Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 220 The Persecuted Snow Empress

Chapter 220 The Persecuted Snow Empress

"With these undead spirits, the success rate of changing the bone of that bastard apprentice can be more assured!"

Hong Ming was thinking, seeing the dark and shiny brain-like thing in his hand, his red lips trembled.And just such a small group was bought by the lives of tens of thousands of undead!
"Haha! Little bug, let's see what else you can do!"

The dead flea escaped the terrifying flame attack, ignored its broken leg method, and felt the thrill of increasing strength!
"Idiot! Tell you to be brave, can you still hold on!"

The beautiful Ice Emperor looked at this huge golden silkworm path with some concern, obviously with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart!
"Xiao Bingbing, I can still do it, I really want to hear you call me Tianmeng, that way, death is worth it!"

The golden silkworm said, fighting with the dead flea of ​​the same level consumes its energy, after all, it is still not good at fighting!


The Ice Emperor pursed her pink lips and yelled intermittently, that the dead flea was already stronger than her, unless she could break through the next limit again, and then take advantage of the environment of the ice field to kill him in one fell swoop.

The golden silkworm also smirked when it heard it. In this way, its goal has been achieved. He is not good at attacking, but don't forget, what he is good at is mental power!

"Spiritual shock, interference!"

Its eyes exude a golden halo, which is very sacred, and an invisible energy impacts the despised dead flea on the opposite side!
"Idiot, you shouldn't be using your original power again!"

The golden silkworm got down instantly!The Ice Empress of the puppet stage also struggled to support its large body, and cursed slightly angrily!

"No, that's my mental attack, Xiao Bingbing, hurry up! Get rid of him, otherwise when he recovers we can only be desperate couples!"

Jin Cang said with a wry smile. After closing his eyes, he uncontrollably turned into a golden light and floated towards Oscar in the distance, where it will be fully recovered!

"Could it be that you... Forget it, deal with this intruder first!"

Looking at the golden silkworm that turned into golden light, Bingdi was startled, looking at the figure in red, he only thought about the soul ring!
"Claw of Ice Explosion! Ice Jade Emperor's Golden Hook!"

I saw her transformed into the real body, stepping on the deep ice, like a fish in water, a green shadow passed by, two huge front stings, a burst of extreme cold burst, and that bright barb, giving people death It feels like her two strongest attacks!
"Ahem! Jie Jie! Kill me, you are still almost ready!"

Dead Flea recovered from coughing blood, felt the extreme cold, his spirit body trembled, and escaped from the freezing cold, but he was still seriously injured!

The Bingdi snorted coquettishly. Unexpectedly, the time the big bug bought him could only hurt him. Feeling his own pressure, he also felt that this battle had no chance of winning!

"Jie Jie! Little bug, look at my undead devouring the sky and killing corpses, and become its foster..."

Before the dead flea could finish speaking, his body exploded with a loud sound.A black shadow appeared, and it was Oscar's master Hong Ming who made the move.

Looking at the big emerald green scorpion, she said calmly, "This is my obedient disciple's spiritual pet, it's not your turn to act wild!"

After finishing speaking, a dense group of undead spirits was extracted, and tens of thousands of undead had been slaughtered by her, and the bell for the end of this battle also sounded!
The black shadow flashed, leaving behind the shocked Bingdi, who was attracted by her appearance and strength, and could only sigh in his heart: why is there someone more beautiful than Sister Xueer!
Oscar's battlefield!Being beaten passively also let him know that he can't rely too much on spiritual energy and spiritual weapons to fight in the future!

"Big cold and no snow!"

An extremely cold palm print brushed past Oscar, blasted away his opponent, and dealt with another one!
"Want to run! Xue Wu Yao Yang!"

As the screams came back, this noble and glamorous ice elf walked towards Oscar and asked softly, "Are you alright?"

Oscar shook his head. Her strength was expected, because she felt that she spoke with a sense of coldness, but he didn't know that she was originally formed by the pure ice and snow energy of the ice field. Simply put, it is the ultimate power of ice!

"Tsk tsk tsk! Apprentice, I really have you, and I found such a beautiful woman with extraordinary temperament in just a while!"

She was also surprised when a teasing voice came, it turned out to be a Heaven and Earth Spirit Seed, with an imperceptible smile!

"Ice Field this time, thank you both for your help!"

Xue Di changed his previous state, and looked at Hong Ming with the posture of a real emperor. There was no sense of gratitude in his words. Looking at Hong Ming, whose temperament was better than his own, it was more provocative!
The confrontation between the two women seemed to freeze the air!Snow Empress would not know how powerless she was going to face next!
"Everyone takes what they need, if you want to thank you, how about opening the door of the law for my apprentice! His attribute is also an extremely cold attribute, and he just needs a heaven and earth spirit seed that can open the law!!"

Hong Ming stared at her covetously, and said indifferently, as if this is not a problem, and he never expected to meet such a level of spiritual species!
Xuedi Qimei said coldly, "Then what if I don't want to!"

Hong Ming replied calmly: "Then I can only grab you by force!" He didn't care on the surface!
Snow Emperor said: "Then you are not afraid that if I choose to dissipate in the world, you will get nothing!"

The conversation between the two beauties, Oscar was confused, what kind of spiritual seed, what kind of door of law, facing his master, he felt that Xue Di was like a persecuted little girl!

"Hehe! In front of me, do you have a choice, or, you can try to dissipate one!" Hong Ming said calmly.


A burst of strange cold air swept across the entire ice field, the soul beasts below 5 years were directly frozen, and the soul beasts under [-] years trembled, obviously frozen, they all lived in the ice field, the cold air The source of it is the Snow Empress!

"Yo Yo Yo! Let's go again!"

Hong Ming looked at Xue Di who made a little noise, and said mockingly.

"Master, what's going on, I just want to accept her as a spiritual pet!"

Oscar stepped forward, asking with question marks in his head, complaining in his heart: Master, why do you look like a bad guy so much!

"Stupid apprentice, don't worry about it, being a teacher is for your own good!"

Hong Ming said with a slight smile, to this apprentice, she is like a wife, very considerate, but she doesn't know that he secretly complained!
Xue Di stubbornly said: "Hmph! Since I can't leave, can't I destroy myself!"


There was another movement, this time even the ten thousand year soul beast was frozen!Obviously it was affected by the helpless Xuedi!
"Haha! You destroy another one!"

Hong Ming smiled, if it were her, she would be so patient that she would be able to devour it directly!
When Xuedi got angry, a blood-colored long blade appeared in her hand, which looked like a knife but not a knife. She was holding the hilt with the tip facing her heart, as if she was committing suicide!
Oscar shook his head, a red shadow flashed!
Appearing in front of Xue Di, she inadvertently stretched out her hand to grab her bloody long sword, and said, "Don't bother, my master is as powerful as a god in this world, you can't help it!"

Hong Ming shook his head, and cursed: "You idiot apprentice, ask for trouble!"

When Oscar wanted to take back his hand, he was firmly absorbed by the bloody long blade. To be precise, he was frozen, and he couldn't feel the blood flowing from his hand!

Xue Di grabbed Oscar with his backhand, and strangled his neck tightly with his left hand. Oscar not only felt the coldness of her body, but also felt her elastic but soft peak of the saint.

"What are you doing! I want to help you!"

Oscar said, without struggling, he grabbed her left hand, hoping to loosen it a bit, but Xuedi pulled hard, and Oscar's back could only be more intimately bumped into her arms!
"Help me, what do you know! There are only two ways to open the door of law for you, one is to be swallowed by you, and the other..."

Xuedi Xueyan said slightly angrily, Oscar really didn't have that kind of thought about her, but that woman might not be so!

"What's the other one?"

(End of this chapter)

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