me in the future, is that okay!"

Roland's weird eyes were filled with crystal tears, and he asked him in a pleading, eager, and longing tone!
"Well, I'm ugly. Besides, I'm a fickle girl. I want to find many women!"

Oscar fooled her and said that he felt sorry for her, but this was unfair to her, this was only the world of her own consciousness.

"I don't care. Didn't you say that I am beautiful? Just marry me. I will accompany you well. I will have children for you. I will..."

The more Roland talked, the more excited he became, with a red cloud on his face, he was very charming, but he had to say that she liked his breath and needed his company!
Oscar comforted: "Okay, little Roland, let's continue today. I found you a good fairy grass, which is very good for your eyes. When you see the light again, you will have your own life." !" Humans are not grass and trees, how can one be ruthless, Oscar said that he was not moved by her words, that is impossible!

"Well, I also want to see what my future husband looks like!"

Roland calmed down, and said like a shy green apple, thinking, Oscar should be looking for the fairy grass for himself, and he is even more dependent on him in his heart!

Take out the Astral Grass from the medicine bag, it shines with a faint blue light, like a star, Oscar smiled and said: "Come on, housewarming girl, open your mouth!"


The little blind girl Roland smiled. He was still so unruly, but he still opened his mouth. Suddenly, he felt a piece of coolness in his mouth. She just didn't know that mints taste like this!

"Roland, swallow it, and then we will continue!"

Oscar said seriously, she has been out of sight for 12 years, and this time is the only time to watch, hope she can live like a normal person, Oscar prayed.

On the soft big bed, Roland turned his back to Oscar, feeling the warm hands on his back, Roland began to follow the intruding cool breath, channeling his soul power, one by one, and then, a gentle, cold feeling in his body The energy radiates.

Suddenly, two rays of light burst out from her eyes. They were black and white rays of light that had appeared before, and they were even stronger. Even Oscar trembled. Looking at the soft jade-white light, it seemed to be able to heal everything in the world, like nectar, And that black light, like a god of death, can destroy everything. It is completely two extreme forces, like black and white fish. They began to fight and spin. This time, the white fish has the upper hand. new!
Finally, the black and white awns returned to Roland's eyeballs and gradually faded away. A pair of watery blue crystal-like pupils flickered. She looked around happily, a clean, tidy and unique room!


Yin Hong's small mouth trembled and said this sentence intermittently. It has been 12 years, and he has been blind for 12 years. Now he has lost his sight again. Sad tears fell, thinking why he didn't meet Oscar sooner, like that My family will not die!
"Don't be sad, Roland, guide your soul power!"

Oscar reminded, looking at this sad person, comforted her, and was also happy for her, she can see the light again!

"Well! Thank you, my husband!"

Roland withdrew Yulu, and said in an ant-like voice, her face was slightly hot. After seeing it, her own senses seemed to become stronger, and then channeled the scurrying soul power, which felt beautiful!

"What a deep and pure soul power. Based on this amount, it shouldn't be inferior to the Soul Sect!"

After guiding it once, Oscar was shocked. She had been living in the frozen forest for 12 years and endured the extreme cold. Thinking about it, her innate soul power should not be low when she awakened, but she just didn’t have a soul ring. Those who can guide her are enlightened!
"Okay, Roland, are you sure you want to see me, I'm ugly!"

Oscar withdrew his hand, held the long sleeve of the red robe with his left hand and asked with a smile covering his face, saying that if life is boring, just tease the girl!

"Of course, you are the first person to accompany me, and I am also mine..." Roland blushed, and said happily, making such a big determination to treat him as a family member, and finally blamed: "Oh, Oscar, I I won't dislike you, take it down and let me see it!"

To regain her light, the first thing she wanted to see was not what she looked like, but to see this "bad and ugly" man who helped her.

Putting down the long sleeves of the red dress, Roland's watery blue eyes looked at this dark, shiny, disheveled hair, with peach blossoms in his eyes, and that delicate face like a beauty. He was wearing a red wedding dress, very charming. The appearance makes people feel like the spring breeze is blowing, very comfortable!
"What a nice view!"

Roland smiled foolishly, and finally uttered these two words. With his delicate melon-shaped face, like a young girl in love, she looked at the man in front of her with a springy look!
"That's right, it's obviously ugly!"

Oscar touched his face, smiled and said, unexpectedly, he inadvertently fell in love with one of the thousands of girls.

"Oscar, tell you to lie to me, watch!"

Roland laughed, clenched his pink fist, and rushed over.At the beginning, she was still worried in her heart. What Oscar said was covered in pus, and she had even touched it. She was planning for the worst, and gritted her teeth to see it. She never thought that this man would lie to her. With a jealous face, he even called himself ugly!

Oscar didn't get out of the way, and let her pounce on him. Unexpectedly, the final posture was very unsightly. The eighteen-year-old Roland, who was as beautiful as a flower, pressed on his body, with four eyes and two pairs of eyes, making her confused and confused.

"Roland, congratulations!"

Oscar looked at the girl's red lips and wanted to point them down, stroked her hair and smiled, also to interrupt her, she will be a normal person from now on!
Cher Hotel, outside the gate!
"Elder Asi, this is the place!" A middle-aged man holding a compass pointed at the hotel and said, very sure!

"Jie Jie, Aman, you've done a good job. It seems that my A clan is going to make the people in Frozen City scream again. I really miss their terrified expressions!"

The old man named Elder Asi smiled evilly, and then walked into the hotel calmly and naturally!

(End of this chapter)

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