Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 239 Bloody Glacier

Chapter 239 Bloody Glacier
"Snow Demon King! Attack! Shoot or kill!"

Looking at the ferocious Deep Snow Demon Crocodile, Oscar decisively issued an order to dispatch the most powerful Titan Snow Demon Clan. Their arrival was attracted by the bloody aura just now. Killing nature, subjugation is not conducive to future battles, Oscar has already cut off their way of life!

The Titan Snow Demon King, who was looking forward to performing in front of Oscar, roared and rushed towards the group of deep snow demon crocodiles with five ten thousand-year-old Titan Snow Demons. Of course, those who dare to follow, there are other soul beast lords who want to express themselves, Think more, in order to improve your own cultivation!
With a big black palm of the Snow Demon King, a 5000-year-old deep snow crocodile instantly turned into meat sauce. A blood mist was accompanied by the appearance of a purple soul ring. It is a pity to look at it. The thousand-year-old soul Ring!
A fierce battlefield!

The Snow Lion King is chasing the Tuna King. In the water, the tuna occupies an absolute position. If it weren't for the superiority of cultivation, the Lion King's body would have pierced a big hole. The same is true. His subordinates are dead and crippled. !
The snow tiger king was fighting the sword fish, and the blow he received was obviously comparable to that of the snow lion king. The sword fish was not so fast, but the sharp knife shadow on his back flashed past, and a snow tiger died!
The two kings also killed one from time to time to make up for it. In this way, the hatred between the four clans gradually deepened, and everyone wanted to tear each other apart!
"Xue Lian, have you seen those injured soul beasts, help me heal them!"

Oscar couldn't bear it and said to Xue Lian, his healing ability is not inferior to Xue Lian, but Master said, after the baptism of blood, those who can survive are the elites!
"it is good!"

Trembling Xue Lian nodded and replied, looking at the reddened glacial water, she was also very frightened, she couldn't bear it!
"Let the holy and omnipotent medicine come to heal your wounds and soothe your hearts..."

Xue Lian sang in a low voice, and then exuded a fragrance, with a slight aura of indifference!
Seeing this situation, Oscar also took a deep breath, and suddenly felt much refreshed, with a feeling of soothing the soul of others!
"Snow wolf! Snow fox! Go help the tiger king and lion king and subdue the two big fish schools!"

Oscar returned from a trance, and immediately ordered.Also because Xue Lian's effect was too strong, the soul beasts that had already begun to lose their vitality showed signs of surviving again, and their desire to survive made them fight again. Only by winning, could they survive!

"Yes! Roar!"

The king of the two groups responded that being arranged by Oscar, it was time for meritorious service, and the opportunity was in front of him, especially Xuehu, who had already obtained the 7-year cultivation guarantee, was even more eager to go to the next level!

Because of the joining of the two major ethnic groups, the pressure on the Lion King and Tiger King groups has been greatly reduced, and the two-on-one battle has begun to appear one-sided!


Oscar sighed softly, he had to personally command in the battlefield, he couldn't help sighing, hoping to find someone who could share the burden for him!
He looked at Bingdi, this guy is capable, but not stable enough, the Titan Snow Demon King is aggressive, and Xuehu is just Xiao Cong Xiaozhi.

"Catch those alive! You can improve your cultivation!"

Xuehu's giant claws held down the saury, and when he was about to open his bloody mouth to bite down, Xuehu reminded, what kind of hatred, can you improve your cultivation?


The snow wolf growled at the lion king, not to provoke its majesty, but to remind it, because it also noticed the small actions of the snow fox, and the rewards for its cultivation, they always kept it in mind!
"It's interesting!"

Oscar had a hidden deep smile, watching the performance of the four major groups capturing the leaders of the two major fish schools!

Tuna and saury, which are already rare groups, have been killed now, and there are only about 5000 left. Those who were captured alive have quite high cultivation bases, at least [-] years of cultivation bases!

"Snow Empress! Ho Ho Ho!"

A charming voice, and three growls, respectfully addressed Oscar sitting on the throne, asking for credit.After all, their group loss is not low, if they don't work hard, it will be very heartbreaking!
"Very good, you four beasts worked together to take down the two big clans and two 5-year-old soul beasts, and your cultivation can be increased by 5000 years!"

Oscar said sternly, you are not joking, after all, the ligers and tigers have suffered heavy losses!

"Xie Xuedi! Ho Ho Ho!"

The four kings were excited, but the one who was even more excited was the Snow Fox King, because the 7 years promised by Oscar before, plus 1 years and 5000 years, is getting closer to that realm!
"Okay, there are still some small groups, keep working hard, and wipe them out!"

As Oscar said, he glanced at Xuehu with ulterior motives. Although he is small and smart, he is also a good training object!

The four beasts left, and the groups of tuna and saury were instantly frozen. The two lords who originally wanted to struggle gave up struggling, and the fish eyes fixedly looked at Oscar!
"Surrender to the emperor, or the whole family will perish, you choose! A quarter of an hour!"

Oscar immediately closed his eyes, the fish meat in his mouth, he didn't mind trying the taste of sashimi!

The war in the glacier turned the originally crystal-clear water into red, and the calm river surface had huge waves!The scope of the underground glaciers is not limited to this, but at this time, the surrounding area seems to be assimilated by red paint, a piece of red!
The source of the red paint is a large group of deep snow demon crocodiles, who are being besieged by countless groups, and there are also purple and gorgeous soul rings appearing one after another, but yellow soul rings are rare. The soul ring has never appeared until now, and it has also revealed the ability of the ten thousand year soul beast!

In a quarter of an hour!
"Whether you are willing to surrender to the emperor, hundreds of lives of your group are in your hands, choose!"

Oscar said flatly, he never glanced at the two fish and stared at the fish, forget it, Oscar now closes his eyes!

"Snow Empress! My swordfish is willing to surrender!"

A knifefish with a back like a giant knife conveyed Oscar's message.

"Snow Emperor! My tuna family is also willing to lead the tuna family to surrender!"

The big fish carrying the long golden spear also conveyed the message that since the saury had chosen to surrender, Oscar had so many lord-level soul beasts under his command, and they also knew that Snow Emperor's methods were not bad!

"Very good! Your choice is right!"

Oscar nodded and said, a silver glow radiated out, not only the frozen two clans were unsealed, but also those dying clan members instantly regained their vitality!
"From now on, only the Snow Emperor's orders will follow!"

Watching some clansmen come back to life, the two lords gratefully conveyed the message!

"This emperor has remembered what you said today, and the Xueyuan will be truly unified!"

Oscar said, looking at the battlefield where the scuffle had ended, he faintly noticed something wrong, with such a bloody atmosphere, even if the Whale King didn't come, the Demon Shark King should have appeared!

roar roar...

Just when a hundred lord-level soul beasts roared excitedly, they were ready to claim credit for Oscar!

Oscar shouted and reminded, and then the silver light flashed, leaving behind two shocked big fish, Oscar only pulled back seventy or eighty ten thousand year soul beasts, and the rest were blown into blood mist!
Oscar yelled angrily: "Who dares to attack this emperor's men!"

Oscar's consciousness seemed to hit an invisible wall, which was unprecedented, and he secretly hated himself for being too careless!

"Jie Jie! It's really great. It's been a long time since the devil has absorbed so much blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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