Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 235 Xue Lian

Chapter 235 Xue Lian

"Xiaobai! Did you find anything!"

In a deep mountain snow forest, Oscar said to the golden silkworm who was detecting the breath like a police dog.Although its combat power is not strong, it can be regarded as a real dog-headed military master soul beast. With the establishment of the Ice and Snow Empire, its fate will be rewritten accordingly!
"Boss, I found out a little bit, but she's hiding very deep, so it's hard to find in a short time!"

Xiaobai raised his round head, looked at the boss lazily lying on Bingdi's back with his small golden eyes, and said with a sore heart.

"Yeah! Keep working hard! Dabai, come out and play around!"

Oscar said calmly, Dabai and Moon Rabbit were left to him by Xuenv, and he was still considering whether to accept these two directly as spiritual pets, because Xuenv had already fallen into a deep sleep after getting the essence of the Xuejiao brain marrow, and he could not ask her about it. Opinion, the moon rabbit is also in a stocking state!


Dabai responded with an excited roar, saying yes, it followed Oscar because he had the aura of a snow girl on him!

"Woo... woo!"

While searching hard, Jin Cang wept sadly, the person he liked was carrying his boss behind his back, and he had no bonus or vacation!
After half a day...

"Yeah! Xiaobai, you did a good job!"

Oscar looked at the treasure land full of elixir found by the golden silkworm, patted the golden silkworm's fleshy body and said.These are all treasures, any one can be exchanged for ten thousand gold, I have to admire its luck!

"Hey! Boss, are you going to teach me how to make little greens?"

Jin Cang said unwillingly, because of the way Ice Empress looked at Oscar, but Oscar ignored her, which meant that it still had a chance!
"Boss won't teach you how to be beautiful, it depends on your skills, just impress her!"

Oscar said, he has seen both the golden silkworm and the humanoid energy body of the Ice Emperor, and the transformed energy body of the Golden Silkworm is indeed handsome and handsome, but the Ice Empress is even better, with a glamorous appearance that is charming!

"Roar! Roar!"

Suddenly, not far from Xuefeng, Dabai's cheerful roar came, which made Oscar also curious, never heard it so cheerful!

"Xiaobai, Xiaolu, you guys continue to search for the snow lotus essence first, I'll go and see Dabai!"

Oscar said to the two worms, and indirectly created a chance for them to be alone!Seeing Xiaobai's grateful little eyes, Oscar couldn't help laughing, thinking: I'll just go and see Dabai, I'll make you happy.

The Ice Empress, who was on Oscar's body, raised her big pliers and said, "Boss, hurry back!"

Oscar nodded, and the white shadow flashed and disappeared in place!

A hidden place!

"Hee hee! Big guy, you lost again, you have to be punished!"

A fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl with a delicate face smiled and revealed two charming dimples, and laughed at a big bear about ten meters tall with shiny fur.


Big Bear roared lightly, very excited, just saying: This time it doesn't count, let's do it again!
"Hee hee, that's good! Rock paper scissors!"

The little girl was having a lot of fun, and Oscar, who was hidden by the side, watched this speechless scene, you little brat, dare to bully my Dabai, can bears make scissors, can bears make rocks!
Looking at this beautiful girl, she seems to be finding a partner very rarely, and it takes a few more games each time before the big white bear loses!

"Rock paper scissors!"


"Rock paper scissors!"

When the two were having fun, a pair of "scissors" suddenly appeared, and they won the final victory!

"Haha! I won, let me tell you how to punish you!"

Oscar smiled indifferently, and grabbed the little girl's hand to swipe his knuckles.I was afraid that she would run away.After thinking for a while, Oscar suddenly said, "Yes!"

Oscar raised his left hand, bent his index finger into a small crescent moon, and gently slid her cold and smooth little nose!

"Hehe, it's so itchy!" The little girl laughed when Oscar slid her gently.

But Oscar grabbed her and asked, "Little sister, do you want to come again?"

"Hmph! What little sister, you are only a little sister, I am ten thousand years old!" The little girl raised her other hand and raised her index finger.

The delicate little face is as beautiful as a jade carving, because Oscar's body exudes an aura that is purer than hers, and she has already let go of her desire to escape!

Oscar suddenly mentioned her and said with a smile, "Oh! That's right, then why are you not taller than me!"

"That's because, because..."

The little girl muttered, but didn't know how to answer. Being held by Oscar gave her a different feeling, as if she was being pampered!
"Because! You haven't really had fun and eaten delicious food, so I'll take you out to play in the future, okay?" Oscar smiled bewilderedly, and answered what she couldn't answer, but he was already secretly preparing!
"Really! You didn't lie to me!"

The little girl blinked her blue eyes, and the fluttering snow-white dress was like a little princess, asking innocently.

"Of course, look, it's also with me, doesn't it grow very tall!" Oscar pointed at Dabai, Dabai grinned, lowered his head to let Oscar caress.

"Hmph! I don't want to go out. It's too scary outside. Fortunately, I run fast, otherwise I will be eaten by bad guys. There was a bedbug trying to occupy me before. Only this big guy can play with me!"

The little girl said, her delicate face seemed to be expressing her grievances, but Oscar had a charm that she couldn't refuse, his every frown and smile flowed like a clear spring, very refreshing!
"Well! No one will bully you in the future, follow me, you can still play with the big guy, I also have a beautiful little bunny at home!"

Oscar smiled, stroked her snow-white curly hair, and came up with a good way of abducting her!

"Yeah! That's good!" The little girl finally nodded inexplicably, completely unaware that she had fallen into the trap!

With a drop of four-color blood dripping, a rune was formed instantly. Oscar hugged her into the rune and smiled, "Little sister, it will be fine soon, and there will be many people playing with you in the future!"

"Yeah, and, don't call me little sister anymore, I'm Xue Lian!"

The little girl pouted and said, although she said she was [-] years old, her heart was as pure as this snowfield, all white!

She frowned slightly, but enjoyed Oscar's touch very much. After the light gradually dissipated, she said to Oscar: "It's all right! Take me to find Little Tutu!"

Oscar nodded, and let go of her little hand, because his fourth spiritual pet, Snow Lotus Spirit, Xue Lian, had joined the gang!

Looking back on Oscar later, it seemed that most of his spiritual pets were tempted to join the gang, except for the three-eyed Jinyi who was beaten violently, Jincan, Bingdi, and Xue Lian were all subdued by extraordinary means!

"Big White!"

Oscar softly called, Dabai understood, lowered his head, Oscar took the little girl by the hand, and jumped up, thinking that when he went back, he would give Xiaobai more time!

"Xue Lian, there are still a lot of delicious food outside, I will take you out in the future!"

On Dabai's back, Oscar said to the little girl.I feel that Xiaobai's hard work is not as good as Dabai's playing time!
Xue Lian's eyes were bright, and then said delicately: "Then you and the big guy have to protect me!"

Oscar smiled: "Yeah! Of course!"

A snow-white moving mountain with two small dots on its back!

Oscar returned to the treasure land of the previous elixir, and what he saw was: one insect and one scorpion, each facing the other side, no need to think about it, Xiaobai has failed!
Oscar came down with a curious Xue Lian, and when he was about to comfort the lost Xiao Bai, a sudden voice shocked him!
"Boss, I like you!"

(End of this chapter)

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