Chapter 214 Three in 10 years

In the world of ice and snow, Oscar did not disturb the life of the mammoth in the ice field, but continued to go deeper. Under this biting cold, he planned to spend a few years to absorb the cold air and refine his Xuanming body to perfection. Anyway, his soul power was already 66. Level, it will be even better if it breaks through to the void stage in the next four years or so!

Make a decision before making a move, let's do it if we say it!
"Huh! I have to find a place to stay quickly, there are thousands of year-old soul beasts jumping around!"

At the end of the day, Oscar muttered, the beauty master had already had a full meal, and hid in the Xuanming sword, one sentence: Don't call her if there is nothing to eat!
Xu Qingri, Oscar searched several places, but was not satisfied, so he could only search day and night!
A few days passed in a flash, and I felt that the Xuanming body was completely silent.

Just today, when Oscar was about to go out to look for the Qihan Snow Cave again, he ran into a stalking big man!
He was very concealed, and he wondered if this big guy had a hyena's nose, so he could smell his breath!

With a roar, the ice field trembled, and the one who roared was a gorilla over 50 meters tall, but he was snow white, not the healthy black like the Titan ape!

Seeing it beating his chest, it made a sound, as if it had been shot with a stimulant, and suddenly punched, hitting the little snow mountain on Oscar's side!


Immediately, the ice flowers scattered randomly, falling on the ice floor, and the ice burst into flowers, forming another snow-white picture!

The big man roared and continued to run excitedly, like a snow mountain collapsing!
"Damn, I'm not a mother, you have too much hormones and go find other soul beasts!"

Oscar cursed, the red shadow flashed, [-] meters away, and that big guy also jumped over, chasing after him, as if playing, but harmed the other ice field spirit beasts!
"Xuanming Grand Handprint!"

While dodging, Oscar directly made a big handprint, the huge handprint was abruptly accepted by the big man, and he showed a more relaxed expression, which made people think too much!
"Sure enough, it is worthy of being the Titan Snow Demon, and it is also the 10-year Titan Snow Demon King!"

Oscar praised, this is also the reason why he wants to dodge, this kind of strength and defense spirit beast is very suitable for training, but you have to find a place to stay first!
Titan Snow Demon, with the blood of a giant Titan, was more than ten meters tall at birth, and this one was obviously an adult, already over 50 meters, and it was also a 10-year-old soul beast!
The big man smashed down his giant fists again and again, and there were waves of ice flying!

"Mo Dan, play me like a toy, you gorilla who is holding back grandchildren!"

After chasing for a long time, Oscar is also angry!

"Chains of doom, twine!"

Several hundred-meter-long chains sprayed out, and the Snow Demon King was caught off guard. The chains were wrapped around its bulging belly and its well-developed limbs!

"Fuck off, Ma Dan, I'm looking for a nest, what are you doing!"

With a loud noise, Titan Snow Demon was knocked down, Oscar kicked twice on the soles of its big feet, and said indignantly!

After a while of relief, the jingling chains sounded, and the snow demon roared, very angry, Oscar said with a smile: "Just wait for me, and I will have fun with you when I find a nest!"

Under sunny skies, without snow, Oscar was in a happy mood, because he had just found an opponent to fight against!
"Bing'er, don't you understand my heart for you? My love, the world can learn from it, the sun and the moon can show it. I am also a 10-year-old soul beast. Why can't you accept me? I..."

Somewhere in the ice field, a nasty voice came out, making people get goosebumps!
"Go away! You annoying guy, I don't like you, I don't want to see you, you are just our food!"

A soft voice came out, the tone was cold, but it carried a different meaning, they were related to eating and being eaten, but she didn't do anything!
"Ahem! Apprentice, two ninth-level monsters are enough to make up for me!"

In a hidden place, a charming woman in a long black gauze dress hooked the shoulder of a beautiful man in red and said!

"Master, your eyes are really tricky!"

The man in red joked, his master is really good, he will come out as soon as the benefits come out, and go back to sleep after eating!
"Stupid apprentice, how dare you say no to Master! Watch!"

The charming woman was about to strike with her jade fist, but the man quickly grabbed her beautiful hand and said with a smile: "Master, how dare you, let's not disturb them!"

Afterwards, the two stopped playing and looked at the source of the sound!
There are two huge soul beasts, both of the 10-year level.

The person who said the nasty words just now turned out to be a big, round and fleshy bug with a diameter of more than one meter and a body of about five meters. It also had a pair of small golden eyes. tattoo!
And the one who drank coldly and tenderly was a huge green and transparent scorpion. She had two one-meter-long front stings, six slender legs, and a five-section long tail with a gleaming barb!

"Tsk tsk! Could it be the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, or the golden silkworm?"

Oscar was also excited. Today's encounter, together with Titan Snow Demon, unexpectedly encountered three 10-year-old soul beasts in one day!
"Apprentice, two ninth-level monsters!"

Hong Ming suddenly said another sentence, with a different meaning.

"Master, wait a minute, do you think the two of them can be spiritual pets? There is a lot of room for development!"

Oscar said, one of them will be a million-year-level soul beast in the future!

"Yes, yes, that scorpion is alright, but this big bug has no fighting power!"

The beautiful master looked at his apprentice in surprise, he must be stupid again, let's make a mistake!

"It has no fighting power, but its luck is no lower than that of the three-eyed golden lion!"

Oscar responded with a smile, Master, you don't know pigs with your eyesight, a million-year-old soul beast that ate and slept, where did you go to find it!
"Okay, you're old, let me tell you, a practitioner can only have up to nine spiritual pets, you should think about it carefully!"

Hong Ming was talking casually, and wanted to find some more powerful ones for him to block robbery in the future. This big bug is obviously unqualified, and what she didn't know was that there is only the method of controlling beasts in the practice world, but there is no such advanced one. The law of the spirit contract!
"Don't think about it! That's it!"

Oscar said excitedly, another reason is that Wannian Frost Marrow, this rare treasure of heaven and earth, as well as treasure land, is what Oscar needs most in cultivating the Mysterious Body!

"Don't! Master, why are you more anxious than me, the emperor really doesn't worry about eunuchs!"

Oscar teased Hong Ming who wanted to rush out.

Hong Ming was also taken aback, why did he suddenly think about this bastard apprentice so much, immediately grabbed Oscar's ear, and said coquettishly: "Silly apprentice, what did you just say? You want to be a eunuch?"

Oscar froze, and quickly laughed: "Where is it, I just said that Master, you are wise and powerful, your miraculous skills are unrivaled, and you are invincible in the world..."

"Tch! I don't care about you, you should be able to handle two 10-year-olds!"

Hong Ming asked lightly, she was disdainful on the surface, but she really liked it in her heart, he has changed a lot, and he is not so sentimental anymore.

"Master, don't worry! Apprentice can handle it, handle it!"

Oscar smiled, knowing that the master was going to sleep again, so he really wanted to shout: Congratulations to the master!

"Okay then, don't bother me!"

After Hong Ming finished speaking, the charming figure flashed and disappeared in place!
In the end, the golden silkworm, who was rejected by the ugly, left heartbroken, but the green scorpion did not attack him, and sighed: "I like sister Xue'er, how could I like you!"

"Sister Xue'er? Could it be..."

(End of this chapter)

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