Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 234 Ceremony of Proclaiming Emperor

Chapter 234 Ceremony of Proclaiming Emperor
The snowy field is a place that people can't stop, not only because of the extremely cold and harsh environment, but also because of the powerful ten thousand year lord level soul beast!But at this time, soul beasts over ten thousand years old gathered together, and at the top of a snow hill in front of them, there was a mysterious ice throne that they all coveted!

Next to the throne, there is a beautiful green scorpion, but it makes them all afraid. Its giant claws hit the ice layer and made a muffled sound, which made the gathered spirit beasts much quieter. This scorpion also has a mighty name. : Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion!

They seem to be waiting for something!
In the exquisite igloo of ice crystals, a woman in a black dress that makes even the gods feel sad is grooming a glamorous snow-haired man who exudes charm from the bottom of his bones!

"Apprentice, today is your proclaiming emperor ceremony, you are still so careless!"

The combing woman smiled lightly, her expression was well controlled, the movements of her hands were very gentle, and her eyes were full of love!
"Tch! If it wasn't for your idea, Master, with you by my side, I wouldn't want to go to that grand ceremony where there are all soul beasts!"

The beautiful man smiled back, he is the recently popular Snow Empress, Oscar!

After a while, she watched him sweep away his previously messy long hair, adding to his handsome appearance. Every strand of his hair was well combed. He said that it was only for today!

"Okay! Apprentice, let's go!"

The woman in the black skirt tapped his face lightly, urging him, this is also of great importance, it is related to his future cultivation!
"Well! I will not let you down, Master!"

After the beautiful man finished speaking, he made a pun and walked out calmly!

The Snow Hill not far from here, if not for the suppression by the Ice Emperor, the Titan Snow Demon King and the snow bear adopted by the former Snow Emperor, there would have been riots here!

hoo hoo hoo!
"The Snow Emperor is here! Welcome!"

The three roars of the three beasts headed by the Ice Emperor made all the beasts kneel down, and at the same time, they let out a low growl!
Oscar came from it, and found that the spirit beasts on both sides were all ten thousand years old. Since 1 years ago, there were no less than a hundred of them. He sighed in his heart about the background of the snow field!
In the end, Oscar sat on the Xuanbing Throne, and the feeling was different from the previous trial sitting, as if there was something more aura!
"Get up!"

With Oscar's empty hand, these hundreds of ten thousand year spirit beasts were gently lifted up. Their spiritual intelligence is not low even after their cultivation has reached ten thousand years. They can only be shocked by Xin Xuedi's methods!
Looking at the white furry jackals and leopards below, Oscar smiled wryly, is he going to be the king of beasts?
"Today! This emperor proclaims the emperor and the north, and his posthumous name is Xue. I wish to protect the peace of my northern snowland forever, and protect my thousands of people in the northern land. Now, you will regard me as the master, stop the civil strife, and help me sweep the north." !"

Oscar calmly said these lines prepared by her master, and her goosebumps fell all over the floor!

A group of birds... soul beasts roared, their expressions were very excited, as if they were in estrus!
"Yes! Snow Empress!"

This was what Oscar heard. He was shocked that he could understand the language of the beasts, and his heart broke down a bit. He immediately signaled them to calm down. The next step was to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth to show his determination to become emperor!

"It's strange, I don't know what sacrificial oration Master is saying!"

Oscar took out a roll of golden cloth, lit it casually, and suddenly saw a golden light shoot up into the sky, and it lasted for a long time, all the beasts were shocked, and they were all bathed in golden light. Their cultivation seemed to have improved, and their thoughts became more and more clear Ching Ming.Among them, under the golden light, the Ice Emperor, Titan Snow Demon King and Snow Bear are the most intense!

I saw the golden light in the sky forming a simple rune, but it can make people understand. A golden light fell on Oscar's body, and Oscar, who had already touched the Mahayana stage, was like enlightenment at this time, and everything came naturally. Without the soul ring Next, reached level 81!
"Huh! No!"

Oscar muttered, and noticed a slight difference. What he didn't know was that the luck of Xueyuan was quietly gathering towards him!

"Little Green! Dabai! Snow Demon! Protect me!"

Oscar said suddenly, something was forming, and he began to sit down in cross-legged meditation!The three beasts closest to him also benefited a lot.

"Apprentice, you will taste the benefits of the latest imperial luck!" Hong Ming quietly watched all this at the side of the snow house!

In the snow field, the beasts in the golden light growled, because of the coercion from Oscar, no!It should be the coercion from those two scarlet soul rings, the coercion of ferocious beasts. At this moment, they have already convinced Oscar, the new emperor!

Surrounding Oscar are seven bright soul rings, two yellow, one purple, two black, and two blood red. After the seven, there is another faint golden soul ring, which is gradually solidifying!
Two hours have passed!
Under the golden light, Oscar was like a holy god, a faint golden soul ring condensed out!

"Is this the soul ring of God? It's not right, the power is wrong!"

When Oscar opened his eyes, he saw this incomprehensible scene. He just wanted to wait for the ceremony to end and ask his master for clarification!Looking at the tens of thousands of years of soul beasts below, Oscar smiled bitterly and was puzzled!
"The grand ceremony has been completed, all the beasts have dispersed, gather here in three days, and conquer the glacier!"

Oscar said calmly, but there was an invisible force that made them irresistible, it was Ling!

The beasts roared away in response, the golden light helped them a lot this time, and they also needed to stabilize their cultivation.

"Xiaolu, Dabai stay here, Snow Demon, you go back on your own first!" Oscar said to the three guardians!
The three of them got a lot of golden light. As for Dabai, whether it can break through to 10 years depends on its creation!
"Hee hee! Boss, what is this golden light? I feel like I've been baptized and relaxed!" Ice Empress approached Oscar directly, giggling.

She has been captured, and it is impossible to like other people or spirit beasts for most of her life, unless there is someone more attractive to her than Oscar!

"I don't know about this for the time being. I want you to stay because I want to prepare the next plan with you. Xiaobai also said that you can't do without her when you are fighting and practicing?"

As Oscar said, he ignored her big emerald green eyes, and went directly to find Master Beauty!

When he just stepped into the small and exquisite ice crystal snow house!Hong Ming's voice came:

"Do you really want to know?"

"Mmm! Master! After all, people are curious!"

Oscar said with a smile, clinging to his beautiful master like a shadow!
"Apprentice! That is the power of merit. When an empire was first established, luck was at its peak, but your power of merit is obviously not enough. Next, you will work hard to unify the north and build a true northern empire. No, it will be very difficult for you to break through the next level!"

Hong Ming explained, then smiled suddenly, feeling like she had brought her apprentice into the pit again, full of pride!
Oscar smiled wryly: "Master, let's not make progress at every turn, okay, I'm afraid for my disciples!"

"Tch! You think I think, practice is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. You have already broken through to the Mahayana stage, and it will be even more difficult to go further!" Hong Ming gave the apprentice an angry look!

"Okay! Then how can you comfort, master, your disciple who has been hurt!" Oscar said!

I saw a flash of silver light, Oscar was already lying motionless on the master's jade back, a silver light instantly floated into Hongming's sea of ​​consciousness, and I saw a jade man waiting for him!

Snowfield Demon Dragon's Fallen Peak!

Oscar brought Xiaolu and Xiaobai here, this time only for the snow lotus essence that Xuejiao was talking about!

(End of this chapter)

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