Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 233 Master's Love and Love for Master

Chapter 233 Master's Love and Love for Master
"Mysterious Nether Body!"

Seeing the coming thunder of destruction, Oscar directly used the mysterious body of abnormal defense.And the color of the Xuanming body that appeared this time is actually different from the color of the Xuanming body in the Dacheng period. This time the color is silver and shining. From a distance, Oscar looks like a cast of silver!

The first thunder!Oscar, who was prepared with cold hands, was a little confused, but he was unscathed. I feel that Lei is not here to make a joke!

Looking at the indifferent Oscar, Na Lei seemed to be even angrier. There were muffled noises, as if a stronger attack was brewing, which was bound to kill this hateful person!



On the snowy field covered by dark clouds, thunder is what their spirit beasts fear the most!but!
"Hey! Boring!"

Oscar shirtless said, the more the thunder strikes, the more his own silver glow deepens, he is already consummated, and the next step is the legendary fairy body. Of course, if Oscar has not completed the tribulation, he will never reach that step .

The dark clouds gradually dissipated, and Oscar came down wearing a python robe that was just suitable for his body shape and a mysterious ice throne!
"Apprentice! This is the first time I've seen you pass the tribulation so easily. It seems that you are very confident in the future!"

Looking at the more and more beautiful apprentice, Hong Ming teased.Is he so beautiful down to his core? He really deserved it, even she couldn't resist the attraction!
"Of course, only the master is good in this world, and a child with a master is like a treasure!" Oscar smiled slightly, and the little iceberg opposite him began to melt!

"Cut! What are you singing? It's really ugly. It's not as good as the piano music you play!"

Hong Ming said flatly, Oscar's strange tune made her heart tremble, obviously thinking about the original taste of Oscar's tune.

"Then master! I can only play it to you later. Are these two gifts you want to give me? They are so beautiful!"

Oscar asked, when he saw it at first sight, he liked it very much. The python robe, with its nine python patterns, looks like it is alive. It's that simple!
"Of course, it has been refined for a year, but the quality of the throne is inferior to that of the python robe!"

Hong Ming replied with some dissatisfaction. Seeing the joy in Oscar's eyes, he added: "Apprentice, try to wear it, just drop your blood and recognize the master!"

When Oscar heard it, he liked it, and if he confessed with blood, without his consent, others would not be able to control him, and he was not afraid of losing it!

Tick ​​tock!Tick ​​tock!
Two drops of silver, red, white, and green blood fell on the python robe and the throne. Seeing the blood of another color, Oscar also smiled wryly. Doesn't it turn into blood every time?
In fact, he was wrong. Blood is produced in the bone marrow and then circulated by the heart. His blood will be silver in the future!

"Master, you rascal!"

Seeing his good pair of pants being torn apart suddenly by his master, Oscar finally uttered his heartfelt feelings for many years!

"Oh! Good apprentice, you are so disrespectful to the teacher!"

Hong Ming approached Oscar, only to see that Oscar's body was suddenly covered by a snow-white python robe, his appearance was very suitable, and there was also a pair of pants!
"Master, the apprentice wrongly blamed you!"

Oscar smiled flatteringly and said, "I didn't expect this boa robe to have such a showy operation!"

"Hmph! White-eyed wolf!"

Hong Ming snorted, knowing that Oscar didn't mean to offend, and didn't want to argue with him too much, just walked around casually.

"Master, it shouldn't be a complete set, do you have any shoes?"

Oscar shouted at the walking master, tried to take off his shoes, and then!A pair of tall and bright boots were worn on the feet, and the size was just right.

Xuan Ming flashed!
Oscar's happy white shadow hung out, and hugged the angry Hong Ming into his arms!

"Hahaha! Master, I like your gift very much!"

Oscar had already put his arms around the beautiful master, and couldn't help laughing, suddenly a few golden lotuses grew around him!
"Silly apprentice! Control it first! You think Master is not happy for you!"

Seeing this situation, Hong Ming quickly hid Oscar's smile, and reminded him that he had just changed the fairy bones, although he is not a fairy, he is even better than a fairy!

Oscar nodded, and then kissed lightly. Master has done too much for him, and only by selling his hue can he make up for it!
Hong Ming wanted to break free, but he couldn't help Oscar's charm, which was attracted by the fairy bones of the Taiyin fairy.

The enthusiasm is like fire, blending with each other!
"Boss! You're awake!"

After a long time, a playful voice came, calling back the two people who were in a daze. Hong Ming was relieved for this, but she was a little grateful to the person who made the voice. If she was tricked by her apprentice like this, then she would never recover. That's it!

"Hmm! Little Green! Your aura, have you passed the second limit?" Oscar looked at the improved Ice Empress, and asked curiously instead of blaming her.

"Yes, the boss' master helped me, otherwise I would be stuck for a while!"

Bingdi responded softly like never before, and there was only one voice in his heart, a question mark: Why does the boss look even more beautiful than the old master!
"Yes, apprentice, she has contributed a lot to your future avenue!" At this time, Master Oscar stood up and said.

"Hmm! Thank you for your hard work!"

Oscar approached the Ice Empress, stroked her big head, and smiled lightly. Just this inadvertent action has captured the Ice Empress!


At this time, Hong Ming finally laughed out loud, he had already told him that he had committed a taboo, let's see how he is responsible for this big scorpion!
"Master, why are you laughing!"

Oscar was already in a daze, but his master had already comforted him, so what if he touched Little Green, he didn't even know what Bingdi had done this year!

Hong Ming foolishly said: "Nothing!"

"Suddenly, I really like boss!" Bingdi whispered, of course, only she could hear the voice.

"Tell me, what happened this year!"

Oscar didn't move around this time, he just hugged the beautiful master tightly, and the two auras of Yin and cold in their bodies merged secretly!

"It's like this. I follow the old master's wishes and have conquered all the races in the snow field, and I will take them under your subordinates!"

The Ice Empress said proudly, even the Titan Snow Demon King is her subordinate!Under such changes, how could she not be infected!

"Hmm! Thank you for your hard work!"

Oscar said to the Ice Emperor, her master's tricks are endless, this time the establishment of the Ice and Snow Empire!There must be a reason for her!

In the end, Hong Ming arranged for tomorrow's proclaiming emperor ceremony, and the Ice Emperor left, preparing to call all the snowfield races!

Snow House, Oscar is back with his master in his arms!

"Apprentice! I know you like freedom, don't you want to know why the teacher has worked so hard to build an ice and snow empire for you!"

The beautiful master in his arms said, with the attitude of a complete little woman, I hope that Oscar will ask, but I don't want him to ask!
"No, I just remember: my master loves me, she won't harm me. If you want my life, you can take it as you like!"

Oscar smiled lightly and said, his master is so strong, and he even let himself take advantage of him for his own sake. The hundred times of intercourse of his soul made him deeply remember her, and his soul was branded with her imprint!
"Apprentice..., I haven't recovered my strength yet, I will wait for a chance to..."

"Haha! Master, is that the only way to do it!"

Oscar smiled, it's time to treat him in his own way!

(End of this chapter)

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