Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 232 Python Robe!throne!

Chapter 232 Python Robe!throne!
"Hey! Where is this?"

A temple made of cold ice crystals, and a figure with messy hair wandering in it, he didn't know why he came to such a place!
A snowy continent!
"Old Master! Boss, are you okay!"

A big emerald green scorpion asked worriedly beside a young and charming man sitting cross-legged like an old monk in meditation.

Glancing at the cold apprentice, he saw that his whole body had turned into ice crystals, emitting a silver light, and everything was moving in a good direction!

The old master said calmly: "Don't worry! Your boss is fine, but it will take a long time to accept it! Little Scorpion, I have something for you to do!"

The big scorpion did not doubt that he was there, nodded and said: "The old master ordered, don't dare to disobey!"

What she wanted to say in her heart was, facing such a perverted old master, what choice did she have!

"Hmm! You look like a general!" Listening to Ice Emperor's answer, Hong Ming nodded and smiled, and then said, "Little Scorpion, your task is to conquer all races in the snow field, remember! Go to the Ice Emperor in the name of Snow Emperor!" conquer!"

"That's no problem, but I can't do anything about the soul beast race in the glacier!"

The Ice Empress said confidently at first, but was helpless in the end.

As for the soul beasts under the glaciers, they have never violated the river water, and in the glaciers, she has no advantage at all!

"That's even better! You have conquered all the races in the snowy field, trained the army of monsters, and handed over the glacier to your boss, let him stand up!"

Hong Ming said that Oscar in the mysterious palace had no idea that a war of empires planned by her master was about to start!

"Finally! Attack the human city, little scorpion, remember!"

Hong Ming spoke plainly, but the Bingdi who listened felt very excited, and wanted to start this plan immediately!
The Bingdi resolutely replied: "Yes! Remember, old master!" He looked like he was looking forward to the red horse!
"Well! Then you go!"

Hong Ming waved her hand, signaling her to leave, she still has a lot of things to do next!
The excited Bingdi bid farewell to the old master at last, and hurried back to attack the human world. She was also looking forward to it, her boss could kill even Xuejiao, who else could stop them then!

The skin of a snow dragon, nine strangely cold snow pythons, a huge piece of profound ice, countless ice crystals...

Hong Ming took out a lot of rare materials, including a big furnace like Laojun's gossip furnace!

"As an emperor, how could he not have his own dragon robe!"

Hong Ming said indifferently, holding the jiao skin that seemed to be able to cover the sky, and threw it into the furnace!


A silver flame spurted out and plunged into the quaint big furnace. The flame was extremely cold. This was the divine fire she captured, and it was the real fire of the lunar yin that was second only to the real fire of the sun!
"Hey! Dragons are hard to catch, apprentice! Use these nine snow pythons to replace your Ninety-Five Supremes!"

Hong Ming said with a sigh, and the nine weak snow pythons were also thrown into the furnace!


The stove, which was originally quiet, now heard bursts of crashing sounds, Hong Ming casually grabbed a handful of ice crystals and threw them in, the sound gradually became smaller!
"Hey, it's been a long time, and it's the first time refining fairy clothes, apprentice, I hope you like it..."

Hong Ming controls the heat, which is equivalent to an artifact, and it will take a long time, and the process is extremely irritating and boring.

"Wow! Gotta think about my bed!"

Hong Ming laughed, patted her red lips with her jade hands and walked towards the piece of black ice, letting the fire in the furnace forge the Nine Python Immortal Clothes!
With a flash of black light, the rock-solid black ice was cut into two pieces, one big and one small, and Hong Ming began to polish the big black ice!

In the snow field, two ice sculptures sitting one standing and one standing up look funny!
Time is like this, day by day has passed!
half year later…

"Old master, what a beautiful ice bed! What a refreshing ice!"

A big scorpion was talking to a jealous woman.Look, a simple and polished one, which also depicts countless dazzling runes, looks even more mysterious, with a powerful attraction!
"Hmm! How's it going!"

The woman asked lightly, and continued to carve, while the fire in the big furnace next to her was still burning fiercely!

"Old master, with the Titan Snow Demon King as the vanguard, we have conquered the snow tiger known as the king, the snow wolf known for its speed, the snow fox known for its cunning, the snow emperor commanded, and all the clans returned to their hearts. Now we are planning the mysterious snow demon snow demon clan !"

The Ice Empress is like a marshal returning triumphantly from an expedition, slowly explaining the great results of the expedition with honor!
"Hmm! Little Scorpion is pretty capable! Go on, your boss will wake up in half a year, remember to pick the best warcraft!"

Hong Ming smiled and said, it has already started, and her mysterious ice bed is almost finished, and the next step is to build a mysterious ice throne for her apprentices!

Ice Emperor's departure again...

Hong Ming put away his beloved Wannian Xuanbing Bed, and the next thing is that small piece of Wannian Xuanbing!

This is a gift for the disciples, she carved it very carefully, the size of the throne, the comfort of the handle, and some hidden functions!

Time, to practitioners, is like flowing water, passing by casually, let alone her.


"Okay! This Temple of the Great Yin is handed over to you. It was originally in the world, and it will finally return to the world!"

A touching voice, that glamorous and charming figure, once her face appeared, millions of gods would be overwhelmed by it, and her name is Ehuang, the goddess of Taiyin!

"Don't worry! I will be optimistic about the temple!"

A man whose beauty paled in front of her bowed slightly, more regretful that a generation of such a beautiful goddess disappeared like this!
The explosion of the ice sculpture caused Hong Ming, who was training two immortal weapons in the big furnace, to look over. That long-lost face became even more beautiful, even a little glamorous!

"Master! What's wrong! You don't know me anymore!"

The shirtless Oscar smiled, but with this simple smile, the sky was moved. The originally gray snowfield unexpectedly sprinkled a ray of sunshine!
"I know you will succeed, first control yourself!"

Hong Ming was slightly lost in thought, and then said, her smile is well concealed!
"Oh! Indeed! That fairy is indeed very beautiful, but I still think that the real master is even more beautiful!"

As Oscar said, he walked over, controlled his emotions, and hugged Hong Ming from behind!
Looking at the suddenly trembling and relieved master, Oscar smiled lightly, telling you to tease me like this back then!
This!It is the power of immortals, one joy can calm the sky, one anger can destroy the earth!

"Don't make a fuss, my teacher is refining an immortal weapon for you!"

Hong Ming was furious, this unscrupulous apprentice, he messed up as soon as he woke up!
"Oh! Immortal Artifact! I thought you were making alchemy, Master!"

Oscar said, merging the fairy bone, it is a little more restraint, but after complete control, it can return to normal!

"to make!"

Hong Ming yelled, and saw two dazzling treasures born with aura soaring to the sky, and the sky in the snowy field instantly turned dark and cloudy!

"Apprentice! This thunder tribulation! I'll practice your hands for you!" Hong Ming said with a smile!

"Of course! I also want to experience the feeling of crossing the robbery in advance!"

Oscar responded, protecting the immaculate fairy clothes surrounded by nine giant pythons, and the ice and snow throne with the air of a noble emperor!

Above the void, there is a huge space enchantment, connecting hundreds of small worlds, which is called: God Realm!
"Douluo Continent, this is a harbinger of the birth of a divine weapon, Sea God, you have to be busy!"

"Tch! Why is it my turn again, but the birth of this artifact is no small matter!"

An empire of ice and snow will unfold with the emergence of two immortal artifacts...

(End of this chapter)

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