Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 217 Mysterious Underworld Physique Accomplishment

Chapter 217 Mysterious Underworld Physique Accomplishment

"Good apprentice, let's get started! It will take at least half a year or a year for you to retreat this time!"

Hong Ming's mood fluctuated imperceptibly as she said, although this time is just a blink of an eye for her, it will be a boring time. The way she chooses to deal with it is to have a good sleep .

"Okay, Master Beauty, thank you!"

Seeing the beautiful master who was suddenly a little unhappy, Oscar pulled her into his arms, and said softly to her!

"Silly apprentice, I don't want to hear you say thank you to me, because that will make our relationship appear ordinary!"

Hong Ming also leaned gently in his arms, worrying about the future, and she had to bear a lot. Every time Oscar had an extra woman, she would bear a part of the pressure, because, in the end, those who could accompany him , there are only three, unless they are people from the cultivation world!
"Okay! Master, please forgive me!"

Oscar sniffed her fairy spirit fiercely, and said with a slight smile, while Hong Mingfeng glared at him.

"Understood, good apprentice, quickly take off your clothes, and then go in again!"

After staring at him, Hong Ming smirked again, making people feel that she smiled evilly, like a female hooligan, staring at her apprentice.

"Well, Master, can't you take it off? I haven't even taken it off since I started practicing Xuanming Body!"

Oscar said embarrassingly, no wonder this rogue master suddenly looked like this, presumably he wanted to see him take off his clothes, but he didn't expect his master to have such a habit!

"That's what you call drawing cold air into your body, this time you're absorbing cold marrow, that can be compared, take it off quickly!"

Hong Ming spoke with reason and evidence, without turning her beautiful eyes.Then he attacked: "You're twitchy, like a girl, it's not like you haven't seen it before, it's been thousands of years!"

Oscar heard a black thread, you rogue master, you New Zealand dollar, and then began to take off the red robe, muttering dissatisfiedly: "You didn't take off just now!"

Oscar thought, let Master Beauty take a look, it doesn't seem to be a disadvantage, right?Thinking this way, my heart is also a little more balanced!

"Apprentice! What are you talking about!"

From Hong Ming's side, a threatening voice came.

"I said the weather is so sunny today, I'll take it off, I'll take it off!"

Oscar smiled, and his hands speeded up, and then what appeared was a perfect jade body, comparable to, no, even more perfect than a woman, with soft curves and no muscle!
"Chichi! It's still pretty good-looking!"

Master Hong Ming covered his red lips, twisted his waist, and his black skirt was fluttering. Oscar shook his head, feeling that his concentration was gone. If this continues, brother can't hold on anymore!

"Let's go down quickly, face the goblin master, and die early!"

Oscar finally gritted his teeth and said, Master said that he hadn't recovered, and he couldn't be happy in the world, so he kept tempting himself!
"En! We must resist bad temptations and strive to be good boys!" Oscar gritted his teeth, persuading himself, and jumped down facing the cold pool.


Oscar in the cold pool showed his head with messy long hair, and his whole body trembled from the cold.

"Puchi! Silly apprentice, use the Xuanming body to absorb it!" Hong Ming looked at the trembling Oscar, smiled, and said softly: "Silly apprentice, concentration is getting better and better, what a pity , it's all women who came to you!"

"Bad master, you didn't say it earlier!"

Oscar replied resentfully, the exposed body began to emit black light, and the crystal clear skin like jade appeared, and he also noticed the subtle changes in the cold marrow, which was slowly decreasing.

"Tch! You didn't even ask, okay, close your eyes and keep your eyes open, and absorb the cold marrow energy!"

Hong Ming smiled softly, his expression suddenly became serious!

Oscar responded, and closed those charming peach blossom eyes. The Mysterious Underworld body exuded a soft black light, flickering and twinkling, the radiance was imprinted, the speed of absorption was accelerated, and the realm of the Mysterious Underworld Physique also improved a little. movement.

"Hey! Then I can only sleep for a while. This continent may have such a ten thousand year old ice!"

Hong Ming said leisurely, walked to the piece of ice that was as clear as crystal and exuded a strange cold aura around it, felt the cold aura, and was very satisfied.

Hong Ming lay down lightly, her black hair was hanging down, she was so beautiful, she didn't need to dress up, she propped her head, quietly looked at that charming man, hoping that he could grow up quickly, then she blinked beautifully She took a deep breath, looked at it for a long time, and closed her eyes. She didn't know that it would be another year after she fell asleep!
On this thousand feet deep snow cave, suddenly a group of beasts danced wildly!

I don't know what happened, the soul beast seemed to be chased by something terrifying, and I saw the blood staining the snow red!

After leaving the frozen forest, it is the frozen city!

In a certain hotel in the city, there is such a superb beauty, so the business is very good!

"Roland, what are you in a daze for? Are you thinking about that handsome man? I too...have a guest again!"

In addition to the boss named Roland girl, there are two lovesick beauties here!
Arabin City!The edge is full!

It is a five-storey building that rises from the ground, and there are all kinds of products in it. The most famous is the second floor, where you can find marriage, and there are many "marriage buildings" for entertainment. Rumors, Its boss is a first-class beauty named Qingzhao!

Strangely, the fifth floor of this building has not been developed, it is just a simple decoration, and the person in charge of the development of the entire building is Shen San, the real-name owner, but he said that the real owner of this entire restaurant is named Oscar!

In a blink of an eye, the Shrek Advanced Soul Master Academy, an academy that is already famous all over the mainland, is still under construction for its huge project!
"Hmph! Let Quan Gong take the lead again! I'm so unconvinced!"

"Weiwei, why are you unconvinced, I think you miss your teacher!"

In the college, three years and two girls were playing around, revealing their unusual feelings.

There is a quiet forest in the college, a beautiful small courtyard, there are five attractive women, they are playing with a naughty little boy who is almost two years old, one of the women in light yellow dress is stroking slightly The bulging belly looks very happy!
"Husband, I have our child too. You have been out for almost half a year, so you're not going out for sex again!"

This all shows that the world will not stop turning for someone, and everything is going on in an orderly manner!

In a blink of an eye, a whole year has passed!

The boundless ice field, this forbidden place for human beings, is in great turmoil!

There is a strange movement in a hidden snow cave thousands of feet underground in the ice field!

In a deep ice pit, the original jade liquid has been absorbed. When a naked and beautiful man stood up, he felt his bones crackling!

Dressed neatly, looking at the beauty still asleep on the black ice, he smiled:

"Mysterious body is also great, look at the living Master Sleeping Beauty!"

(End of this chapter)

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