Chapter 227 The Falling Snowfield

"Hmph! Then let's see if you have the ability!" Oscar stared at the giant dragon, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

The key is its huge body, a head is so terrifying!If it wasn't for the need to absorb advanced soul rings, Oscar would have thought of taking it as a mount, but seeing the Ice Empress under his feet, even though it wasn't cool enough, he could just ride her!
"Jie Jie! Very courageous! Roar!"

After the giant dragon finished speaking, he roared at Oscar, exuding an extremely cold breath, the feeling of being frozen thousands of miles away!
Facing the oncoming cold air, Oscar flashed hastily, and the big scorpion left behind was caught off guard!
There was an explosion, and the ice flowers flew wildly!

"Ah! Ah! Boss, you don't say anything when you leave!" Bingdi said a little madly.

It's fine that she was frozen by Oscar, but now she is still frozen by this disgusting snow dragon!
Oscar had some other intentions: "Ah! Little Green, I thought you would be able to react!"

"Hmph! Damn boss, I won't carry you on my back anymore, and I won't let you sleep on top of me!"

Facing Oscar's answer, what greeted her was a snort!
When Oscar heard the ambiguous words, he quickly shook his head: I'm not interested in scorpions, at least Snow Emperor is still in his own form!
Hong Ming, who was watching the play, said helplessly: "Really, it's another pair of bastards!"

Well!For Hong Ming's ridicule, the two turned a deaf ear and started to fight back!


"Ice Burst Claw!"

Frozen under Oscar's extreme cold air, the Ice Empress jumped up in time!I only heard that Xuejiao's head exploded!
Xue Jiao shook off the Ice Emperor and roared: "Roar! You have angered me! Ice Empress, and this hateful human, I will tear you apart today!"

It also didn't expect that Oscar could control the icy air that was not inferior to it, and it was a little painful to be exploded by the ice emperor's pincers!

Another large-scale breath!Every person and every beast is frozen!
Xuejiao raised its huge claws and slapped it hard. Its strength was higher than that of the Ice Emperor. With this full blow, the Ice Emperor would lose his fighting power even if he did not die!
Oscar broke through the ice first, and the ice!It is his world, it is impossible to trap him, only the Ice Emperor, this extremely strong breath can at least keep her frozen for a while!
Huge claws that seemed to cover the sky fell down, Oscar stood in front of the Ice Emperor, and a burst of cold air gushed out!

It's a showdown between ice!

Oscar also wants to use this to polish the aura in his body, and also, to practice the power of ice control!
I saw that when the dragon claw touched Oscar's cold air, it instantly froze. However, this giant dragon has grown too big, fully exerting the advantages of the big fat man, the chains can't be locked, only the Xuanming Sword can cut it !

Seeing that the right claw was temporarily frozen, the other claw of the Snowfield Demon Flood Dragon took a picture!
The red shadow flashed, a thousand meters away!
Hong Ming calmly watched this "shocking" battle, the aftermath of the battle was gently bounced away as soon as it reached her body, as if it couldn't affect her at all!
"Little green, you can't do it!"

Holding a big scorpion in his arms, Oscar joked that if he didn't make it in time, she might have been seriously injured!

"Ah bah! Isn't it just big, boss! Can you do it!"

The Ice Empress was very upset when Oscar teased her, and then asked, doubting whether Oscar could handle this behemoth!

"Little green! A man can't say no!"

Oscar knocked her big head and said, the picture is very funny!

The Ice Emperor replied: "Oh! Then go beat it!"

"Damn humans! Ice Empress! You can't escape!"

With a loud roar, a roar of hundreds of feet circled up!

"Master, how did this body evolve!" Looking at the revealed Snowfield Demon Flood Dragon, Oscar smiled wryly, wanting to say: This is already against the sky, okay?
"Boss, it wants to use the wind and snow of the snow field, stop it!"

The Ice Emperor shouted, still a little frightened, the snow dragons are of a different kind, and have begun to possess the transformation ability of a dragon, using the energy of heaven and earth, just like they use the power of the snow field!
"Really! I also want to see who is stronger!"

Oscar stared at the sky dancing with snow, and that huge body that seemed to cover the sky. The cold air around him continued to gather, and even the Ice Empress shivered. As the Snow Empress of the Snow Field, he mobilized the power of the entire Snow Field!
"Heaven and earth! Only me! Domineering!"

Oscar waved a huge snow-white handprint that was not inferior to the snow dragon's body, and with a light push, all the power of Xue Yuan hit the snow dragon!

In the sky, with the help of the power of the wind and snow, the snow dragon hovered down, like a snow-white meteorite falling, rushing towards Oscar's big handprint, its hard body is its confidence!


A loud noise resounded through the entire snow field, and under the sweeping wind and snow, the soul beasts hid in the deep snow caves one after another, and the soul beasts that had no time to hide in it instantly disappeared into nothingness!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the snow-white meteorite hitting the ground made a thousand-meter-deep crater in the blink of an eye!

"Little green, exciting!"

Above the sky, Oscar smiled while holding a huge emerald green scorpion, as if he was not involved in the commotion just now!

"Well! Exciting! Exciting!"

Instead, this time, the Bingdi didn't complain, but nodded his head in agreement, and said, I haven't seen such a fierce battle for a long time!
Oscar smiled, but he knew in his heart that maybe it was because he couldn't control it properly, even absolute zero couldn't stop the Snowfield Demon Flood Dragon under the wind and snow!If it wasn't for mitigating the aftermath by myself, many soul beasts should have died under the impact. Sure enough, it was a fight between gods and mortals who suffered!
In the sky, white snow is falling, this time Oscar plans to fight it in the air!
The snow dragon trapped in the ice layer, motionless, looked dead and motionless, but when Oscar detected its slithering eyes, he knew what bad idea this cunning guy was planning!
Oscar shouted: "Snow Jiao! Don't pretend to be dead, hurry up and get killed!"

The current fighting strength is not enough, he has not completely controlled the power of ice as he wants, and a more intense battle is needed!

"Jie Jie! What a human being that surprised me, you actually have the ability of the Snow Emperor!"

I haven't seen Oscar approaching for a long time, and Xue Jiao also responded, twisting her huge body, and hovering again!

A war in the sky is about to begin again!
"Little green, you go down first!"

As soon as Oscar was thrown away, the green shadow slid down like a meteor, landing lightly!

The Bingdi who reached the ground stamped his feet and said angrily, "Damn it, aren't you just afraid that I will hold you back!"

"Mysterious Nether Body!"

Seeing the rushing snow dragon, Oscar also summoned the Mysterious Underworld Body, allowing it to attack!


The Ice Empress on the ground saw the scene of Oscar being hit, and shouted in pain, even she didn't know that her shout had a different emotion!
"Haha! Human, you are crazy!"

Feeling the blood spit out by Oscar, Xue Jiao felt a burst of pleasure!
"Cough! Cough! That's right! I don't know if you've heard of...blood...color...extreme...cold!"

Oscar coughed and said with a smile, already at an altitude of [-] meters, a bloody and terrifying chill suddenly emanated, as if it could freeze the sky!

"No! No! It's impossible!"

Xuejiao roared in panic and panic, eyes full of disbelief, as if the heavens played a big joke on it!
"It's over! Snow Jiao!"

(End of this chapter)

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