Chapter 215
"Forget it, we will meet later, this big bug is going back to his lair, follow up first!"

Oscar came back to his senses, the most urgent thing to do is to find the Fuyuan Treasure to cultivate. For the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, let’s wait for a while, and no one will snatch it from him. Even the Queen’s hand can’t reach the extreme north, so he can hide his breath. Simple, but also a rare spiritual attribute!
"Woooo! I won't give up, I want to become stronger, yes! My love for Bing'er can be learned from all over the world! Gululu!"

A golden silkworm who speaks words suddenly spoke very resolutely, but the next action made people smile!His so-called becoming stronger means lying in a cold pool and eating the snow-white jade liquid from a small pool!But completely unaware that a red shadow sneaked into its lair quietly!

I saw this thousand-foot-deep cave with countless ice crystals. It is really a first-class extremely cold place. There is a pool full of jade liquid. The spiritual energy in it makes the thin air sticky. The most attractive thing is that piece Not far from the large block of black ice that exudes an extremely cold atmosphere, nine snow-white, huge and charming snow lotus flowers are in full bloom, as if they can live here for thousands of years!
"I'm going! Apprentice, let's go!" A black light shone, and a bewitching beauty in a black dress appeared, and exclaimed!

"Master, calm down, calm down!"

Oscar grabbed her fragrant shoulders and persuaded him, he was also very moved, if he practiced here, his Xuanming body and spiritual energy would be greatly baptized and reborn.

"What do you know, that is ten thousand years of cold marrow, that is ten thousand years of ice, that is ten thousand years of snow lotus, that is ten thousand years of ice crystals, that is ten thousand years of..."

Hong Ming said excitedly, pointing to the treasures everywhere, no wonder her apprentice said that her luck is not inferior to that of Jin Yi, looking at this treasure land, every piece of ice crystal taken out can make the soul masters under the soul saints improve by one level Level up!

"Ah! Why does it feel like Master is a little scary, like a robber!"

Looking at Master's excited eyes, it is obvious that he is coveting the treasure here, but, with the words of ten thousand years, the waste has also been turned into treasure.
"Well, Master, I'm so impatient that I can't eat iced tofu!"

Seeing the black shadow hang out, Oscar exclaimed, and then smiled, this master is really only interested in "profit", think about it, it should be helpful to her!
"Meat worm, you are simply reckless, if you drink it, it is a waste, let me do it!"

A black figure appeared, the golden silkworm was taken aback for a moment, and the next moment, with a bang, it was smashed into the solid ice wall. It seemed that the injury was not serious. A pair of small golden eyes seemed to be watching Like a devil, staring at the plump, charming female devil.

"Human woman, let go of that cold marrow, it's mine!"

The golden silkworm was startled, and saw that the female devil leaped into the small pool full of cold marrow, and the cold marrow began to shrink severely, ten thousand years of cold marrow, a bit rare for ten thousand years.


"Let go... let go... that... marrow..."

After experiencing N times of torture, the scarred golden silkworm still wriggled its huge fleshy body and crawled towards the cold pool, as if protecting its own lifeblood!
"Hey! Is it interesting for you to be so persistent? A god was easily crushed to death by her. What are you insisting on!"

Jincan was accompanied by a beautiful man in red, who persuaded Jincan that his femininity could indeed be said to be beautiful.


Listening to the words of this human being in red, killing gods and deceiving insects, but she is too strong, the golden silkworm began to cry, and then lay still on the ground, mental shock was useless to her, only crying can release her heart Full of grievances.

"Okay, don't cry, I will protect you from now on, take you out to see the outside world, take you to meet the most beautiful girls, such as that big blue scorpion, take you..."

The man in red patted the back of the big fleshy worm and said, and compared it, it was much better than Ma Hongjun's greasy fat, and it was squirming and cool, not to mention, it felt quite comfortable!
"You, what did you say!"

The golden silkworm trembled, and the tears were freely contained, interrupting Oscar's words!
"I said, brother will cover you from now on!"

Oscar looked at its small golden eyes suspiciously, and said leisurely, it must have been fooled!
The golden silkworm shook its chubby head and said excitedly: "Eh! Not this one, but the next one!"

"Take you to see the outside world?"

Oscar said!At this point, he also knows what it means!

"No! Next sentence!"

Jin Cang said excitedly, as if the truth would come to light soon.

"Take you to soak in that big emerald green scorpion!"

Oscar smiled, this is the answer you want, right? Colored Embryo Golden Silkworms, if you don’t pick up so many ice silkworms, you go pick up your natural enemies, tsk tsk tsk, is this world too crazy!
"Are you sure, Bing'er is the most beautiful and strongest beast in the world!"

The golden silkworm asked suspiciously with small eyes, his eyes were suddenly blurred, imagining every move, every frown and every smile of that Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion!

Oscar almost wanted to vomit, Ma Dan, forget about your own meat, I didn't expect your words to be so meaty-ah!

"Just kidding, that's my master, you've experienced it, she didn't show any strength and you're just like this, no problem!"

Oscar smiled, saying that he would definitely not believe it if he could do it, and only if he used his master's prestige properly, he would use it properly!
"Gulu, good, deal!"

Jin Cang swallowed, thinking, when it's time to cook the rice, Bing'er is his, and he started laughing, and a stream of crystal clear saliva flowed out!

"This guy finally got on the thief's boat!"

Oscar smiled inwardly. The golden silkworm is a 10-year-old soul beast, and it is still a rare spiritual attribute. If he suddenly resisted when the contract was concluded, he might be backlashed too. Be safe!
"Okay, my name is Oscar, you can call me boss, I will cover you from now on!"

After Oscar finished speaking, he patted its body again, and the golden silkworm accidentally fell on the bottomless ice layer!

"Okay! Boss, my name is Tianmeng, please take care of me!"

The golden silkworm got up again and talked, looking at the cold marrow that had shrunk by half, it was painful, but the situation is stronger than people, the world is getting worse, people's hearts are not old, but it is worth everything if you can catch up with the little ice in its heart !

Oscar said: "Okay, Xiaobai!"

"Boss, my name is Tianmeng!"

Jin Cang replied speechlessly, Xiao Bai was not domineering at all.

"I know, Xiaobai!"

Oscar smiled, what else did he want to call Tianmeng, except for a few gold lines, and a white and fat body, tsk tsk tsk, there is no fatter boy than you, Xiaobai, you deserve it!
"Well! It's recovered in twos and threes! My good apprentice, I'll give you the remaining half!"

Hong Ming stretched her waist, and the towering peaks made Oscar swallow her saliva, the goblin master, but looking at the master carefully, she obviously jumped into the cold pool for so long, and her clothes didn't even have a little dew on them, just like a fairy. The world is ordinary.

"Okay, Master!"

Oscar replied with a smile, patted the downcast golden silkworm, and jokingly said: "Don't worry, Xiaobai, if I have a piece of meat, I will never miss a piece of your bone!"

"Ow! Ow!"

The golden silkworm was puzzled for a moment, then realized suddenly, and went up screaming, wanting to take a bite of Oscar, its new boss!

Oscar held its heavy body casually, and a cold breath invaded its body. Xiaobai convulsed for a while, and then found that the injury just now had healed up. Looking at the new boss, he felt a little more affection, and silently accepted Xiaobai's words. identity!

(End of this chapter)

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