Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 226 Snowfield Demon Flood Dragon

Chapter 226 Snowfield Demon Flood Dragon
"Xiaolu, do you know that there are still those 10-year-old soul beasts in the ice field!"

Regarding Oscar's inquiry, Ice Empress hesitated for a while!As the king of the ice field, it's not that she doesn't know that human beings need the power of soul rings to advance!

Oscar also waited patiently for Ice Empress' answer!

I saw her whispering: "Xueyuan is mainly respected by sister Xueer, followed by me, and the Titan Snow Demon King. We have all reached the 10-year level, and the white bear adopted by my sister, but it has not yet It's only reached 10 years!"

Looking at the Ice Empress who answered perfunctorily, Oscar threatened: "Xiaolu, pick the key point, or I will freeze you again!"

After Oscar finished speaking, a more powerful air of extreme cold appeared in his hand. In the form of ice, Oscar's cold air became stronger, making the ice emperor's big emerald green eyes tremble!
"Don't! I said, I said, besides Sister Xue'er and me, there is also the Titan Snow Demon King, and there is also a snow dragon on the ice field, all of which are 10 years old!"

In the end, Ice Empress had no choice but to succumb to Oscar's threat, and experienced Snow Empress's sense of powerlessness and unfavorable years!
Oscar listened, thinking that there were only four, there should be more than that, and continued to ask: "Little green, that's all? Is there any more!"

If Oscar's heartfelt words were known by his future mother-in-law, Bibi Dong, she would definitely smile and say: You are not satisfied with four, I would find it difficult to find another one now, and besides, 10-year-old soul beasts are not easy to kill!


The Ice Emperor pondered for a while, then raised his head and said: "Also, there are two rare 10-year-old soul beasts in the underground river of the ice field, where even Sister Xue'er can't do anything about them, they are the giant whale kings of the ice river And the Glacier Demon Shark King!"

Hong Ming at the side heard that the six ninth-level monsters are a powerful force everywhere, and she immediately said: "Yes, apprentice, after you break through and subdue them all, I have my own plan! "

There are only four 10-year-old soul beasts in such a huge ice field, obviously it can't live up to its name as a forbidden place!
Oscar nodded and said, "Master, then which breakthrough should I absorb!" Oscar firmly believed that her master was doing it for his own good!
Hong Ming's red lips trembled, just about to respond!
The Bingdi interjected at this time, and she said: "Well, if you can, you should choose Xuejiao, it is lustful by nature, and it has tried Sister Xueer and me many times, but it was defeated by Sister Xueer. All female soul beasts have been tortured by it, and Sister Xue'er can't do anything about it. Moreover, it has a huge appetite, and it eats tens of thousands of soul beasts every year! Among them are my clansmen!"

Oscar listened to the "recommendation" of the Ice Emperor, this snow dragon is really full of evil, but from the perspective of the snow dragon, it is a symbol of strength, weak creatures are its food and dolls!

"Xiaolu, you want us to get rid of that snow dragon, right? You've got your wishful thinking right!"

Oscar lightly tapped Bingdi's head and said with a smile, although she is arrogant, her brain is also quite slippery!

"Hey! In the words of you humans, that's what everyone needs, win-win!"

Being praised, Ice Empress let out a burst of crisp laughter.

Obviously, being convinced by this beautiful man whose strength is unknown, plus that woman, and her own words, that Xuejiao is doomed and can avenge the eaten clansmen!
"Well! Apprentice, this can also save a lot of effort in planning the next step for the master!"

Hong Ming nodded and said.Every step she takes is carefully calculated to pave the way for Oscar, only for him to reach the peak of immortality!

Seeing that such a strong person as Hong Ming respects Oscar's opinion so much, the Ice Empress added: "Extremely! And the snow dragon has a notorious name, it is called the Snow Field Devil Dragon!"

There is no need to delay the improvement of strength, Oscar made up his mind and said: "Snowfield Demon Flood Dragon! Alright, then choose it!"

Oscar thought, even the Snow Empress can't do anything about it, someone who can be called a jiao must have something extraordinary!A huge monster somewhere in the snowy field, apparently no longer aware of its own fate, is about to come to an end!

"Also, little green, I will be called the boss from now on!"

"Uh! Boss... Boss, can I not be called Xiaolu, it sounds so ugly!"

"No! You are my pet!"

"Isn't it some spiritual pet!"

The dialogue between one person and one beast is very funny, especially, Oscar is still lying on her cold back, letting her carry it!

Hong Ming, who was following behind him, said with a smile, "This bastard apprentice can enjoy two steps!"

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and the piece of black ice in the deep cave also had a good arrangement...

Looking at the two people and the beast going away, the golden silkworm in the ice sculpture shouted with tears streaming down his face: "Boss, woo... let me out, I, Xiaobai, will never dare again!"

A snowy peak mountain in the snow field!If you look at it from a distance, you will be shocked by it. The uncanny workmanship of nature and the towering peaks make people feel scared when they look at it.
Under the blizzard and snow, the cold wind is howling, and no one will notice that there is anything wrong. The danger here is not limited to the surface!

The appearance of three figures in red, black and green added a bit of brilliance to that Xuefeng!
"Boss, this is it!"

A big scorpion with a lazy red-clothed and white-haired beauty crouched down said, the voice was already full of gangster air, one mouthful of each boss, once boarded the thief boat was as deep as the sea!
Just as the beauty in red was about to speak, a deafening voice came! "Snow Empress! Ice Empress! Have you figured it out, you want to become my king's concubine!"

Suddenly a huge head protruded from the side of the mountain peak, and I saw that it was comparable to that peak, a giant of [-] meters, with two snow-white eyes like big lanterns, two snow-white tentacles, and on the forehead, a shocking The long, snow-white and crystal-clear unicorn looks exactly like the image of a dragon portrayed by Oscar fellows, but it's a unicorn!

Oscar laughed and said, "Ai Ji! Little Green, it seems that you are quite popular!"

Facing Oscar's teasing, Bingdi calmly replied: "Boss, you didn't hear him say it, Xuedi! He regards you as sister Xueer, and wants to take you in too!"

Oscar smiled: "Ah! Is there any!"

"Stop messing around! Apprentice, I'll leave it to you to practice! It's just a subspecies of dragon snake, and the dragon's blood is not pure at all!" Hong Ming commented, obviously he didn't like this dragon because his blood was thin!
"Of course, to deal with this kind of weak chicken, master, you should look after it!"

As Oscar said, he thought in his heart: This belongs to a dragon. Although it is a jiao, his whole body is full of treasures, yet he is so disgusted by his master!
"Hey! No, you are not the Snow Empress, your icy breath is weaker than hers!"

The big gong-like eyes of the Snowfield Demon Flood Dragon stared at Oscar, and the upside-down pupils seemed to be able to seduce people's souls!
"Of course not, Xuejiao! I'm the one who wants your life!"

Oscar stared back and said, the soaring spiritual energy can be used to practice hands!
"Hehehe! Even the Snow Empress can't kill me, just you, a little ant! The woman next to you is really beautiful, and with the Ice Empress, you can enjoy it!"

Xue Jiao taunted, obviously he doesn't take Oscar seriously, and the battle is imminent!
(End of this chapter)

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