Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 213 Immortal, Ice Field

Chapter 213 Immortal, Ice Field
The voice fell, and a black light flashed, and a beautiful and charming beauty in a long black gauze dress appeared. I saw her gently brushing her long hair, and she was full of fairy spirit. It's like a fairy descending to earth!
"Master, Master..."

Looking at the beautiful master who appeared, Oscar looked like a very wronged child, his mouth trembled slightly, and he called out!
"Hey, you have Master backing you up!"

She interrupted Oscar's Burning Shouyuan, hooked his chin with her jade finger, looked at his delicate face, and said with a playful smile!
"Yeah, master, beat him up, let my disciples see you show your might!"

Oscar looked at the charming goblin master, as if he was infected by her, he ignored the big handprints and said with a smile instead.I also suddenly felt refreshed, and I didn't know if Master had done something to me secretly, and the vain aura in my body became pure!

"Tch! What a show of supernatural power, just a guy who has just been promoted to a fairy, just a divine idea, silly apprentice, don't call Master so violent, okay?"

Hong Ming looked at Lingdi's divine sense, and said with disdain, then glared at his playful apprentice, how could this guy be stupid when he saw him.

For Oscar, the level of Lingdi is several levels lower. Oscar is also curious, heavenly?After crossing the catastrophe, is it a fairy?


With a wave of Hong Mingyu's hand, an invisible force quickly dissipated the huge palm print!

Lingdi looked at the woman who appeared suddenly, and lightly dispelled his attack, he was also surprised, which showed that her strength was also higher than his own, and there was only one thought in his mind, the god of this world came, he turned around and wanted to While escaping, a black shadow passed by!
The woman who appeared like a ghost made him powerless to resist!

"Great God, I have something to say, Ben~, oh no, it's a villain who has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai, and offends your inheritors. I promise, I won't dare to do it next time!"

Lingdi, who was held by Hong Mingru's little chicken, instantly confessed his weakness, and he did not have the domineering appearance of an emperor before!
"Hmph! Is there a next time, this emperor, I also really like the energy of a strong undead creature like you, I haven't tasted it for a long time!"

Hongming's red lips trembled, and he said to Lingdi in a soft voice, Oscar below had no idea what they were talking about, the only thing he knew was Lingdi's cowardice!

"No! This is just a wisp of my energy, you won't improve much if you devour it, let me go, I promise I will never come here again!"

Lingdi said in horror, all spiritual thoughts are swallowed, although he will not die, but it will also cause serious damage to his vitality, and it will take a lot of time to recover.

Hong Ming smiled and said: "Who said I want to use it to improve, hehe, I am still injured, you startled me out, this is considered interest!"

If Oscar knew this, he would definitely make fun of it. Teacher, every time you come out, you really want to get something out of it!
"Forget it, since you can't escape, I have a small request, can I know your emperor title, if that's the case, I'll know who's defeated!"

In the end, Emperor Ling admitted that she was too strong, and under her coercion, he couldn't even develop the consciousness of resistance.

"The emperor's name, remember, this emperor's emperor's name: Ming!"

Hong Ming said plainly, and the ray of spiritual thoughts of Emperor Ling in his hand turned into a black mist, which was finally absorbed by her!
"Uh! Master! Is this the end?"

Looking at Hong Ming who seemed to be enjoying himself with his jade neck held high, Oscar asked softly.This is too simple, that is a god, shouldn't there be an earth-shattering battle, and then shook his head immediately, his master is an immortal, an existence that even the Silver Dragon King is not afraid of!
"Otherwise, what else can I do? It's just a god-level divine sense. Stupid apprentice, I lost a piece of original power for my teacher. Tell me, how should I punish you!"

Hong Ming, who landed from the sky, poked Oscar's head with his jade hand and said.They could have lived a peaceful life for the two of them, but they were put into a deep sleep for several days by this apprentice. After absorbing the Lingdi, they thought again, as expected of an undead creature with a pure soul. !

"The apprentice knows his mistakes, but what the master taught is, hey! Master, how do these immortals divide?!"

Oscar didn't take it seriously, he took her hand and smiled to admit his mistake, and then asked again.This master can't be fooled, he wants to become stronger!
"Is there a division of immortals! Now that you have been in contact with it, let me tell you, you are now an earth immortal practitioner, and you will become a heavenly immortal after crossing the catastrophe. If you fail, you will be an ordinary loose immortal. The dead kind!"

The beautiful master said casually, looking at the perverted apprentice, he glared at him with phoenix eyes!
"Master, what about the Empress Dowager?" Oscar asked with a sly smile. No wonder Master said that Emperor Ling was just a god who had just entered the rank of Immortal.

Glancing at this apprentice, Hong Ming said again: "After being a celestial being, one must comprehend the mysteries of the universe. Once one realizes the Dao, one's mana will pass through the occult, and one will become a celestial being. Afterwards, one must refine the Immortal Physique without leaks, avoid the five decays of heaven and man, and surpass Those outside the Three Realms are not among the Five Elements, and if you comprehend the law, you are a Golden Immortal!"

Oscar was excited, and then asked, "And then!"

Hong Ming shook his head, thinking, don't you care about being a teacher, and said slightly angrily: "No more, there are so many divisions,"

"Eh! Then what level of immortal are you, master!" Oscar was curious, knowing Xintiandi, a seed sprouted in his heart!
"Golden Immortal! Come on, don't ask so many questions, remember to make something delicious for me!"

Hong Ming smiled slightly, approached Oscar, touched her red lips, and then turned into a small Hong Ming, like a koala hanging in Oscar's arms. The first level is not so easy to improve, sometimes it takes tens of thousands of years to advance to a small level!
Oscar stroked the little master's hair, thinking in his heart, Jinxian, master, don't worry, I will become stronger, and one day, I can protect you!

Oscar walked towards the frozen forest, where there are many good ingredients, he can cook a delicious meal for Master, and honor her well!
In fact, he still doesn't know that Xuan Xian, who has profound mana, needs to comprehend his own laws, refine into a flawless immortal body, become a golden immortal, and also condense his own Dao fruit. The most common ones are Taiyi Sanshu and Daluo Zhengguo!

In a world where the undead run rampant, somewhere in the gods, a young man spurted out a mouthful of black blood!
"The emperor's name is Ming, it's her, it's this crazy woman, she's not dead yet!"

The young man's slender body trembled and said, recalling the scene thousands of years ago, he was still a small spirit pawn, but he witnessed with his own eyes that female Shura who was like a world of undead, a lunatic who devoured the lives of tens of thousands of undead.

An endless snow field, a snow-capped world, only wind and snow, a mountain dancing with silver snakes, and the original scene of wax figures!
Suddenly, the earth shook and the mountains shook!
"Snowfield Mammoth!"

A red shadow hiding in the snowfield watched a dozen or so mammoths with a body like a hill, covered with brown manes, not afraid of the cold of the ice field, with long noses and big curved teeth walking around. Among the ten or so mammoths, there were actually five Only those who have lived for more than ten thousand years, with their powerful defense and strength, they are considered extremely powerful in the ice field!

Here, it is the depths of the extreme north, the forbidden area for human beings, the ice field!
(End of this chapter)

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