Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 255 Winning over, Snow Emperor Palace

Chapter 255 Winning over, Snow Emperor Palace
"Okay, with the help of your four army commanders, this emperor can accomplish great things!"

Oscar smiled and helped up the four middle-aged army commanders, and then, a pure and strong energy penetrated into the bodies of the four!
"Xuedi, this is?"

The four of them also changed their names, thinking that Oscar had imposed some restrictions on them, they felt numb all over their bodies!

"Don't worry, this is a little greeting gift from the emperor, please absorb and refine it, and I guarantee that you will be satisfied!"

Oscar smiled and said, this is a trace of spirit energy from the Ten Thousand Years Fuling Crystal. Not only can it be upgraded, but it can also increase your lifespan by a few years. After all, they are the first batch of generals in his team!
Palace Master Lin also looked curiously, he belonged to Wuhun Palace, but he didn't dare to act rashly, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous, and he could only wait for the Snow Emperor's arrangement!
Hours passed!
"Hahaha! I have broken through to level 68, Deputy Qi, I have caught up with you!"

Ma Fujun, one of the third lieutenants, said excitedly, such a big gift is too big, like washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow, until he broke through to the soul saint level, he also had some expectations!

"Ma Dapao, that's not necessarily the case. I'm already level 69, and I may break through to Soul Sage before you! Haha!"

Deputy Qi also got up and smiled. The two looked at Oscar, and they were already admiring. After all, at their level, it is not easy to go up a level. Moreover, they are already old. !

"Haha, you two are noisy, I have already reached the seventy-level soul saint stage!"

Xu Fujun, the oldest in the grade, smiled and stroked his pale beard. After so many years at level 69, he finally broke through!
"Congratulations, since you have made a breakthrough, this emperor will give you another great gift. You can choose any of those ten thousand-year-level soul beasts as a soul ring, but the premise is that you must defeat it, one chance!"

Oscar said, it is a good deal to lose a 3-[-]-year-old soul beast and replace it with a soul saint who can command an army!
Deputy Xu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Emperor Xue!"

Only now did they know why Oscar said that hunting soul beasts would no longer need to be searched hard. Fujun Xu was the first person to try such a thing!
There was a sound, and the commander Li already vomited blood, because he was very stubborn when he successfully broke through to level 78 with a soul power of 79, and planned to break through to level [-] Soul Douluo in one fell swoop. After all, the greater the ability, The greater the responsibility, what Oscar values ​​is their ability!

"Well, if you are so persistent, I will help you again!"

Oscar looked at the stubborn Commander Li, full of admiration, knowing that it was impossible, but still going forward, no wonder he is the commander of the army!

Another thick and pure energy was injected into Commander Li's body, recovering the chaotic soul power in his body, and breaking through Contra!

Several lieutenants sighed. They knew this before, and they wanted to fight hard. After all, the opportunity is rare, and Commander Li is far ahead again!
"Snow Empress, I've already made up my mind. I chose the 2-year-old Snow Eagle!"

In the end, Deputy Xu looked at the majestic snow-white eagle with full of liking, and respectfully said to Oscar!
Oscar is also an accident, and it is enough for you to drink a pot against Xue Ying, even though it is only 2 years old!However, this is also Xu Fujun's deliberate choice. After all, his martial spirit is considered top-notch. One-on-one, it is still very difficult to fight against a snow eagle with more than 3 years, so he chose 2 years!

Oscar asked, "Have you decided?"

"Xue Emperor, I've decided!" Fujun Xu nodded and replied respectfully!
Afterwards, Oscar stared sharply at the 5-year Lord Snow Eagle, as if conveying some message, and saw...


Lord Snow Eagle jumped up!

"Snow Emperor, could there be a mistake? That's a 5-year-old soul beast!" Deputy Xu asked tremblingly, his old bones don't want to fall apart!
"No mistake, hahaha!"

Oscar laughed and said, afterward, a huge snow eagle with a cultivation base of 3 years also flew up and came towards Oscar!

"Hey, that 3-year-old snow eagle is just right for you, go, one-on-one!" Oscar said, pointing at the 3-year-old Snow Eagle!
Fujun Xu was speechless, looking at the 2-year-old Snow Eagle that was stronger than the 3-year-old Snow Eagle, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go!

"Xue Peng possessed!"

Deputy Xu shouted, two yellow, three purple and one black six soul rings lit up!

Oscar wants to see a good fight too!Obviously, it is impossible for Deputy Xu to take down this 3-year-old Snow Eagle. He already has a plan in mind, and he cannot let the first batch of subordinates feel bad!
"Master Lin, seeing this, are you really convinced!"

Oscar suddenly smiled and said to Lin Dianzhu of the Spirit Hall, he is also a level 75 soul saint, which is rare, if he can fool you, then let him fool you one more time!
"Yes, the Snow Emperor's majesty is incomparable to no one!"

Master Lin replied respectfully, after all, Oscar destroyed a mountain with one palm, and there was no leakage of soul power, and martial arts and soul skills were useless. It is conceivable that only the legendary titled Douluo has the horror of Oscar. The ability to destroy heaven and earth!

"You join in too, I am the honorary master of the Holy Hall of the Spirit Hall! I have a token as proof, how about it, you will know in the future that I have the powerful support of the Pope behind me, and the Hall of Spirits will not pursue it For you, I plan to build a Snow Emperor Hall, then you are the founder of the first Snow Emperor Hall in the empire, and by then, you will also be a Titled Douluo!"

The more Oscar spoke, his voice became lower and lower, which disturbed Dianzhu Lin. What Oscar said was the truth.He believed that Oscar had this ability!
"Okay! Lin Chentian is willing to return to the Snow Emperor and build an invincible achievement! Meng Huanglu and the other six, if you haven't come to worship, don't you want to break through to the Soul Sage or even the Soul Douluo!"

Palace Master Lin knelt down, and then yelled at his six subordinates. I am the boss and everyone knelt down. Are you still watching the show?

The six people were in a daze, looking at Dianzhu Lin who suddenly knelt down, and then heard his low shout, the six people also knelt down together, Contra, that is their last pursuit in this life!
"Thank you... Snow Empress!"

Commander Li cupped his fists and said.He had already broken through, and a surge of momentum emanated, making the hearts of the seven kneeling people tremble, especially Lord Lin, who was already a soul sage, and he had a little more expectation from this realm!

"Okay! Commander Li, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Next, let's watch a good show!"

Oscar patted him on the shoulder and expressed his encouragement. Then everyone began to watch the rare battle between Xue Ying and Xue Peng in the sky!
In the Frozen City, Oscar sent a thought to Xuanming to let him come back. After all, Oscar did not expect it to be so easy, followed by the charming and charming big goblin, Shangguan Xue'er!
(End of this chapter)

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