Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 254 Four Generals Surrender

Chapter 254 Four Generals Surrender
"Commander Li, at such a time, the only way to protect the city is to ask for help from the Wuhun Hall in the frozen city, and the city lord, and order all soul masters above the level of great soul masters in the city to participate in the battle!"

Behind Commander Li, an older middle-aged man said, he is Deputy Commander Xu Fujun who is defending the city!
"Okay! That's all!"

Commander Li sighed, facing such a majestic enemy, he instantly aged a bit, feeling powerless like never before!
Outside the city, Oscar hadn't ordered the siege for a long time because he wanted to wipe it all out. In half a day, all the strongest forces in the city would gather in one place. All Oscar had to do was, wait!

Cher Hotel!At this time, a mysterious man in black with a beautiful mask ushered in!

"Sister Xue'er, is Oscar back!"

A woman in her twenties with a youthful air and a well-formed figure caressingly pulled a seductive and charming woman in a snow-white leather jacket and said!

"Roland, don't worry, it should be! He said that we will see him in a day!"

The charming Youmei woman replied!But he was secretly dissatisfied in his heart, it's been almost four years, this guy thought his old lady was going to be a widow for you!

"Go and see! The city lord ordered that the army of soul beasts is coming, and all the soul masters in the city are called to defend against the enemy!"

"Yes, yes! I am a soul master. If I can perform well this time, it is not impossible to break through to the soul sect in the future. Let's go and sign up!"


The streets are rare and lively. Usually the streets are sparse and sparse. At this time, people are coming and going, so lively!
Frozen City, East Gate!
"Oh! Lord Lin, please come and visit me!"

Commander Li was very respectful to a middle-aged human being with six extraordinary soul masters behind him. After all, the great reputation of the Wuhun Temple is known to everyone on the mainland, and the Wuhun Temple is also the heart of the soul masters. holy place!
"No problem, I'm the master of the Frozen City's Wuhun Hall and I also rely on the Frozen City to stand! On the contrary, it's hard work, Commander!"

Palace Master Lin said politely, after all, this military commander is also a veritable soul saint, and it is rumored that the martial soul battle gun is extremely powerful!

"Listen to the people on the city wall, this emperor is the emperor of the snowfield's million-strong army, the Snow Emperor! Anyone who goes out of the city and surrenders will not die! Otherwise, the city will be bloodbathed and frozen!"

Looking at the people on the city wall, there are almost two soul saints, more than a dozen soul emperors, and there are hundreds of scattered soul masters. It is rare to see a leader of a soul hunting team as strong as Haote. If three years ago If Oscar didn't kill Gong Xigan, he would face a controlling Contra, which would be very disadvantageous for Dajun!

When they heard Oscar's majestic voice and saw the person on the crystal clear ice crystal throne suspended above the beasts, they all trembled because of that person's peerless appearance and ability to control all beasts.If there is no leader of the soul beast, it is easy to deal with, but there is a person who is good at strategy to rule, and the combat effectiveness will be doubled!

"That's the snow eagle clan of the sky royal family in the forest, that's the black-tailed poisonous queen bee, that's the yellow-bellied golden-bearded locust..."

I saw Oscar waved his hand, and these big groups in the forest appeared. Because of their flying ability, the people on the city wall opened their mouths. They couldn't believe it. They all thought it was a dream!

A crisp and clear phoenix cry resounded through the frozen city, hovering around Oscar, making everyone who watched think that Oscar was the son of destiny, escorted by the divine beast Phoenix!
"I'm going to ride you after all!"

Oscar joked to himself, stood up gently, and slowly walked onto Bingfeng's beautiful and generous back!The ice phoenix fluttered and flew towards the east gate of the frozen city! !
"What! He's coming!"

Looking at Oscar's every move, the aura he exudes, that is the aura of an emperor, making people want to kneel down, and those who are under the soul emperor are already lying on the ground, not daring to move, this is the realm of the emperor Oscar The horror!
"Your Excellency, why did you send troops to my city!"

Commander Li bowed his head and clasped his hands and asked, obviously, he was also overwhelmed by Oscar's aura, guarded by the ice-blue beautiful phoenix whose strength was unknown, they had no chance of winning!

"This emperor came here only to conquer the north and build a unified empire in the north, not just for you and other small frozen cities, Commander Li, you have outstanding abilities and general strategy. The army of ten thousand soul beasts, taking down your frozen city is simply a fantasy, are you willing to submit to this emperor and establish an invincible merit!"

Oscar said, to conquer the world, what is needed are talented and fierce generals, to win them over!

"I am deeply favored by the kingdom, how dare I surrender easily, I am convinced today, I hope Your Excellency, don't hurt the people in the city!"

Commander Li sighed passionately, half kneeling on the ground, with a request before death!
Oscar simply replied: "Okay!"

"I am also willing to die to serve the country!"

The three lieutenants also said that others could easily come to the city wall, and there was an ice phoenix protecting them, they were powerless, Oscar would be defeated without a fight!
"it is good!"

Oscar simply replied again, his eyes were full of satisfaction, but he hid it well, they are all loyal and good generals!

"It's all decided? I don't want to hurt any of your soldiers!" Oscar asked, looking at the four army commanders who wanted to die to serve the country!
"Yes! Your Excellency, take action, I won't surrender!" The four said firmly here!

"Okay!" Oscar nodded, and quickly squeezed strange instructions in his hands. Suddenly, the four of them felt the chilly breath of death rushing towards their faces!

In the distance of the Frozen City, a desolate snow-white mountain collapsed upon hearing the sound, and the shock spread to the Frozen City. In the ears of the four people, they opened their eyes and looked at the charmingly smiling Oscar. They were also puzzled, and Oscar retracted it. palm!
"That! It is your desire to serve the country. Now that it has fallen, the small town you guard is like a small family, and my empire is like everyone. I still need you. Listen to me!!" Oscar personally helped The four of them got up and half kneeled, talking calmly and started the brainwashing mode!
Looking at the intimate Oscar, the four army commanders were also inexplicably moved!

Oscar continued: "Everyone, wait and see!"

Oscar walked to the edge of the city wall, followed by four army commanders, as well as that Lord Lin of the Spirit Hall!

"Assemble! Let's retreat ten miles!"

Oscar yelled at the million soul beasts, and saw densely packed, large and small soul beasts, gathering one after another, retreating quickly, no more, no less, exactly ten miles, the lineup was not chaotic, shocking people's hearts!
"I built the empire only for a new system. At that time, a country where people and spirit beasts coexist, people don't have to work hard to hunt spirit rings, and spirit beasts are also protected, but people like you are needed to work together. Plan, after the establishment of the empire, all of you will be immortalized and become legends, and this emperor also promises to help you break through to Title Douluo within a hundred years!"

Oscar said, the last dose is a strong medicine, compared with the Kingdom's years of cultivation, it is like a small witch!

"Join, the beautiful world of the future needs you, and your children and grandchildren also need you, and seek blessings for them!"

Looking at the hesitant army commanders, Oscar knew that they were missing a step, and now, he gave it!

"Okay! For the sake of the future, we are willing to choose another master and create a prosperous world!" Afterwards, the four army commanders knelt down and surrendered in unison!
Since then, the Frozen City has been ruled by the Snow Emperor Oscar without moving a sword or a soldier!The snow-capped mountain that was knocked down by Oscar later formed a small mound. As the name suggests, it was also named Dingjun Mountain!

(End of this chapter)

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