Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 218 Lord of the Ice Field, Snow Empress

Chapter 218 Lord of the Ice Field, Snow Empress

"Haha! Living Sleeping Beauty!"

Oscar, who was fully dressed, quietly approached the beauty master!Looking carefully at her face, which is a disaster for the country and the people, the long eyelashes, the fragrance from the body, one breath can make people feel refreshed and unforgettable!

"Haha! Idiot apprentice, I've already woken up as a teacher!"

Hong Ming, who was still pretending to be asleep, complained a few words in his heart, and wanted to see if this apprentice would do any tricks!
"Master is simply a fairy descending to earth, and I am very satisfied just to see it!"

Oscar propped his chin, stared at her intently, and spoke softly, afraid of waking her up.

Letting the strange cold breath of that piece of profound ice invade his body, he now has a great Xuanming body, even if his aura is sealed, even the titled Douluo can hardly hurt himself, a physique that is already considered to be the pinnacle, bestowed by him, and him The cultivation speed!

"Tch! That's enough, I don't have any lust at all!"

Hong meditated, hooked her jade hand, and pulled the obedient apprentice to Xuanbing. Oscar's soft body was lightly pressed against the beautiful master's body!

"Haha! Master! So you woke up a long time ago!"

Oscar smiled awkwardly, pretending to sleep and sleeping so superbly, it's incomparable!

"I didn't wake up, it was you who woke me up, apprentice, master, am I beautiful?"

Hong Ming smiled, blinking long eyelashes, flashing black eyes, and scattered hair, as if it could make the world fall in love with it!

Supporting Xuan Bing, Oscar was obsessed with watching, and could only spit out this word. In fact, how could a beautiful word describe it.

Flaming red lips are the most charming, Oscar soon fell into the tenderness of his master!
Boom! !
A loud noise woke up Oscar again.He looked at the master.What a disaster!

"Hmph! If you dare to disturb my good business, I don't want to live anymore!"

Hong Ming went crazy, slept for such a long time, it's okay to be noisy, but now he made such a big commotion.

She punched another exit out of the thousand-foot snow cave!I saw a black shadow flickering, even worse than Oscar's Xuanming flickering!

"Ahem! Master has reached menopause, and his temper is so hot!"

Oscar smiled.Thinking of that night with Liu Erlong, I don't know why the master was so furious, I just know that she won't hurt herself!

On the surface of the ice sheet, blood stained the snow red!
Tens of thousands of soul beasts, with the Titan Snow Demon Clan as the vanguard, confront tens of thousands of undead creatures, among which the king level is equivalent to Contra's undead creatures, and there are no less than a hundred, and the emperor level is equivalent to Title Douluo There are no less than six undead, which is quite a big deal!
"Okay! Very good! The emperor hasn't looked for you yet, but you have sent them over!"

Hong Ming looked at the hundreds of thousands of undead creatures, gritted his jade teeth and said, a black shadow flashed, and the massacre began.

These spirit creatures can devour each other and evolve. They are basically cold-blooded creatures, but they also have the effect of strengthening the original.

"Hmm! What's going on! Why are so many undead creatures invading!"

With a flash of red shadow, Oscar looked at this piece of blood and said in surprise.It even forced soul beasts of different races to fight together. I don't know what the attacking purpose of the undead creatures is!
"Boss, that's my little Bingbing! I want to help her!"

With a flash of golden light, a big fleshy bug appeared and said to Oscar!

"Hmm! It's good for a hero to save the beauty, but you don't have much attack power! If you go there, it will drag her down!"

Oscar smiled, and saw not far away a beautiful little loli in a green dress who looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, confronting a not weak emperor-level undead, with a cold and repelling look on her face!
"Then I'll go too! Even if I help her resist for a while, I'm satisfied!"

Golden silkworm Xiaobai said resolutely, looking at Oscar with small golden eyes, it has also known the function of that rune for a year!

"Okay! Since I'm your boss, I'll help you!" Oscar was speechless, his love was stronger than gold, no wonder even the Ice Empress would accept him in the end!

"Really! Boss, how can I help!"

When Jin Can heard that Oscar's sea of ​​knowledge is so great, he was also looking forward to it. Bingbing was obviously under a lot of pressure on what kind of help Oscar could give him, and success or failure depended on it!

"It's a bit painful, but if you persevere, you can use my strength in the future!" Oscar said to the golden silkworm, raised his right hand, and watched its performance!

"Come on! For the one you like, why not risk your life!" Jin Can resolutely said!Oscar nodded and praised: Very backbone!
A faint purple flame appeared, causing the golden silkworm to tremble, and the body couldn't help trembling, but kept controlling his body, and finally realized that it was trembling from the soul!

"Boss...boss! What kind of fire is this? It's so terrifying!" Jin Cang stared at the ghost fire in Oscar's hand and asked.

"This is the underworld fire from the depths of Jiuyou, named Youming! Now I plant a mark in your body. If you persevere, you can mobilize my Netherfire in the future. If you fail, you will also hurt the source. Make sure you want to try it!"

Oscar finally asked, look at its determination, if you give it back, when you need a spirit ring in the future, just take it directly!
"Come on! I'll let them know that I, Tianmeng Iceworm, are not easy to mess with!" Jin Can held his head high and raised his chest, fighting to the end!Little did he know, he was on the Oscar blacklist just now!

"Okay! Boss, I really saw you right, Xiaobai!" Oscar also said excitedly, and with a sudden slap, a trace of the source of ghost fire penetrated into its round forehead!
"I'll go! Boss, you didn't even say hello, pit!" Jin Cang said tremblingly, and began to twitch, and fell to the ground in convulsions!
"Xiaobai! The boss is in control, don't worry, he won't die!"

Telling you to play tricks in front of me, Oscar said with a smile, but this worm couldn't bear to be burned to death like this!

"Tianmeng Iceworm? I seem to have accidentally obtained a book of unknown level of combat skills. What is it called? Let me think about it!"

Oscar pressed his forehead with his index finger and middle finger, and he didn't worry about the safety of his master who killed him madly. What he should worry about was the opposite side!

"Hey! Got it, Tian Can's leg technique!"

Oscar smiled, and then tapped the golden silkworm's forehead to pass this "soul ability" to it, and it will be the silkworm legs in the future!
"Old, boss! I'm fine!"

For about a quarter of an hour, the golden silkworm said weakly, obviously the original flame did a lot of damage to it!

"Go! Pay attention to safety! And look through your mind and I will pass on your battle...soul skills!" Oscar reminded, think about it, let's use the name here uniformly!
Jin Cang asked suspiciously: "Can the soul skills still be passed on?"

"Why so much fuss! Hurry up! Don't miss this opportunity, it won't come again!"

Oscar kicked its chubby ass!Watching it wriggling and screaming, its speed is extremely fast!

"The girl in the white dress besieged by the three emperor-level undead is the Snow Empress!"

Oscar stared at the most exciting part of the battle, Snow Empress, the real master of the ice field!It should have 60 years of cultivation now! !

"Hmph! Don't try to sneak attack, Xuedi, that's mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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