Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 243 Whale Fall, 1 Order

Chapter 243 Whale Fall, Unity


When Oscar gets closer, the effect of the psychedelic sound is stronger, making people seem to be walking towards a dreamland. If one is not careful, he will get lost in the dream world and sink, unable to control himself, and finally become a walking dead!
What appeared in front of him was a large fish hundreds of meters long. She had beautiful black and white stripes and a long tail. This kind of beautiful creature did not exist in the world of mundane cultivation. Oscar had no choice but to stop. , enjoy her graceful gliding!
"Om..., you are very strong!"

A woman's voice as clear and clear as the sound of heaven came to Oscar, and a black and white mixed hair appeared on the forehead of the giant whale, a beautiful figure in a snow-white dress, and her big blue eyes sized up the beautiful man who came.

"You too, come with me!"

Oscar smiled faintly, and slowly stretched out his right hand, his eyes were very sincere, and he looked at her without any other thoughts!
"No, the glacier is my home, I will not leave here!"

The beautiful woman looked at Oscar and said plainly, Oscar gave her a very unique feeling, with an indescribable sense of protection!

"Okay, then you can stay in the glacier, but I need you, can you agree to a small request of mine!"

Oscar still had a smile on his face, and spoke patiently to the woman, as if the time to communicate with her would stop, as if being with her was like staying out of it, a moment of detachment!
"Please say! If it doesn't go against my wishes, I can still help you, because you are the first... person who can break through my magic voice!"

The woman spoke calmly, unable to bear to reject this gentlemanly man!

Oscar thought for a while. When he saw a beautiful whale, his first thought was to turn her into his spiritual pet and protect her well. Whales are beautiful, but their numbers are rare everywhere!

"I am the Snow Empress of the snow field. Today I plan to subdue the underground glaciers and make the snow fields truly merge into one. Now I have accomplished it. I hope you can help me take care of this beautiful glacier!"

Oscar said.Facing the whale, he couldn't use any tough methods.

"The glacier is my home. Even if it becomes your rule, needless to say, I will take good care of my home!"

The beautiful whale replied, thinking so too!
Oscar still had a trace of reluctance in his heart and said: "That's good!"

In the confrontation between one person and one whale, the whale thought that Oscar would leave, but he didn't expect that he was still looking at him, making a place in his depths beating very fast, and wanted him to leave quickly, otherwise, he couldn't help but talk to him. Gone, just because of which sentence: Come with me!

A simple but full of protective words made her very happy!

"If I'm looking for you, how can I call you!"

Oscar looked at it for a long time before asking this question.

"Usually I'll stay here!" Whale replied, but looking at the expecting Oscar, she said helplessly: "You're in the glacier, call Whale Luoluo, and I'll know!"

"Whalefall! What a beautiful name!" Oscar muttered, cupping his fists at the beautiful whale and said, "My name is Oscar, the Snow Empress of the Snow Field, if you want me to do something for you, you can call me on the glacier! "

Oscar decided that such a beautiful whale with a psychedelic soul and a moving singing voice should be accepted no matter what. He has plenty of time!

"Hmm! Hum..."

Whale Luoluo nodded, and returned to the main body to continue singing. All the beasts suddenly regained their clarity, but they were still frozen by their leader!

"Goodbye, Luoluo, when I'm free, I'll take you out to see the outside world. There are many other whales!"

Oscar smiled, and said an innocuous sentence. For a lonely whale, it gave her a little more fantasy, because of the existence of the same kind!
Watching Oscar leave, Jing Luoluo said to herself, "What Luoluo..., that's what mom calls it!"

"Ho Ho! Snow Empress!"

Seeing Oscar's return, all the beasts knelt down to greet him, they didn't know what happened, they were all frozen!
"Okay! This time the glacier returns to its heart, and the snow field is truly unified!"

Oscar said plainly, and he restored hundreds of ice sculptures with a wave of his hand. This time the battle is over, but there is still no satisfactory harvest!
Oscar turned around and took a look at the beautiful whale, a pair of blue eyes in the dark also trembled!
"Blood Demon King, if you don't want to surrender, I can only kill you. After all, a rare giant jellyfish like you is quite nutritious!"

Oscar said to the blood-red giant jellyfish threatened by ice and fire, the 10-year-old soul beast is already a ferocious beast there. The key point is that he doesn't need a soul ring for the time being!
The Blood Demon King put on airs and said, "Let me think about it again!"

Oscar smiled helplessly. It's okay for the whale, you playful guy, you'd better forget it, and things will change sooner or later!


Oscar activated the dark purple flame, and there was a muffled sound, the ice inside had dissipated, leaving only the terrifying flame!
Hundreds of tentacles of that giant jellyfish were burnt in an instant, and the smell of grilled seafood made Oscar want to use it to brush it!

"Ah... stop, this king has surrendered!"

After a while, the Blood Demon King begged for mercy, it's too terrifying, this fire is like a tarsus, it's hard to get rid of!

Demon Shark King taunted at the right time: "Hmph! Ask for trouble!"

After the return of the Blood Demon King, Oscar still injected a spark of ghost fire into his mind. If it is still like this, he will just get its soul ring when he comes back from level ninety!

The glaciers are guarded by the Three Kings, and their strength is not inferior to those on the snowfields. In the glaciers, they really feel like ducks in water!
the next day!Exactly one month!
Oscar looked at the strength of his soldiers, and immediately made arrangements: "This emperor returns today, and the underground glaciers will be guarded by the Demon Shark King, Blood Demon King, and Giant Whale King. Great achievements have been made, three kings, you need to treat them well!"

"It's Snow Emperor! Thank you Snow Empress!"

The three kings, and the two large ethnic groups should be thankful and grateful that a food race has been protected, making them accept the emperor of the snowfield sincerely!

Oscar ordered: "All troops! Return!"

Seeing the departure of this powerful army, the great event of Glacier, all the tribes of the Glacier left a shocking name in their minds: Snow Emperor!Snowfield is also truly unified!
Among the army, Xue Lian's three friends frolicked, and Bingdi followed closely!

"Sure enough, these inexplicable powers have a little more power, and I have just broken through level [-], and I have improved a little bit!"

Oscar felt the invisible energy gathered from the glacier, and muttered, it seems that this road is going to die!

Before approaching the base camp, Oscar discovered that the charming goblin master was waiting for them!There were two big dark buckets beside her. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't know it was formed by a puff of water!
The silver light of Oscar on the throne disappeared in a flash on the throne!

"Still so impetuous!"

"Because the master is so beautiful, and you said, this emperor can control the world, so you are my queen!"

It was Oscar and Hong Ming who were talking, they hugged each other tightly, it will take some time before the army arrives!

Hong Ming said with a slight smile: "It's good that you don't want to learn! I have made arrangements for you as a teacher, so I will go back first as a teacher, and then it will be up to you!"

Looking at the charming and beautiful master, Fangze is not his Oscar anymore!
After a long time, the army came!
Hong Ming hurried away like a thief, and was seen by a group of monsters, she felt very strange.The next step is to start punishing Liwei and rewarding meritorious deeds!
(End of this chapter)

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