Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 238 Guard, Sword Fish

Chapter 238 Guard, Sword Fish

After the snow fox got the order, under the watchful eyes of the beast lord, the snow fox king immediately gathered nearly a hundred thousand-year-old snow foxes. The strange thing is that they were all united and dragged a lump of brown things !

"As expected of a cunning little fox, with such high intelligence, he can even use tools to catch them all. I'm looking forward to it!" Oscar, who was sitting on the throne, muttered, looking at the deified scene!
He lay lazily, and the faint aura gathered from the Xuanbing Throne filled his whole body. For him who was already at the Mahayana stage, this aura was like a drop in the ocean.The consciousness has been opened, and all kinds of small movements of the lord of beasts are under his eyes!


The Snow Fox King growled at his subordinates, and then walked carefully around the glacier. They did not have a strong defense, nor did they have the strong fighting power of a snow tiger, but what they did have was a unique spiritual wisdom. !
At the moment when the snow electric eels met back and forth again, she raised her snow-white and majestic head, and a hundred snow foxes dragged the net with one hand, and rushed down to the sky!

Facing the sudden big net, the river suddenly thumped and thumped!

"Hmm! The taste of grilled eels should be good!" Oscar looked at the thousands of snow electric eels being dragged up, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth!
On the ice, the snow fox growled directly at a huge silver snow electric eel among the thousand electric eels, as if communicating something, the terrifying electric arc emitted made the other spirit beasts retreat!

After a while, Xuehu brought the King of Snow Electric Eels to the front of Snow Emperor Oscar!
"Snow Empress, Snow Electric Eel is willing to surrender!"

Xuehu said to Oscar excitedly, whether he can break through depends on Oscar's methods, this battle is effortless!

"Okay, Snow Fox King has made a great contribution, this emperor will write it down for now, let's step back!!"

Oscar looked at the hungry and cunning big snow fox, and said calmly.Now is not the time to judge meritorious deeds and give rewards so quickly, at least wait for the triumphant return, or, together with the punishment!
"Snow Empress, I am willing to surrender, and I beg to release my people!"

The special communication method of glacial creatures, the king of snow electric eels sent a message to Oscar, seeing such a huge force, it knew that resistance was futile, and the glacial river would wage a more intense war!

"Surrender! However, you have to show your determination by surrendering a clan for this emperor. Your people will be the people of this emperor in the future. It depends on your performance!"

Oscar faced this giant snow-white electric eel nearly five meters long.And every sentence is heard by other races, in order to frighten the subordinates!
Listening to Oscar's words, Snow Electric Eel hesitated for a while!
Oscar said indifferently: "Snow Electric Eel King, no matter how strong or weak, just take it back to the emperor, go!"

If it still refuses to use this method, then this electric eel family will also be completely wiped out!

"Yes! Snow Empress!"

The Electric Eel King replied helplessly at last, what it didn't know was that it would feel lucky for it in the future!

Oscar put on his robes for a while, and a burst of cold instantly froze the thousands of electric eels. Looking at the suspicious electric eel king, Oscar said again: "Don't worry, the emperor is protecting them!"

The Electric Eel King nodded, and it began to jump down with no other distractions. The Lord of Beasts was also waiting for the good news from the Electric Eel King. As a qualified Lord, he would never give up his entire race easily at any time!
After a long time, the sky had already darkened, and the cold night was like a godsend to their ice attribute soul beasts!

Oscar then used Thunderbolt to draw out hundreds of empty areas in an instant, and said indifferently: "Let's rest for now, our army and all clans are not allowed to cause internal disturbances, and those who violate the order will be dealt with by military law!"

On a peaceful night, Oscar took Ice Empress and Xue Lian to inspect everywhere indifferently. In fact, it was to let the lively Xue Lian have a good time. Looking at a group of soul beasts, this time, he changed a lot and suddenly sighed, and finally he was still alive Became what I didn't want!

The next day, a black shadow like a snake came to the throne, with a big lobster that was all white and shiny behind it!

Oscar looked at the fish and the shrimp indifferently, "Electric Eel King, you can do it, persimmons are always soft!"
The Snow Shrimp clan, except for the Snow Shrimp warriors who have cultivated for ten thousand years or above, the rest of the Snow Shrimp's combat effectiveness is generally not strong, and the whole clan is reduced to the food of other clans, or vassals to survive!
The electric eel king flicked the trembling lobster with its giant tail, and the lobster knelt down, sending a message to Oscar:
"Snow Emperor, I am Xuelong, the patriarch of the Snow Shrimp Clan, and I am willing to surrender!"

Oscar nodded slightly, and said flatly: "Zhunjiang, Xuelong, lead your warriors, and the Xuedian eel clan, to open the way for the emperor's army and make meritorious deeds!"

Looking at Oscar sitting on the throne, Xue Xia heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his race has been preserved!

Xuelong nodded in response: "Yes! Xuedi!"

Immediately, tens of thousands of large and small lobsters were gathered, densely packed into a large piece, making the meat-eating soul beasts salivate, that is delicious!

"Army, follow me into the ice river!"

Oscar ordered majestically, the Snow Electric Eel Clan and Snow Shrimp Clan, two groups on the left and right, swarmed in, using weak soul power to build a deep river channel for Oscar's army.

Seeing that the snow rhinoceros and snow fox have made great achievements in battle, the rest of the races are not to be outdone, fearing Oscar's order, and entering the ice world in an orderly manner!

Oscar, who controls the Ice Throne, also enters the world of glaciers, watching the miraculous scene at the bottom of the river, it's even bottomless!
For the sudden influx of a large number of snowfield creatures, of course, it also caused some free creatures in the glacier to resist, but they were all obtained by some small groups.
Perceived with spiritual sense, a group of nearly a hundred fish with long spears growing in their mouths rushed quickly, which can be called super fast.In addition, there is also a group of big fish with a long knife shadow on their backs that is not bad in number!

Two schools of fish with the same number rushed over, the groups of snow shrimp and snow electric eel were strangled quite a bit, and Oscar's army was seriously injured!
Oscar frowned, looking at the messy army, he was very dissatisfied. Of course, there are also several outstanding races that deal with it calmly, because they are led by a powerful king!

Oscar snorted coldly, two tall ice walls temporarily separated the two big fish schools, and his army calmed down. The living soul beasts all looked at the new emperor Oscar, and were more grateful!

"Next, fight the enemy with all your strength, and those who rebel will be driven out of the snowfield!"

Oscar said solemnly, the snowfield is like their hometown, if they are expelled, it is indeed the most severe punishment, because quite a few soul beasts in the Frozen Forest have been killed!

"Snow Emperor! Those are Glacier Tuna and Glacier Swordfish. They are known for their fierce attack power. Each of them has been cultivated for about a thousand years, and the leader has reached 5 years. The two leaders are Glacier Guards, and the two clans are The river guards of the glacier!"

The Ice Empress explained to Oscar, and it was also a reminder to all the soul beasts!

"Hmph! Snow tiger! Snow lion! Capture both of them for my emperor!"

Oscar's face moved, and he directly gave the order!

The two behemoths roared confidently. As the king of beasts, their cultivation level is higher than that of tuna and saury fish. They have truly entered the 6-year cultivation level. This is the Snow Empress who let them make a contribution!

The two groups of tigers and lions attacked, which also relieved the pressure on the army, but another group of overlord level came!

The deep snow devil crocodile, shaped like an earth dragon, has a strong defense and bite force, and is an extremely ferocious soul beast!

(End of this chapter)

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