Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 241 Coral, False Evil Fish

Chapter 241 Coral, False Evil Fish
Bloody glacier!

Because the blood-eating ice ants with powerful cleaning functions volunteered, the glacier world showed its beauty again. Looking at the colorful things at the bottom of the river, Xue Lian became playful again, and took the bodyguard Oscar and three friends to go!

"Wow, this is Ambergris coral, this is Green Coral, this is Nau Coral, Mushroom Coral, Star Coral and Staghorn Coral, so many!"

The pure and innocent Xue Lian touched this and that, looking very happy. Oscar, who was sitting on the throne, squinted his eyes slightly, his spiritual consciousness unfolded and covered it completely, and he was afraid of suffering another loss!
"Hey! Boss, I want to take all these treasures away, is that okay?"

Xue Lian came over suddenly and took Oscar's hand. It was rare for her to call out boss for the first time.
Oscar thought for a while, the ice field was his own, why should he take it all away? If he took it away, the place would be less beautiful!
So he said to Xue Lian: "Xue Lian, this can't be done. If you take them all away, how many years will it take to grow so many corals here? This place belongs to the boss, you now, or in the future As much as you want, the boss will accompany you!"

When Xue Lian heard it, although the boss Oscar didn't agree, she couldn't bring too much by herself, but Oscar's guarantee still made her satisfied!
"Okay! If I want to come in the future, you must come with me!" Xue Lian said coquettishly, blinking her small eyes as if afraid that Oscar would regret it!
"Okay! I will accompany you if you want to come in the future!" Oscar touched her little head and smiled, you are my soul pet, as long as you are happy!
"Xiaoyue! This month's coral is for you!"

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Xue Lian handed a large moon-shaped piece of silver-white coral to the big rabbit, and the big rabbit bared its two long teeth and started to eat it!
Looking at the friendship between the three beasts, Oscar smiled and said: The rabbits should like to eat you more, you bastard!Even Oscar didn't know why Xue Lian grew into a little girl!

"Hold..., Dabai, I'll give you this bear iron coral!" Xue Lian thought for a while, then lifted a large piece of coral like a bear's paw with difficulty, and handed it to Dabai!

"Roar! Crack! Crack!"

Dabai roared excitedly, seeing the Moon Rabbit squeaking and eating happily, it also directly threw the large piece of coral into its mouth, clicked, clicked, and gnawed like a big man!
"I'll go! I missed it, this coral still has such effects..."

Oscar looked at Yuetu and Dabai who had suddenly gained momentum, and said in shock.Moon Rabbit is actually close to 6 years old, and Dabai is very close to the first time limit, as if a layer of membrane has not been pierced!
"Hey, Xue Lian, actually! You can take them all away, these corals will all grow back in a few years!"

Oscar smiled indifferently, not the same as before, this is a good thing to reward spirit beasts, just like their wages, you can only hold on to their wages, and you are afraid that they will not try their best to work for themselves!

"Really, boss, you are treating me like a child! Hee hee, but I agree!" Xue Lian said playfully, even Oscar dared to tease him, and he didn't care what kind of emperor he was!

And Oscar also scratched her little nose and said with a light smile: "Xue Lian, you're being naughty!"

A sudden streak of bright red caught Oscar's attention. It was the blood of Moon Rabbit!

Oscar reacted immediately, freezing three feet below the ground in an instant, the moon rabbit was left to him by the snow girl, these abominable things dare to hurt his beloved little rabbit!Unforgivable!
"Don't be afraid, Xue Lian will treat you for you!"

Xue Lian was the first one to rush to Yuetu who was very worried, and a stream of snow-white pure energy was injected into Yuetu's body, and the horrific torn wounds healed quickly.

"Boss, they dare to hurt my friend Xiaoyue, you help me kill them!" Xue Lian's face suddenly became cold, and she said seriously to Oscar.She already regards Moon Rabbit as her best friend!
"it is good!"

Oscar was also slightly angry. This glacial world is indeed mysterious. Compared with the ocean, it is even worse, because no one knows what unknown creatures exist in the water!

Bang bang bang!
A dozen or so big black fish were blasted out of the ice layer, and they looked at Oscar and the few soul beasts viciously!

"It turned out to be a fake evil fish!"

Looking at the dozen or so big black fish, Oscar said in shock, this is a disguised killer at the bottom of the glacier. Compared with the big jellyfish, they are better at hunting the food at the bottom of the glacier!
Carefully observe more than a dozen big black fish, there is actually a 7-year-old pseudo-evil fish, no wonder it dares to move in the area of ​​​​big jellyfish, there is one 5-year-old big fish, and about five [-]-year-old fish. An extremely powerful force!
"Okay! It's been so long, it's time for Xuan Ming to break through!"

Oscar secretly thought, in the previous battle, the power of those soul rings had been quietly absorbed by Oscar to Xuanming using the magic method of suction. After several years, Xuanming is also in the breakthrough period at this time!
"Although I really want to add a 10-year soul ring to Xuanming, you don't insult his ninth soul ring anymore!"

Oscar grabbed it with his big hands, carrying a burst of extremely cold breath, these ten or so big fish had no power to resist, until a black dazzling soul ring appeared, they finally felt fear, trembling, they shouldn't be greedy, Come and trouble this evil star!
"Hmph! Boss, why don't you kill them all!"

Seeing that Oscar only killed one of the strongest ones, Xue Lian asked in a curious and dissatisfied tone!

"Because, I don't need the boss to kill them, I want to take them all back to feed my subordinates!"

For Xue Lian's question, Oscar didn't get angry at all, and said flatly, one man and three beasts also started to collect the best glacial coral!

At the end of the matter, Oscar took the three beasts back to the passageway like an underwater pavilion, and the snow shrimp and snow electric eel were working hard!


All the beasts knelt down, let out low growls, and greeted the Snow Emperor with cheers!

Next to the throne, the Ice Emperor, Golden Silkworm, Snow Demon King and other important guardians stood, and it was their honor to be close to Oscar!

Oscar casually threw out more than a dozen big black fish, one was enough to feed a group, and all the beasts swallowed their saliva, looking at the delicious fish!

Oscar said flatly: "Lion King, Tiger King! Your clan has suffered heavy losses, and the 5-year-old pseudo-evil fish will be handed over to your two clans, half of each clan!"


The Lion King and Tiger King responded with a low growl.

Oscar's black light flashed quickly, and the 5-year-old giant black fish split into two halves from head to tail in an instant, very evenly, and they were already admiring Snow Empress's tricks without any surprises!

The two lords came and took a piece, ate its brain first, and then distributed it to their subordinates to enjoy, showing the majesty of the boss!
There are five remaining 7-year-old fish, which were distributed to the five tribes of Snow Demon, Snow Fox, Snow Wolf, Snow Leopard, and Blood-eating Ant. The [-]-year-old lord fish has been frozen. of!The rest of the big fish are divided into countless pieces, rewarding various small clan lords!
The next rest time is for the arrival of the Giant Whale King and Demon Shark King, and it is also a means for Oscar to further consolidate his rule!
(End of this chapter)

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