Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 223 Unlocking, the Comprehension of Ice

Chapter 223 Unlocking, the Comprehension of Ice
ruthless!It's cruel!

For her sharp words, I couldn't refute her. Her role is self-evident, a 10-year-level soul beast is full of treasures!It's like you reacted naked to a woman, but kept saying that you had no inappropriate thoughts, hypocrisy!

"Actually, I want to take you in as a spiritual pet even more. When the time comes to fight and release it, a 60-year-old soul beast, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!"

Oscar thought in his heart that the strength of Snow Empress was ranked in the top three among the top ten beasts, and if they were compared, he should be ranked second!

"Chichi! This is the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Crystal!" Snow Emperor smiled slightly, looking at the handsome man with a changeable expression in front of him, holding a large rhombus-shaped diamond in his right hand, and saw that it exuded a white and extremely cold aura. , Even the air froze!
"The Spirit Crystal of Ten Thousand Years, does it have any special uses!" Oscar asked curiously as he looked at the diamond that was as big as a baby's hand.I sigh that the energy in it is not inferior to the lifelong aura of a perfect practitioner in the transcending tribulation period!

"The Ten Thousand Years Resurrection Spirit Crystal, my companion spirit, has been nourished by the aura of heaven and earth for thousands of years. It is because of it that I can improve so quickly. I have passed the six limit times now. When the next limit comes, I don't know if I will be able to recover." I can't get over it, since I met you, I feel relieved when I think about it this way!"

Xue Di said calmly.Like a girl who has opened her heart, instead of being the Empress of the Ice Field!Every time the limit is a natural moat for the soul beast, it is difficult to overcome!

"Snow Empress! I believe you can do it!"

Oscar said to her kindly.She couldn't die, she was so beautiful and so strong, but he had seen the horror of the catastrophe with his own eyes.I have also experienced it myself!But anyway, she can't die!This is the voice in his heart!

Xue Di smiled and said, "Mmm! Oscar! Your words are enough!"

Her smile made the air feel much warmer!

Xue Di held the rhombus-shaped Wannian Spiritual Rejuvenation Crystal and continued, "In my perception, your heart should have a very young but extremely rare backbone. Its function is mainly to restore, and my Spiritual Rejuvenation Crystal is the same !Even stronger than it, with the power of the Resurrection Crystal, it should be able to evolve into the highest-quality heart bone, and then, as long as the heart is not destroyed, you will have extremely strong vitality and be immortal!"

Oscar was also surprised when he heard her words. In the world of practice, why do people practice desperately? Isn't it just to seek the realm of immortality!
"Xuedi, I took your spirit crystal, so what should you do! You should have survived six catastrophes by relying on it!"

Oscar declined.This thing is her companion spirit creature, only she can play a greater role!

"Oscar, give it to you! I don't need it anymore. After today, we will be one. Protect it!"

Xuedi said shyly, but her face was still pale.

After Oscar listened to her words, she gently pushed the Resurrection Crystal like goose feathers and snow, and it went straight into Oscar's heart!
After the rhombus-shaped diamond crystal block entered the body, it was cold!Cold from the bone marrow!A burst of extreme cold invaded the whole body, and the heart, chest, and back quickly froze, as if trying to freeze him, Oscar couldn't even shake, and became a completely frozen person!
"Oscar! You'll get used to it right away!"

Xue Di said with a different feeling, then gently lifted Oscar, and entered a small crystal-like beautiful room.

This hut has nothing but an ice bed made of cold ice. Although it is simple, it looks completely new!

Snow Empress gently put him away, stretching out two pairs of white transparent wings behind her, she seemed to have transformed into a real ice and snow elf, with the snow-white dress off her body, revealing a proud figure!
Oscar just watched like this, that delicate body, like an angel!

"Snow Empress! If you don't want to, no one will force you to put it on!"

Although he was fascinated by her exquisite body, at this moment, Oscar who was frozen was very sober and said!
"Oscar, that's enough! The Ten Thousand Years Resurrection Crystal has already entered your body, and that huge energy needs to be channeled! From now on, you will be the newborn Snow Empress of the Ice Field!"

Snow Empress approached him with a smile, stretching her arms and wings!

Oscar's new red suit was torn apart, and the two were honest with each other. She embraced him in her arms, and her snow-white wings wrapped them up!

"Oscar, protect this place well, because! This is my home!" After Xuedi finished speaking, the two of them seemed to merge into one, and layers of solid ice crystals scattered, sealing this place layer by layer!

Oscar felt her icy lips, her exquisite body, full of elasticity. Although she was cold, her heart was hot.

The two are perfectly fused together in the small space of ice crystals, regardless of each other, as if he is her and she is him!

"That's it! The new gate..."

Oscar shouted, he suddenly entered a boundless world of ice and snow, here, he felt the worship of the snow, the intimacy of the ice, he, like the emperor here!
A sudden cold wind hit, Oscar looked at the wind that seemed to be aimed at him, he just glanced at it, and the wind turned into ice-colored powder and scattered slowly!Because the wind contains water vapor!

Looking at himself naked, he had a flash of inspiration, and he was wearing a snow-white robe!

Afterwards, Oscar walked aimlessly!

Wherever he passed, the water vapor around him turned into ice and fell!
He doesn't know where this is!
But she clearly remembered that she had entered Xue Di's body, and Xue Di had also entered his body, and the two were perfectly combined and became one!
Now, the only thing that comes to mind is the Gate of Law!
He has been walking for a long time, there are no creatures here, only endless ice and snow!

One year, two years, three years...

I don't know how much time has passed!

Finally, Oscar stopped, his deep eyes were full of extreme cold!
Suddenly enlightened, I saw him coldly saying: "The profound meaning of the law is absolute control. Xue'er, you have been reminding me from the beginning that in the ice and snow, the wind and the air are all turned into ice, then only one!"

Oscar suddenly looked up at the gray sky in the world of ice and snow!

He felt that his mind was bright!Because he comprehended the meaning of ice: ice is me, and I am ice!

The comprehension of the law, under the absolute, freezes everything, in the sky and on the earth, I am the only one!


The corners of Oscar's mouth raised slightly, and he uttered this word lightly!

When the wind blew, he changed into fog and melted into this ice and snow world. More precisely, it was this ice and snow world that melted into his heart!

Inside the igloo, he slowly opened his eyes!
There is no longer a cold person in her arms, but a beautiful ice and snow elf who is one with her, and her two pairs of pure and flawless wings are carefully protecting him!
"Thank you!"

Oscar stroked her hair, and said to the weak Xuedi who seemed to have lost too much blood.

With a wave of her hand, the snow-white dress returned to her exquisite body!

He hugged her quietly, and the ice crystals covering them melted in an instant, and the bleak light came on. She just rolled over and leaned on his shoulder, and continued to sleep tiredly. For him, she spent a lot origin!
Feeling the call, he gently put her down and walked out of the igloo!

The snow-covered world, the elements of the sky, the ground, and the ice in the air are all jumping, excited, and welcoming, him!For the new emperor of the ice field!Snow Empress!

(End of this chapter)

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