Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 219 The Battle of the Snowfield

Chapter 219 The Battle of the Snowfield
ice field!It was a wonderful battle, one person fought three people alone, and the strength of those three were not weaker than hers. If it was a head-on confrontation, she might still be able to fight several times. Fang, those three people are not gentlemen, but undead, one of them restrains, and the other two join forces to carry out a sneak attack!
"Hmph! Despicable villain!"

Facing the terrifying erosive energy attack of the undead, the woman in the snow-white dress shouted angrily, but she could no longer find any extra means to deal with the other two. The dress that was originally fluttering like snow turned into snow armor. She hoped Can resist it!
A shocking explosion moved her face.What the snow armor helped her resist was only the impact, and it turned into a dress again. She looked at the source of the explosion with beautiful eyes, a black and jade-like figure, his long hair was messy, and he was dressed in red!
"Ahem!" Hong Ying coughed, obviously shocked, but seeing him turn around and smiled, "Haha! Are you okay!"

When he saw her fairy-like face, beautiful snow-white hair, and her proud figure against the background of the snow skirt, she looked like a pure and flawless snow elf!

The same is true for her. She has practiced in the ice field all year round, has never been to the human world, and has never seen such a beautiful person!
The two looked at each other, attracted to each other, who knew that the emperor-level undead creature closest to her was attacking with all his strength. He felt that killing this powerful woman would be a success, and then he would dominate this ice field. Become the stronghold of the undead invasion!

The charming man in red shouted, seeing a flash of red light, he hugged her into his arms, because the aura she exuded was like a piece of black ice, he turned his back to the shock wave!
A shock wave came, and there was another explosion. The man as black as jade forcibly resisted this powerful attack!

"You are mine! They don't want to hurt you!"

Hong Ying lowered his head and said, the corner of his mouth was stained red by a trace of blood, he was Oscar, then shook his head, cursing himself: What kind of bastard is this!His original idea was to accept her as a spiritual pet, she is a soul beast!
"Well! You! Are you okay!"

Blinking her long snow-white eyelashes, looking at the blood on the corner of his mouth, she asked him worriedly!If the Titan Snow Demon King knew about it, he would definitely chase Oscar half the continent, because he had never seen her so gentle!
"Well! I'm fine, I'll leave that one to you! Leave these two to me, and we'll take care of them!"

Oscar wiped the blood on his mouth, but it was only a slight injury, and pointed at the guy who shot him again just now!
"Okay! I'll help you kill him!"

I saw her respond coldly, with the aura of a king, and reluctantly broke away from his warm embrace. This was the first time she felt warm. After giving him an affectionate look, she immediately summoned Fengxue. Here is her This is also the reason why she can fight against three emperor-level undead who did not lose to her alone without losing.

"Ah! I just want to accept you as a spiritual pet!"

Oscar smiled wryly. He didn't expect it to be self-defeating, and he didn't expect that the first known humanoid monster in this continent, she was so beautiful!
"Yasha, be careful, we will help you after we get rid of this human kid!"

Seeing the undead being directly crushed and beaten by Xue Di, the other two shouted!

"Hehe! Stop dreaming, you are the only ones who still want to get rid of me! Xuanming!"

Oscar smiled, a little speechless because her master didn't help him break the seal, and now he was fighting with his body, so Oscar could only shout: Master, you are also a trap!
I saw a black figure suddenly appeared beside him, wearing a mask with gold silk orchid lace, I couldn't see his expression!he!Oscar's incarnation, Xuan Ming!
"Xuan Ming! You deal with that one!"

Oscar pointed at one, and the eight black soul rings on Xuanming's body flickered, his aura was as close to that of Title Douluo, he rushed over and started fighting with it!
"Chains of Doom!"

Oscar yelled, but there was no movement. In the end, he could only mobilize Netherfire in his fists, and fought the undead, but both he and Xuanming were at a disadvantage, because they were both emperor-level undead close to Super Douluo , He has all kinds of means but he can't use them!
This snowfield war has really entered a white-hot stage!

"Look at my Tianmeng Minghuo!"

A big golden bug burned countless undead, and saw countless screams from the army of undead, which made people's hair stand on end!
"Sky dream silkworm legs!"

The big worm that was on the attack swiped its big tail and swept away hundreds of undead!Oscar didn't even know about it, so he indirectly cultivated such a little brother, adding Tianmeng words to everything!
"Bing'er, I'm here to help you!"

The golden silkworm shouted loudly at the loli boy in the green skirt, burning and beating hundreds of undead souls continuously.

"Idiot, who wants your help!"

The fighting girl in the green skirt shouted coquettishly, she is the overlord of the extreme north, the Ice Empress!Looking at this big fat bug, I haven't seen him for a year, I don't know why I still miss him!

"Hmph! If you dare to be distracted from fighting with me, you will die!"

The emperor-level undead who fought against the Ice Emperor said angrily, if it weren't for the environment here, taking down this creature that had just entered the emperor-level would be a matter of easy grasp!

"Xiao Bingbing, be careful! Look at my Tianmeng flying legs! Tianmeng Minghuo!"

After the golden silkworm finished speaking, it rushed out like a flash of golden lightning, covering its whole body with a layer of dark purple flames, making the emperor-level undead tremble repeatedly, even the Ice Emperor was no exception. Looking at this big fat bug, Only shock!

"No! What kind of fire is this! Dead flea, dead dog, come and help me!"

The undead of the previous battle, the emperor-level undead screamed, was stained with a little purple flame, and could not be extinguished no matter how they were thrown, but the burning became more and more intense!
"Dead flea! What's going on!"

The two emperor-level undead who were fighting with a white bear and the Titan Snow Demon King looked at the screaming undead. They were shocked because the strength of Xunyao was superior to them!
"Idiot, you, how is it possible!"

The green skirt Lolita Ice Emperor asked in surprise, it has three golden lines, its strength is superior to its own, but it is just not good at fighting, now looking at this method, it is too terrifying, and that purple flame, even She can't even guarantee that she can resist it!

"Damn it, Xunyao! This fire is too scary!"

The other two tried their best to extinguish them, but they didn't see any effect!
"Quick! Dead flea, think of a way, I don't want to die!"

Xingyao said in horror, if this continues, his spiritual body will definitely be burned!

"Jie Jie! There is no other way, death, you can go with peace of mind! We are one hundred and eight emperors of the undead, and someone will succeed you in the end. Give me your spiritual power, and I will avenge you!"

The dead flea suddenly smiled evilly, and a suction force quickly pulled away the spiritual power of the dead flea!

"Dead flea, you..."

I haven't finished talking about the consumption, and in the end there is only a burnt shell left!
"Hahaha! Third-level emperor-level strength, I can also be ranked in the hundred when I return to the world of the undead, and it is no longer the damn one hundred and seven!"

The undead of the dead flea suddenly laughed maniacally, and at the same time called the undead of the dead dog to tremble, staring at him, the undead can devour each other and evolve, and he is afraid that even a careless one will be absorbed by him!
"Don't worry, dead dog, I'm making the best use of everything, you go and intercept that snow demon king! These two bugs are handed over to me!"

With his strength soaring, he has forgotten the way of death, and the death is no more than two levels of emperor-level undead!

"Okay! Death Flea, I'll leave this to you!"

Dead Dog said, except for a woman in a black dress who suddenly appeared, now the Snow Bear and Snow Demon King are also slaughtering the army of undead unscrupulously. This is the root of the undead world. Escape the punishment of being swallowed!

The battle on the ice field is still going on, Oscar in red is very embarrassed, praying for Master to come over quickly, it is very painful not being able to use spiritual energy to fight, but fortunately he has rough skin and thick flesh!

On the other side, Hong Ming, who was absorbing the essence of the undead, was completely unaware that she was being whispered by a villain. For him, she worked so hard to collect the life essence of the undead!

(End of this chapter)

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