Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 209 The Troubled Hotel

Chapter 209 The Troubled Hotel

"Hello! Here is the price list for the house!"

At the counter in the hotel, there was no entertainment, and Zhaoxue, who was bored in every possible way, looked at an old man and three middle-aged men in extraordinary clothes who came in, politely took out a price list, and said with a smile!
"It's a pity, such a beautiful girl is actually an ordinary person!"

Behind the old man over [-] years old, a middle-aged man smiled lewdly, a little regretful, but still licked his lips and stared at Zhaoxue at the counter!
"Girl, we didn't come here for housing. Do you have any strong people here!" The middle-aged man named Amang asked with a blank expression.

"The strong one, just our boss, she is the soul sage of the seven rings!" Zhaoxue frowned, and she didn't even have a room in the hotel, but when it comes to the strong, in her heart, Shangguan Xue'er is the strongest, because she She has never seen Contra, Titled Douluo, she is just an ordinary person.

"Well! Ah Yin, she will give it to you. Although she is ordinary, her body and appearance are first-class. Remember, the tormented ones are a little bit worse!" It is impossible to ask, use her as bait, not afraid that the people behind will not come out!

"You, what do you want to do, don't mess around, or our boss won't let you go!"

Listening to the old man's unkind words, and the middle-aged man who came behind him with a lewd smile, she had been working here for so long, she couldn't understand the meaning of the words, her expression was slightly flustered, and she started to back away, kicking a Hidden button!
"Tick tock, tick tock!"

In Shangguan Xueer's hidden room, there was an alarm sound at this time, but the beautiful woman on the soft big bed was wearing a loose silk dress at this time, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, obviously she was in a dream!

Hotel Lobby!

There was a squeak, the sound of clothes being ripped open, a man in his forties was chasing a young girl who was in full bloom!

"No, if you do this, our boss will not let you go!"

Zhaoxue was scared, her boss hadn't appeared yet, so she dodged and said tremblingly, but she didn't know that she was facing some beasts that were not as good as animals!

"Hey! Just ask your boss to come out and shout louder!"

A middle-aged man named Ah Yin pulled her long hair, smiled evilly, and bared again. At this time, Zhaoxue, except for an obscene dress, was already exposed to the upper body, and the jade-white tall and straight peaks were like The little rabbit jumped, and a jade ditch made that middle-aged man even more beastly!
"~! No! Oscar! Oscar! Save me!"

Zhaoxue looked at the protruding claws, her boss hadn't seen anything for a long time, and the last straw in her heart was that charming but annoying playboy, shouting loudly!

In the top room of Tian Er, such a beautiful thing is happening, a young girl is pressing down on a man in red, her jade lips want to kiss him, when there is only a thin line between their lips, Oscar suddenly grabs Her fragrant shoulders!
"Roland, I seem to hear someone calling me!"

Oscar looked at the puzzled girl and said to her.Then the consciousness swept out, covering the entire hotel, some rooms were full of unsightly scenes, and there were several aunt-level cleaners cleaning the rooms.When we reached the hall, the scene was messy, and the decorative flower pots were all broken all over the floor. An old man, two middle-aged men, and one were standing there, tearing the dress of a young girl. She was trying her best to protect herself. !

"Damn it, you dare to mess around with my woman!"

Oscar was angry. Seeing that scene, he grabbed the robe that Roland had hugged to sleep before, and put his arms around Roland's slender waist. A red shadow flashed, and in the blink of an eye, the two had disappeared into the room.


There was a sudden loud noise, and a black shadow was embedded in the snow-white wall not far away. It seemed that half of his life was gone!

"Oscar! Oscar! I'm so scared!"

Looking at the red shadow in front of her eyes, Zhaoxue hugged him tightly like a drowning person!
"It's okay, Zhaoxue, put on your clothes!"

Oscar comforted her, and covered her perfect body with clothes to conceal her exquisite figure!

"Roland, look at her first!"

Oscar's expression became cold, and Roland pushed Zhaoxue aside, and said to her, Roland also nodded, took Zhaoxue, and comforted her.

"Elder Asi, he has the aura of that soul beast!"

The middle-aged man named Amang said with a blank face. For Oscar who appeared, he just thought he was a sneak attack. The only thing that surprised him was Oscar's appearance, young and charming!

"Your Excellency, we are not malicious, we are just looking for something! We will compensate the loss here according to the price, and in addition, we will compensate a spirit bone!"

The old man at the head, listening to Amon's words, and then looking at Oscar, who was as cold as an iceberg, said tremblingly, the situation is stronger than others.Why didn't he know that Ah Yin was his capable subordinate, who was close to the strength of a soul sage, and was hit by someone who killed half of his life. There is no guarantee that it will be so easy, which shows how powerful he is!
"Then what if I disagree!"

Oscar's eyes stared at him like a beast, and said coldly!

"Then we have to grab it hard, Amon, Axie!"

The old man said suddenly, two yellow, two purple, four black, and eight soul rings lit up on his body. The martial soul turned out to be an unknown and transparent undead creature. It is the six-ring soul emperor with a black evil humanoid spirit, and they all have the best soul rings. The three of them complement each other, making the old man almost as powerful as a titled Douluo!

"Jie Jie! Kid, you can die from the fusion attack of the soul skills of the three of us, you will die with no regrets!" The old man smiled viciously, full of confidence, and looked at Oscar as if he was looking at a dead person.

"That's right! It's not certain who will die!"

Oscar said coldly, pinching his fingers quickly, and staring at the terrifying black evil creature staring more and more, it seemed to be a ghost from the world of the undead!

"Go, evil king of the undead, tear him and his soul apart!"

The old man used all his strength to make the king-level undead attack Oscar!

"Come on! Xuan Ming Mahamudra!"

The instantly condensed black quaint big handprint crashed into the king-level undead!

"We can't destroy this place, Xuanming shrouds us!"

Oscar watched the violent impact, and the whole hotel was shaking, as if facing the threat of collapsing all the time!
"Oscar, it's just a hotel, teach them a lesson, dare to bully my employees, not a single one will stay!"

A boss-like voice came. Seeing this scene, and Zhaoxue in Oscar's red dress, she knew what was going on after thinking about it, she was here to find fault!
"That's fine! You have money, demolish your hotel, at worst you build another one!"

Oscar changed his coldness and smiled provocatively, completely ignoring the three people opposite him!

"All evil is haunted!"

Dozens of extremely fast chains, like cunning snakes, tightly wrapped around the three people opposite, absorbing the strange spirits of that Contra and Soul Emperor!
"No! Your Excellency, my lord, if you have something to say, if you have something to say, we are willing to compensate you!"

The old man was terrified, watching his undead martial soul being devoured. In Douluo, the martial soul is the foundation of a soul master. If the martial soul is destroyed, it will be abolished. The consequences will be worse than death!
"Oh? How to compensate!" Oscar asked with great interest. The old man hadn't let go of his breath when he saw a faint purple flame that made his soul tremble!
"Roland, don't look!"

Oscar turned Roland Zhaoxue over, and the heart-piercing voices of the three came from behind. The pain in the soul was a hundred times more intense than the physical body!
In the end, only one half-dead was left, and that one was left to Shangguan Xueer!
(End of this chapter)

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