Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 222 Pay Me to You

Chapter 222 Pay Me to You

"Well, it's really powerful. If you use it in the battle today, those three undead can only drink their hatred on the spot and become your undead!"

This is a fact, and Oscar is just a compliment based on facts.

The attribute of the skill he practiced was a feminine and extremely cold breath, and the attack power was far inferior to this extreme cold, even the Ice Emperor's!
"You are a good person, and you are also the first human being I have come into contact with!"

Regarding his praise, Xue Di said softly.Thinking that when he defended himself against the fierce attack of that strange creature twice, it was different from that woman's arrogance, he was very considerate!
Another gust of cold wind hit, the two looked like a couple in the cold wind from a distance, Oscar shivered for a while, and didn't know why she sent him a good person card!


Oscar's inadvertent action actually won the beauty's smile, and the whole snow field seemed to be cleared up for it!
"Still laughing, don't you know that my soul power is sealed! Yawn!" Oscar looked at the beauty's shocking smile and said lightly.

He really wanted to pull his hand back and rub it, but she held it tightly again. The reason was: she was cold and didn't feel the warmth!It is also unbearable!
Oscar insisted: You are a woman, I will not suffer!
"Well, if I help you open the law, what will you do to me!"

This time, the two of them looked at the lake, and there were seven small colorful fish swimming happily in the lake. The beauty also leaned on his shoulder, because she couldn't resist, she asked with a different thought!

When Oscar heard that she was planning to accept her fate, she praised the rogue master in her heart, the majestic master of the ice field, Snow Empress, was forced into this by the master.

"Don't worry, if you don't agree, I won't force you! Also, don't call me that, just call me Oscar!"

Oscar took her cold jade hand, and comforted her, saying, no matter how beautiful a person who has no feelings for him, what's the use of getting her body!

If Hong Ming knew what he was thinking, he would definitely knock on his head and say: How to get her body, is to get her power, bastard apprentice!
He suddenly thought of something, Oscar immediately asked: "Xue Di, can you tell me what the Gate of Law is!"

Snow Emperor was startled by Oscar's words, her face made even the Titan Snow Demon King crazy!
Oscar didn't know it, and he was compared with beasts, oh no, soul beasts, unintentionally!

Snow Emperor nodded, and said: "The Gate of Law is a term for a person who has just come into contact with the Law. It needs the guidance of pure elemental elves produced by the power of heaven and earth to further improve his abilities. Elements include light, darkness, thunder, ice, wind, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth and other elements, and I belong to the ice and snow element!"

When Xue Di said this, she brushed her loose hair, looked at the trembling Oscar, and continued: "Water has three simple states, vapor, liquid, and solid. Your current situation belongs to the liquid state. Among them, the solid state is ice, and ice has the strongest attack power. What your master devoured is the water elemental spirit seed of heaven and earth, at least more than five, so what she comprehends is the more gentle law of water! But she is very strong!"


When Oscar heard it, he also knew whether the master was strong or not. The point is that this elf master is too fierce. He swallowed five existences like Snow Empress, no, more than five!
"The law is the absolute control over the elements. Among the soul masters, you call it the domain!"

Regardless of the surprised Oscar, Xue Di calmly finished speaking, she couldn't see the depth of Hong Ming!
"Gulu! Snow Empress, I seem to have missed something just now. I probably didn't say whether I should wait for your consent or not! I think..."

Oscar swallowed, and said leisurely, looking very distressed, but scratched her palm with his hand, but unfortunately she was ice, so she didn't respond!

"What are you thinking! You humans like to backtrack!"

Xue Di said, not angry, looking at Oscar's joking appearance, he obviously needs the energy of ice, but it's just talking!It is true that you have a lustful heart but no lustful guts!

"Hey! Snow Empress, I also want to try the feeling of freezing thousands of miles in an instant!"

Oscar smiled and said, he did not expect to come into contact with these mysterious and mysterious things here. In the world of practice, cultivating to the transcending tribulation stage is considered the limit!
Xuedi asked: "Do you really want to try?"

Oscar scratched his head, because she wanted to talk about that matter again, and said with a smile: "I don't want to, I don't want you to be unhappy!"

Xue Di said: "Happy? What is that!" He also saw his intentions, and felt less conflicted!
Oscar shut up, he couldn't answer such a god-like dialogue, and the two fell silent again immediately!
Before the moment arrived, Oscar suddenly felt a chill attacking his limbs and bones!
Xuedi said suddenly: "Try it! The extreme cold freezes everything!"

Listening to her, Oscar only knew what was going on. He thought he was frozen by her, but he didn't even know that she was cold!

What Xuedi did was just to practice for the next thing to do!

"But, it's all ice here, why freeze!"

As Oscar said, he felt a chill in his body. If he didn't blow it out, his internal organs would be frozen!

Xuedi Bingxue pointed at the small lake with a jade finger, and said, "Isn't that right!"

Oscar nodded and tried his best to hit the beautiful small lake with one palm!
There was a loud noise, which stirred up waves, and the lake water that flew out instantly froze, and the small lake turned into a frozen lake. The Snow Emperor raised his eyebrows!

Oscar let out a low cry, and clenched his hand into a fist. Immediately afterwards, the ice lake changed. The frozen lake water quickly turned into ice slag!
"You——too much!" Xue Di was slightly angry, frowned, and then said a little disappointed: "I let you freeze, you can blow up my lake, but you even killed the seven colorful koi I raised ..."


Oscar was embarrassed, was that power too strong? It froze in an instant and shattered directly, he couldn't help it for a while!

Oscar said: "Xue Di, I'm sorry! I can't control it for a while!"

Those seven little fish should be her pets too, think about it carefully, but why did you tell me to face the lake!Oscar shook his head, facing the woman, he must say: My fault!
"Forget it! It's gone anyway!"

Xue Di was suddenly lost and said, the time is not good, and even her fish will not be spared when meeting this pair of master and apprentice, so she said to the big rabbit: "Moon rabbit! Go back to the nest!"

It's anti-thief, this is, Oscar is speechless, and wants to say to her: Roast rabbit meat should be good!

"Xue Di, at worst, I'll find some more to compensate you in the future!" Oscar patted her on the shoulder and said apologetically!

Snow Emperor looked at him, hesitantly said: "But, the entire ice field only has these seven pieces!"

Instantly petrified, Oscar really wanted to say: Don't engage in this kind of endangered animal protection!

"Pfft! Well, you don't need to pay!"

Seeing Oscar's exaggerated expression, Xue Di covered his mouth and smiled.

"How can I do it, pay me back to you, I'm warm!"

Looking at the charming beauty, Oscar swept away his apology, and finally pulled her over, hugged her slender and cold waist, and said affectionately, only to smile for Zaibo beauty!
However, imagination is always the opposite of reality!
Xue Di glared at him and said, "Don't you still want my power!"

(End of this chapter)

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