Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 244 On the Rewards for Deeds

Chapter 244 On the Rewards for Deeds
"Old..., Snow Empress!"

A green shadow flashed over, Oscar really wanted to kick her away at this time, no wonder the army came so fast, it turned out that you, a big scorpion, made a mess of it, so that I couldn't get along well with the fairy master Hold on for a while!
"En! Xiaolu, come to me for now!" Oscar said calmly on the surface, with fists hidden in his sleeves!
The poor playful Ice Empress is about to face a violent storm, no doubt there will be someone close to her favorite boss, smelling the familiar extremely cold breath!

"Oh! Boss! Why did you hit me!"

Bingdi's crisp voice resounded, only to see Oscar pressing her down and rubbing against her for a while to ease the breath in his heart!
Hundreds of thousands of soul beasts watching this scene trembled, why did the Snow Emperor suddenly become so angry, even the 10-year-old Ice Emperor could not be spared.

Oscar said flatly: "It's nothing, boss, this is a sign of loving you!"

"Oh! Boss, then let Xiaolu love you too!" Ice Empress held up her giant pincers, and smiled playfully and innocently at Oscar.

Oscar foolishly said: "No, this is exclusive to the boss!"

Bingdi nodded suddenly, and saw her reply thoughtfully: "Oh! Boss, is this a show of love?"

Oscar almost staggered, nodded helplessly, touched her head, and ended this cold joke!

Looking at Oscar who suddenly became serious, all the soul beasts were in awe, staring at Xue Di with sparkling eyes, waiting for his reward, the reward of cultivation!
Oscar looked at this group of honest and perverted guys, and said flatly: "The emperor will punish first, so as to enforce military regulations!"

The group of beasts trembled when they heard these cold words. Aren't they all meritorious ministers!

"Xue Xi, you did not block the incoming enemy for our army in time, and imprisoned them for ten days! The blood-eating ice ants did not deal with the battlefield in time, which led to the 10-year-old Blood Demon King taking advantage of the void and imprisoning... Snow Leopard... Snow Wolf……"

Oscar listed them one by one, the pure soul beast is still unknown, there is no excuse for adding more crimes.But Oscar's punishment is not too heavy, almost imprisoned spirit beasts have not lasted more than a month!
All the beasts roared, but they didn't dare to show it too obviously, and they had seen how the Ice Empress was beaten just now, they all looked at Oscar with big eyes and small eyes!
"Of course, rewards and punishments are clear, and then we will start rewarding meritorious deeds!"

Looking at these lord-level and baby-like soul beasts, Oscar suddenly felt less uncomfortable. After all, in the world of wild beasts, you are stronger than them, and you are their king!

Oscar sorted out the images in his mind, and began to calmly say: "Xue Xi, open the gate of the glacier for our army. During this period, the military exploits were outstanding. The lord raised his cultivation level by 5000 years, and the rest of his subordinates increased their cultivation level by a thousand years!"

This is Master Oscar's method. As a striker, the first one to be rewarded must use some strong medicine, but not too strong!
With a wave of Oscar's hand, dozens of green lights floated into the bodies of the various spirit beasts of the Snow Rhinoceros clan. Their cultivation bases rose rapidly and steadily, which surprised all the spirit beasts and outweighed their several years of hard work. ah!

Oscar called out: "Snow Fox, come out!"

Then, in the army, a majestic snow-white big fox came out, receiving the attention of everyone.For the sake of cultivation, he also knelt down to Oscar in admiration: "Greetings to Snow Emperor!"

"Snow Fox, you have been cultivated at the peak of 5 years. The first battle of the Glacier won a great victory for our army, subdued the Snow Electric Eel clan, and assisted the Snow Tiger to subdue the saury. You have fought fiercely in the Glacier for several battles. This special reward and help you Breaking through the 10-year limit, I wonder if you accept it!"

Oscar looked at the huge and snow-white fox that was trembling at this time, and said plainly, looking at it with a different smile!
"Snow Fox accepts, but members of my clan..."

Xuehu knelt down and surrendered. He had already reached the point where all five bodies fell to the ground, but he still wanted the meat he deserved for his clan members. This is the king!
"Little fox, you are still so smart!"

Oscar smiled, looked at Xuehu who was not dazzled by joy, and nodded in satisfaction. If he wasn't in Xueyuan, she would be the best king in Xueyuan!

With a wave of Oscar's python robe, dozens of green lights shot out and fell into the bodies of nearly a hundred snow foxes. The energy of the spiritual liquid was enough for them to improve their cultivation for a thousand years, and it also saved a lot of time!

"Thank you Emperor Xue!"

Seeing the members of the clan with improved strength, Lord Snow Fox bowed in admiration!
Oscar nodded, and there were five jade boxes floating in front of him, which were the essences that the Ice Emperor had brought out before, and which exuded a strong and strange fragrance that could cause riots!

"Xuehu, the energy of these five jade boxes is easy to absorb. I hope you can break through that natural barrier as soon as possible! This emperor will help you to cross the limit, go!"

Oscar said plainly, and the five jade boxes slowly flew into the snow fox's territory!
Xuehu thanked and left!

All the beasts looked at the snow fox with envy, that kind of mellow energy, if not for the existence of Snow Emperor Oscar, they would have already started fighting!
"Snow tiger, snow lion, snow wolf! You three clans, subdued tuna, saury, and repelled deep snow devil crocodile. You have made countless achievements in battle. I will specially reward you for your 3 years of cultivation. I hope you will cultivate well and make achievements again, and break through 10 as soon as possible. Year limit!"

Oscar resolutely and decisively judged that the three jade boxes floated to their respective camps, accompanied by hundreds of strong energy!

Looking at the two large barrels of psychic liquid brewed by Hongming, Oscar started the last small clan rewards, one hundred or one thousand years of improvement, they dare not refuse, because the strength of the first few clans really convinced them !
The spirit beasts that had entered their bodies with the psychic liquid were all frozen into ice sculptures. Thousands of ice sculptures were very spectacular. The spirit beasts in them felt that the effects of the medicine had been exerted to the greatest extent, and they were even more grateful to Oscar!Even Oscar himself didn't know that such a good effect would be achieved!

"You are all the pillars of our army. After you go back, you will practice hard. Sometimes there will be a big battle, and you will make great contributions. Once their deadline is up, you will go back!"

Oscar said to the capable generals of Snow Fox, which made them feel grateful again, and even Snow Fox wanted to agree with him!

It's about the army, Oscar sighed, it's not easy being an emperor!
Then he looked at the Titan Snow Demon King, and said: "Snow Demon, your people have been promoted for thousands of years, and you are also preparing to sprint for the second time limit, when the time comes, the emperor will help you get through it, just practice with peace of mind! "

Oscar's six jade boxes floated into its huge palm, and it roared in excitement, fearing that Oscar would raise a group of 10-year-old soul beasts, and its status would be lost!
Oscar looked at the golden silkworm, and said: "Xiaobai, the medicine garden of Meteor Dragon Xuefeng will be entrusted to you to guard. You can eat the elixir that is beneficial to you, and you will break through as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Boss!"

Xiaobai replied sadly, he really wanted to be left alone!

Apart from the company of Bingdi, now he is a lonely old man again, no, there is also the goblin master, but at this moment, Oscar thinks of a way to get rid of this big scorpion!

"Xiaolu, don't you go back to the clan!"

"I won't come back, they will choose a new king, I don't need me anymore, I want to follow the boss!!"

"Forget it! In order to live a happy life with Master, be tougher!"

Oscar secretly made up his mind, and in the blink of an eye, there was another beautiful ice sculpture in this beautiful snowfield playground!

(End of this chapter)

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