Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 237 Expedition to the Glacier

Chapter 237 Expedition to the Glacier
The vast snowfield is like a training ground for sergeants. There are hundreds of powerful generals with thousands of years of soul beasts. They are all lord-level kings on the side of the snowfield. At this time, they have to accept the order of their new emperor!
"Xiaobai, read it!"

Sitting high on the throne, Snow Emperor Oscar handed over a few flimsy ice watches with one hand. This was the hard work of him and his master for two days and two nights, and it recorded the rewards and punishments in great detail!
"Yes! Snow Empress!"

Xiaobai standing on his right nodded respectfully, and saw the ice watch handed over was suspended in front of it!

"Today! The Snow Emperor's Reward Order: First, those with outstanding combat ability will be promoted for a hundred years according to their merits! Second, during the crusade, regardless of disability, those who capture ten thousand-year-old soul beasts will have a thousand-year cultivation. Improvement, such as arresting 1 years, raising 1000 years, arresting 3 years, raising 3000 years of cultivation! Third, no matter the method, whoever makes any clan of soul beasts return to surrender, the cultivation base of ten thousand years will be raised... This is Snow Emperor's theory Rewards for meritorious deeds!"

"Roar! Roar!"

All the beasts roared, very excited, it takes a lot of time for them to improve every hundred years, every thousand years, they have natural talents and earthly treasures, but at this time the new emperor has such a means, they are so shrewd that they can't believe it!

The Ice Emperor came out domineeringly, and a muffled sound frightened all the beasts, and the scene suddenly became quiet, with small eyes and big eyes all looking towards the throne!

"This is the brain essence of the 10-year-old Snowfield Demon Flood Dragon. The Snow Emperor's words are true. Everyone just obey the orders and serve the Snow Emperor. The breakthrough to 10-year-old is just around the corner!"

The Bingdi said lightly, took out and held up a box of viscous liquid with a strange fragrance, and the fragrance wafted into the herd of beasts. If their instincts were not still trembling, they would definitely rush to snatch the box of powerful things , this is enough for them to improve their cultivation for ten thousand years, which is comparable to tens of hundreds of years of penance!

Xiaobai stood up again, watched the person he was thinking of show his might, turned another page, and continued to read:

"Snow Emperor's penalty orders: [-]. During the expedition, those who refuse to obey orders will be punished! [-]. When the battle begins, those who are bloodthirsty will be punished! [-]. When the battle is chaotic, those who secretly attack their own people will be killed! [-]... This is The emperor's decree, clear rewards and punishments, is a discipline!"

After Xiaobai finished reading, under Oscar's gentle wave of his hand, two thin ice watches actually sprayed out. Immediately, two huge ice monuments fell to the ground at the same time, with only one sound!

The snow was ruthless all over the sky, Oscar exuded the majesty of the emperor, and shouted loudly: "Let's go! Glacier! The three tribes of Titan Snow Demon, Snow Tiger, Snow Wolf and so on are the vanguard!"

"Roar! Roar!"

All the beasts responded, a huge colorful snow-white tiger raised its head, and correspondingly there was a tall and mighty snow wolf!



All the beasts move together, the earth shakes and the mountains shake!Because they all brought their own powerful fighters!

"Big White!"

Oscar called out, and a huge figure appeared, behind Dabai there was a big snow-white rabbit, and on the rabbit's back was a petite and playful little girl!
"Xue Lian, do you want to follow?"

Oscar asked the little girl, her main ability is healing, and she also has the auxiliary function of making beasts more clear. The instinct of beasts is bloodthirsty. This trial can be said to be very important. It is related to entering the frozen forest in the future. Close the city, as well as the entire northern region such as the northeast and northwest!
The little girl looked at the army of hundreds of people, pouted and said, "It's not fun to fight and kill!"

Oscar smiled and replied: "That's why I need you, your help to me is much more important than theirs!"

Facing Oscar's smile, and the terrifying pat on the head, Xue Lian, who is as innocent as her, has gradually fallen!
"Since I'm so important, then... let's take it as hard as I can!"

On the big furry back of Moon Rabbit, Xue Lian nodded and said, completely looking like a young lady!
"Okay! Dabai, you must protect Xue Lian and Yue Tu at every step!"

Oscar said to the stupid Dabai, now, he also wants to try the power of the Xuanbing Throne!

Dabai roared excitedly, causing Oscar's originally messy hair to become even more messy in an instant.


"Boss, don't you ride me anymore!"

The army was mobilized, and seeing Oscar sitting back on the throne, the Ice Empress asked a little puzzled!

"Ahem! Xiaolu, you can't be special when you go out!"

Oscar said in embarrassment, ah!What a ride, a misnomer!

The Ice Empress let out a cry of disappointment!
Looking at the mighty soul beasts, this is a sign that the ice field has never seen before. In later generations, this is called the beast tide!
The Xuanbing Throne floated up, and Oscar, who had the air of an emperor, slowly followed behind the army, followed by the Ice Emperor, Dabai Xiaobai and Yuetu Xuelian and his party!

During the half-day trip, the army traveled nearly a hundred miles, and came to a dark place with a strange temperature, because here, there were bursts of crisp sound of running water and the sound of water lapping on the shore from time to time!

"One-horned snow rhinoceros! Digging!"

Oscar, who was suspended in the sky, ordered that today, the snow field and the underground river will be connected!

Oscar gave an order, and all the beasts backed away. There were only a dozen or so one-horned snow rhinoceros in a group, and they came slowly. The leader was only 2 years old, but no beast dared to provoke it. Because of their fiery temper and fearsome defenses!

After dozens of sounds, a snow hill was flattened instantly by the violent trampling of the one-horned snow rhinoceros. Under the [-]-meter ice layer, a calm and beautiful river appeared. The breath is like the oasis of old age!

Oscar gently lifted the huge one-horned snow rhino that was struggling in the river, and then, a ghostly voice sounded among the beasts:

"Snow rhinoceros family, remember a merit!"

As soon as the sound sounded, some of the weaker soul beasts roared in low voices, as if the night passed and the dawn came, hope!
Looking at the sudden group of black shadows, the Ice Emperor said: "Old... Snow Emperor! This group is the ice eel family of the glacier, the gateway to the glacier! It has an electric shock paralysis effect, very difficult to deal with!"

He looked at a group of fish that suddenly appeared like water snakes, each of which was four meters long, with a slight electric arc around them, and thousands of them kept going back and forth. Fortunately, the one-horned snow rhinoceros was picked up in time, otherwise, even if they With a thick outer armor, it is also burnt on the outside and tender on the inside!

"Okay! Who is willing to subdue the snow electric eel clan for this emperor!"

Oscar asked the lords of the soul beasts of various races, they just arrived at the glacier and couldn't even get through the door, so they have to do it themselves!

"Hehe! Snow Emperor, our Snow Fox Clan is willing to take down this Snow Electric Eel Clan for Snow Emperor!"

A huge snow fox about three meters high and five or six meters long came out. Seeing that no other race had stepped forward for a long time, even the speedy snow wolf was afraid of the charged fish, so she had to choose to take a risk and fight!
"Okay! If you can take down the Snow Electric Eel Clan, this Emperor will help you upgrade to a 7-year cultivation base. Remember, regardless of the means, only success is not allowed!" Oscar said majesticly.

Look at this charming snow fox with a cultivation base of nearly 6 years, those cunning ghostly eyes, and that mature woman's voice.

"Yes! Snow Empress!"

The snow fox trembled, 7 years, it will be ahead of the snow tiger and snow wolf, and the status of the snow fox clan in the snow field will also rise in the future. What Oscar said, regardless of the means, is a reminder to her!
On the ice, the first battle will start with the confrontation between the snow fox and the snow electric eel!

(End of this chapter)

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