Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 242 Glacier Demon Shark King

Chapter 242 Glacier Demon Shark King


In the glacier, a group of beasts danced wildly, sometimes fighting between races, and robbing for food, the scene was very chaotic!

As their leader, Snow Empress, Oscar turned a blind eye to hearing and didn't hear, and took Xue Lian plainly, and the little green and little white moon rabbits were playing at the bottom of the mysterious glacier, collecting corals!

Time flies, and in two days, it will be a month for Oscar to set off!
When he came back with Xue Lian and the others, the scene was unsightly, and the anger on his face was well concealed!
In the dark, all his changes are being watched by a pair of green eyes, that is the king of the snow fox clan!
When the lords saw the appearance of the Snow Emperor whom they admired, all the spirit beasts began to restrain themselves. After all, Oscar is the real king of all their races!
Sitting on the Xuanbing Throne, Oscar began to speak: "You really want to make meritorious deeds again!"


Facing the roar of the beasts, Oscar pressed his hands together, and said calmly: "That's it, we will start the expedition tomorrow, and the next target is the 10-year Demon Shark King!"

After explaining, Oscar didn't care about the messy group of soul beasts, and led a group of soul beasts to fight the world. It seemed a little uncomfortable. Their strength was not bad, but their discipline was not as good as others, and they would not hide it at all!

"Boss, do you want me to play tomorrow!"

The big green scorpion next to Oscar approached him and said, "She came out after her, and she hasn't done anything yet!"
"No need, little green, your role is to protect the boss and me!"

Oscar smiled slightly, stroking the big scorpion's head with his hands and comforting him.

"Boss, then ride me to fight!"

The Ice Emperor's sudden sentence almost caused Oscar on the Xuanbing Throne to fall off. This big scorpion is being mischievous again!

"I'm not interested in soul beasts, I'm not interested in soul beasts!"

Oscar recited this sentence silently, then he ignored the stinky scorpion, and was still thinking whether it was a mistake to accept her himself!
Behind Oscar who turned over, Bingdi's sigh suddenly sounded: "Oh! Boss really despises me!"

"Little Bingbing, you still have me!"

A chubby head poked out and said quietly!

The Ice Empress said angrily, "Get out! I hate you, bug!"

The golden silkworm with his hot face stuck to the cold stool wanted to cry but had no tears. It was agreed that everyone is equal. Boss, just let me be your soul ring!

time!It didn't stop because of the frolicking of a few soul beasts!
The arrival of the second day made all the soul beasts stand ready!
"Meet the Snow Emperor!"

The group of beasts roared, Oscar Fang stretched his waist as if he had just woken up from a dream, looking at the spirit beasts full of enthusiasm, sure enough, the early birds want to eat worms!

"Everyone's family is flat!" Oscar shouted in his heart, after thinking for a while, he said calmly: "Get up!"

Looking at the group of spirit beasts full of enthusiasm, Oscar nodded and ordered: "Snow shrimp, Snow electric eels are ready, let's go!"

The two groups with a large number are trying their best to build a passage leading to the Demon Shark King's territory. The beasts are advancing, and the scene is spectacular. It is only a matter of raising the banner and drums to cheer for the prestige!

After a half-day trip, we are already very close to the Demon Shark King's territory. I have to say that the temperature on this side of the glacier is much higher. Everyone likes to occupy the Xiuling Treasure Land, and the soul beast is no exception!

"Snow Empress! That's the Demon Shark King's patrol demon shark soldiers!"

Bingdi pointed to a few big black sharks on patrol and said, the beasts were shocked when they heard it, it was about to start, a chance to improve their cultivation!

Seeing the mighty group of spirit beasts approaching with their cultivation level higher than them, a few Demon Shark Soldiers rushed to report!


Oscar ordered, and the herd of beasts stopped immediately. They did a good job of ordering and prohibiting them. The only bad thing was that they were in chaos, and there was no one who could command them!
"Expand the formation!"

Oscar commanded, the beasts led the clansmen to unfold left and right, and a road appeared, as if they were welcoming some distinguished guests!
waited for a long time...

"Who dares to be so bold as to break into the territory of my Demon Shark King!"

An inaudible special message was transmitted, and the beasts could hear it. If Oscar was not there, they would have all bowed down early, because that is the 10-year-old glacier overlord!

"It's... the emperor!"

Before Oscar opened his mouth, a voice came out, pretending to be an X!

another moment

A group of about 15 large black sharks with a length of more than [-] meters each appeared, the leader of which was over [-] meters long, and the color of the eyeballs were all golden, looking at Oscar with a piercing expression!

See Ice Emperor, 10 years old.Titan Snow Demon King, 10 years old.Little girl, 10 years old.Golden silkworm, 10 years old.Snow Bear, the peak of 9 years!Also, the Snow Demon King who is being threatened and frozen by flames!

"Haha! I didn't know that the distinguished guests were coming from far away! Wait until I go back and tidy up before entertaining me well!"

Demon Shark King said with a very humane smile, turned around and wanted to run away with his little brother, the visitor was too strong, even the killer Snow Demon King who was good at hiding was caught, he was afraid in his heart!

"Demon Shark King, lead the Demon Shark Clan to submit to this Emperor, or... die!" Oscar said resolutely, stretching the last word very long!

Demon Shark King said helplessly: "This, is there any other choice!"

"Yes! Beat me!"

After Oscar finished speaking, the person had disappeared, and the Demon Shark King was also caught off guard, what kind of soul skill is this, the speed is too fast!

There was a sound of impact, and the Demon Shark King asked with a wry smile: "Well, is it okay if you don't fight!"

Oscar didn't say a word, you two overlords are going to be the stepping stones on my road to success, so what if you don't fight!
"Roar! Roar!"

All the beasts groaned, all focused on watching the battle between the two emperor-level overlords, but the group of demon sharks that wanted to move were held back by the Ice Emperor and the Titan Snow Demon King!

In the end, a huge black shadow was smashed into a depth of tens of meters under the glacier. When it crawled out, it knelt down and begged for mercy, willing to surrender to Oscar!

The Snow Demon King looked at the Demon Shark King's actions and said with disdain: "Cut, you have no integrity at all, so you surrender!"

The Demon Shark King retorted: "Hmph! You were also arrested, just laughing!"

"Hmph! This king is careless!"


"Today, the demon sharks have surrendered, we will take down the glacier in one fell swoop, let's move forward!"

Oscar ordered!Demon Shark King followed Oscar, full of fawning, Oscar's strength has been personally experienced by him!


A series of strange calls, very pleasant to hear but psychedelic, Oscar shook his head, looking at the men who had been shot, he was worthy of being the 10-year-old whale king!
"Boss, I want to... want to..."

"I'll go! Xiaolu, don't be angry with me!"

Oscar said to the Ice Empress whose saliva was already flowing out, the place is also chaotic, emitting a strong hormonal smell!
"Boss, what is estrus!"

The pure and innocent Xue Lian asked Oscar calmly.Xiaobai also protected her, and almost got into a fight with the Titan Snow Demon King!

"Children don't need to know too much!"

Oscar replied embarrassingly, and the superb ice sculpture faced the audience again!


(End of this chapter)

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