Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 216 Chapter 2 Spirit Pet, Retreat

Chapter 216 The Second Spiritual Pet, Retreat

"It seems that you two are quite happy to get along with each other!"

Hong Ming came out of the cold pool, and said softly, Han Sui recovered a lot of his strength, but seeing the one person and one worm, with black lines on his face, it must be another combination of two bastards!

"That's right, your apprentice, my charisma is infinite!"

Oscar shook off the golden silkworm and said, practicing here, he should be able to enter the Xuanming Body within a year or so!

"Oh! Boss, be gentle!"

Xiaobai twisted his huge body and came over, recognized the boss, the deal is done, it's useless to talk more!
"Xiaobai, it's okay, your skin is thick!"

Oscar smiled, looking at the fleshy golden silkworm, resistant to falling!

"It's true, although it doesn't have much fighting power, but at least it's resistant to beating!" Hong Ming also smiled, and he was able to get up after beating it N times, and then said to Oscar: "My good apprentice, should I cultivate first or sign a contract first?" !"

"Conclude the contract first!"

Looking at this big meat worm, Oscar replied without thinking, that he can only rest assured if he eats the meat in his belly.

Describing the contract, Oscar didn’t do bloodletting this time, he’s already born in the first round, and he’s familiar with it in the second round, and the contract runes he’s portraying look familiar, only that stupid and cute golden silkworm is very curious, and his small golden eyes are blinking Blinking, but not knowing, its freedom can only be decided by Oscar in the future.

"Rune! Congeal!"

Oscar shouted, and a contract pattern in ancient elven script appeared!
"Xiaobai, come in!"

Oscar said to Jincan, Jincan hesitated for a moment, feeling uneasy, but under the threat of that female devil, walked into the range of that strange rune!

"Hey! Boss, what's going on, why do I feel like I'm locked by a force!"

The golden silkworm trembled, it was a rare spiritual beast, and soon discovered the problem!
"Xiaobai, listen to the boss, don't resist, think about the big scorpion!"

Oscar suddenly made a stab, only this can threaten the big bug. On the ice field, if it wants to run, unless the master takes action, otherwise, it will take a lot of effort for him!

"Okay! For Xiaobingbing!"

Golden Silkworm gritted his teeth, thinking he had no teeth!It stretched its body, squirmed, and began to give up resistance!

"Good apprentice, I really have you!"

Looking at the foolish and deceived Big Chongzi, Hong Ming smiled, and one thing fell one thing at a time, and the weakness of Tianmeng Iceworm is the Bingdi!

A burst of dazzling golden light shone, and then, a three-eyed golden lion cub appeared, roaring at the golden silkworm!

"Okay, little girl, it will be your partner from now on!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the three-eyed Jin Yan, roaring at Jin Cang, as if declaring her status, Oscar patted her on the head, and said with a smile, thinking that she was going to hide from him!

With a roar, Jin Ni flashed into Oscar's sea of ​​consciousness, leaving behind an embarrassing Oscar!

"Boss, this is Emperor-Rui-Beast!"

The golden silkworm, recovering from the shock, asked with a trembling voice. It is a strange beast that can bring luck to a forest. Its status is like an emperor, but it was subdued by its boss.

"Yes, she is the first younger brother of the boss, you are the second, and as for your big scorpion, it should be the third!"

It is undeniable that 10-year-old soul beasts are really hard to find, and there are only a few in the mysterious deep sea. There should not be many here in the ice field, because not many brave people dare to come in, so the powerful There are still many soul beasts!

"Then... Boss, when will my little Bingbing be taken over, I can't wait to live with her sweetly, never separate, never..."

Golden Silkworm Xiaobai began to fantasize again, talking disgusting words!

"Mo Dan, I really don't know if it's a good thing to accept you!"

Oscar suddenly wanted to kick it away. Why is this second soul pet so disgusting? It looks like a worm. It looks pure and flawless. As expected, a person cannot be judged by his appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. !
"Boss, when are we going to act!"

The golden ice silkworm entangled and asked!

"Chichi! Haha, I laughed so hard, good apprentice, this pet is good, take good care of it, maybe we can make a pair of mandarin duck pets by then!"

Hong Ming, who couldn't stand it any longer, covered his mouth and smiled, looking at the different apprentices, he became more cheerful after reliving the first life, also, the second one!

Oscar looked at the handsome goblin master with black lines on his face, and a golden light directly brought the golden silkworm into the sea of ​​consciousness, and let him choose a new home first!

As soon as the golden silkworm arrived at Oscar's Sea of ​​Consciousness, the golden dragon with the ultimate golden light attribute roared angrily!

"Hey! Emperor Beast, hello!"

The golden silkworm with a face as thick as a copper wall smiled and said, with a flattering appearance, with her, its future cultivation will be like a fish in water, and it will be nothing if it loses a pool of cold marrow!

"Roar! Roar!"

Jin Ni roared twice to express his response, it also had Oscar's mark on it, and he couldn't do anything to this meat worm, warning it not to disturb his retreat.

"Wow, the boss's sea of ​​consciousness is so big, I hope I won't follow the wrong boss!"

Looking at the endless blue ocean, the golden silkworm is like a drop in the ocean, a small golden-white spot, and then chooses a place to open up a small space, and practicing here will get twice the result with half the effort!

"Boss! You are so kind to me, I will practice hard here and repay you well!"

The golden silkworm shouted in the sea of ​​consciousness, and a stormy sea broke out!

Oscar in Snow Grotto heard the sudden shout and almost staggered, please repay your sister, I have never seen someone who was sold and counted the money.

Next to a huge piece of black ice, touch it with the hand of Hong Mingyu!
"My dear apprentice, this is ten thousand years of cold ice. Sitting on it can get twice the result with half the effort. It also has the effect of healing, and it will keep youth forever. I really like it. When I leave, I will move to my Xuanmingjian space!"

Master Oscar said happily, like a child who got a new toy, but his attitude of accepting good things when he saw them didn't change.

"Well, as long as you like it, you can move this ice field away!"

Oscar said with a smile, holding Master Hongming's fragrant shoulders, massaging her, thinking, it should be moved back to sleep!

"Good apprentice, you have a good idea, but your master and I haven't reached the realm of breaking new ground yet!"

Hong Mingqi said to Meimei, that step was too difficult to take, looked at Oscar, and shook his head!

"This is the Wannian snow lotus. Let's move it away when the time comes. Such a natural treasure is rare in the world!"

The depressed Hong Ming swept away the haze, and said to Oscar, his jade hands wanted to touch the snow lotus, and a strange scene appeared, the flower actually retracted into the thick ice layer by itself!
"Oh, dare to hide from me!"

A beautiful woman with an angry expression on her face, that flower will suffer!
Bang bang bang!
"Okay, master, let's not care about it, it's time to dig them all up!"

Seeing the master whack-a-mole, Oscar persuaded with a smile!

"Huh! Let you be proud for a while! Good apprentice, hurry up and practice! Half a pool of cold marrow can make your Xuanming body enter a great completion!"

Hong Ming calmed down, and said calmly, if it wasn't for his apprentice, this cold marrow could recover half of his strength!Oscar also nodded, this is indeed the perfect place.

"I will temporarily seal your aura later, so as not to improve your cultivation and greatly reduce the cultivation of the Xuanming body!"

Hong Ming looked at the charming apprentice and said.

"Come on! Master, even if you go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, you will do whatever you want!"

Oscar suddenly choked out this sentence.

"I want you to cultivate, not to die, only after you have achieved great success..."

Hong Ming glared at him, and said angrily, until the end, the Xuan Ming body is perfect and comparable to the fairy body, because to step into the perfect state, a body of a fairy or higher is needed to change the bone!
"Let's get started! Your retreat this time will take at least half a year or a year!"

(End of this chapter)

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