Chapter 253
In the exquisite snow house, a long-haired man sitting cross-legged looks like a god, with two yellow, one purple, two black, two red, and one gold eight soul rings showing off alternately. Body, soul power is about to break through to level 82!
"Looks like it's time to start preparing!"

Beside him, a jealous beauty's red lips trembled slightly, her voice was very soft, and she began to think deeply about something again!
A day has passed!

"Hmm! The energy that gathers the luck of the continent is extraordinary, it's like stepping through a moat!"

Oscar opened his shining eyes and muttered.I feel as if my whole body is being illuminated by a god, with infinite power, like soaking in a warm golden ocean.

Looking at the beauty who was contemplating, Oscar's heart moved, and a silver light flashed!
"you're awake!"

The woman who was so beautiful that the heavens were jealous said softly, her slender and charming waist seemed to be tailor-made for him, the two of them fit together beautifully!
"Hmm! Master, are you worrying about my affairs again? If you are like this, apprentices will feel distressed!"

Oscar said slightly, and took a deep breath of the fragrance of his master's fairy hair. Facing such a beauty, if he didn't have the method of intercourse with the soul, he might have been unbearable!

His master said angrily, "Spoof!"

Oscar smiled cheerfully, with such a master, what more could he ask for!

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, making Oscar lament that good times are always so short!
"Okay, apprentice, after you take down the Frozen City this time, the north will soon be unified. Your five-year agreement should be just right!" Hong Ming said!

Frozen Forest!

A group of soul beasts are still waiting for their king to give orders, preparing for an unprecedented battle!
"Really, Boss, wouldn't it be nice to have me protect you to break through, obviously I miss the beauty of the old master!"

In the forest, a beautiful big green scorpion is holding a big branch, muttering leisurely!

Afterwards, an ice-blue elegant and noble figure arrived, apparently Oscar's fifth pet, the ice phoenix!
Bingfeng sarcastically said: "Cut, the toad still wants to eat swan meat, the male you're thinking of is mine, little scorpion, don't worry!"

Facing the ridicule, the Ice Emperor could only stare glaringly. After three or two days, the two great gods had fought dozens of times, but they all ended in the failure of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, who had the superior cultivation, because the ice phoenix's ice and snow control power , and the terrifying phoenix fire has the upper hand, if it weren't for Oscar's words first, I'm afraid, everyone can taste the delicacy of grilled scorpions!

"Haha! Xiaolu, Xiaojiu, what are you doing!"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice came, making the eyes of the two beasts light up!
Looking at the beautiful man in the white gown of Nine Pythons, with disheveled long hair, Bingfeng came to his side with incredible speed, and gently rubbed against him, just like a little wife!

With a cold snort, the Ice Empress followed, Oscar also touched her big head speechlessly, needless to say, she was abused by Bingfeng again!
"Okay, there's more business!"

One person and two beasts were intimate for a while, Oscar said calmly!

I saw a strange cold and bright light shining on the forest from the throne, and the beasts stood in awe, because they knew that their king was coming!The horn of battle has also sounded!
"Lords, lead the strongest fighters under your command, and then, take down the frozen city with me!"

Oscar said plainly, before the war, he still has one thing to do, which is to protect the big goblin Shangguan Xueer in the city, and the little girl Roland who has been warming his bed. Regarding Roland, he is a little confused The unknown fetters seemed to be the beautiful jade bestowed by God to accompany him!

"Xuanming! Go!"

Oscar summoned Xuan Ming and let him enter the Frozen City first. Now Xuan Ming is the title Douluo with nine ten thousand year spirit rings, and his strength is already around level 95. If he goes to protect him, Oscar can rest assured!

After dispatching Xuan Ming, the group of beasts roared and reported to Oscar that the army had assembled, and they were all looking forward to it. If they attacked a big human city, even if they died, there would be no regrets!
"set off!"

Oscar ordered that the army move out, the farther away from the forest, the temperature will rise by a few points!

Frozen City, a relatively well-known big city, is as prosperous as the king's capital Arabin City, and it is guarded by heavy troops!

The ground, even the city, trembled!

"Report to the captain, I found many soul beasts attacking my Frozen City in an orderly manner!"

A petty sergeant reports to a better-dressed middle-aged man!
"Okay, go back and continue to observe. After I report to the commander of the city guard, I will mobilize the army to resist the spirit beast!"

The middle-aged captain of the patrol team said in a bad mood.After all, it was unprecedented for the spirit beasts to attack the big city in an orderly manner, and it was impossible for my subordinates to lie about the military situation!
The High Council Hall that defends the city!

"Only with such a construction, can our city be more stable, and it will look like new for a thousand years!"

A middle-aged man with a heroic appearance, who looks like a general, is discussing the maintenance of the city wall with several high-level guards!
"Report! Commander-in-Chief, City Patrol Captain Wu Da said he has something important to report!"

A young man, rather handsome, with a not-so-low merit badge on his shoulders, which shows that he has an extraordinary status, said to the middle-aged man who was leading the discussion just now!

The middle-aged man replied: "Okay! Yu Bao, call him in!"

Facing the defense of the city, he is conscientious. With the cultivation resources of the kingdom and his feelings for the kingdom, he has devoted himself to planning for the frozen city for ten years!
"You are Wuhan University, what's the matter!"

The middle-aged man looked at the rather dishonest and loyal city patrol captain and asked, such talents are what generals like them need!

"Mr. Commander, my subordinates inspected and found a large number of spirit beasts attacking. This matter is no small matter. Due to the emergency, Wu University failed to investigate carefully and reported it to Mr. Commander. I hope Mr. Commander will investigate it himself before making a decision! "

The inspection captain named Wuhan University said that reporting in time can quickly trigger the attention of high-level officials, but he bears a lot of pressure. If a little soul beast attacks, maybe he will be demoted to a pawn. If the situation is serious, after the incident, He will be promoted, so he is fighting with his heart and future!
"Okay! Vice-jun Xu, Vice-jun Ma, Vice-jun Qi, how about we go and observe together!"

The military commander smiled and said to the three middle-aged people at the leading table!
"Okay! Commander Li is for the country and the people, and we should accompany you!" The three deputy soldiers replied in unison, with bold smiles!
Outside the big city, Oscar is already approaching the city!An army of millions of soul beasts, as long as he gives an order, they can crush the ice!

I only heard that Oscar ordered: "All soldiers obey the order! Besiege the city!"

Hundreds of soul beast lords led an army and surrounded the four city gates in the southeast, northwest, and layers, causing the soul masters and civilians entering and leaving the city to hide in the frozen city desperately, and the gates were closed!

Above the East City Gate!
Commander Li shouted, "My city is in danger!"

Looking at the mighty army of soul beasts at the four city gates, it would be fine if they were about a thousand years old, but outside each city gate, there were at least thirty thousand-year-old soul beasts!

Faced with such a terrifying lineup, all the high-level defenders looked pale, unable to raise the heart of confrontation, and only had sadness in their hearts!
(End of this chapter)

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