Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 256 Goodbye Big Fairy

Chapter 256 Goodbye Big Fairy

In the sky, there were gusts of bitter cold wind, a tiny figure resisting the strong wind and snow force, that was Deputy Xu who had just broken through the seventieth level. Fighting power like a bird!
"Snow Empress! I failed!"

Vice-jun Xu came back, half-knelt in shame towards Oscar and said, "I didn't expect Xue Ying to be so tough, he tried his best!"
"It's okay, Deputy Commander Xu, there is still a wonderful battle ahead, follow me and enjoy the battle of your commanders first!"

Oscar smiled and helped him up, and bought everyone's hearts appropriately. These few will be Oscar's loyal generals in the future, and guard the territory of this empire for him!

Afterwards, everyone looked at Commander Li and the way he stopped, and they knew that he already had a goal!

"Snow Empress, the final choice is the 6-year-old golden-haired snow ape!"

Commander Li said resolutely, because of the cultivation base of the golden-haired snow apes, they still have a trace of metal, and superimposed strength, so they are the targets he most wants to choose!
Oscar looked at the resolute Commander Li, and said in disbelief: "You have to think about it, just one chance, otherwise, you will lose the chance to be promoted to Contra in the near future!"

Oscar threatened the promotion, the forest has been ordered by himself, and humans are not allowed to set foot there for a short time.

"I made a decision!"

Commander Li also hesitated for a while, but replied resolutely!
There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Oscar's eyes, he hesitated, but he answered, Oscar still agreed, because the goal has not changed, for a soul master who can advance to the stage, who can bear the pain of not being able to advance!

"Okay! Go!"

Oscar said, the army spread out in an open field, this time it was a battle on the ground, without the cover of the forest, the golden-haired snow ape's strength would be greatly weakened!

Commander Li nodded, and a shiny silver gun appeared in his right hand, and seven soul rings, two yellow, three purple, two black, shone brightly. Although it was three purple, it had ten thousand years more soul skills than Deputy Xu!

"Lord Snow Eagle, give him a ride!"

Oscar looked at Commander Li who was getting ready, and said to the 5-year-old snow eagle above the East City Gate!

Xue Ying took the lead and flew down, a gust of snow stormed everyone!And Commander Li clasped his fists at Oscar, and jumped onto Xue Ying's generous back!

Facing the battle that is about to start, Oscar is also more thoughtful, because Commander Li is already a soul sage, and he can use his soul avatar to fight, so he should be able to hold on for a while!One-on-one, people are not dominant!

"The important place of the city gate, how can you allow a woman to break in by force!"

Hundreds of people gathered around a charming, enchanting woman who could captivate the city with a smile, and captivate the country with a smile, and her eyes were all fiery!

"Hmph! There is no place in the world that I can't go to!"

Seeing Xuanming disappearing, this mature and enchanting woman was furious.Stopped by a group of ants, he suddenly exuded a charming cold breath, with fluffy and charming snow-white ears, and eight soul rings on his body, two yellow, three purple, and three black, lit up, especially the eighth soul ring, which was extraordinarily black and shiny!
Bang bang bang!
The woman broke through the defense lines like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, and reached the city wall!
"Report to the three deputy army commanders..."

"We know, Contra is not something you can stop!"

Deputy Xu interrupted the little sergeant's report, looking at the charming woman with eight scary spirit rings, she looked only about 30 years old, but she was already a Contra, shocked!
"Oh! You bad guy, I thought you were dead!"

Suddenly, with jade beads in her eyes, the woman stared at the long hair fluttering more and more charming, the mature man muttered!

The sudden scene made the three deputy army commanders and Master Lin of the Wuhun Palace very puzzled. Is this the mighty woman just now?Why does it feel more like an exciting beauty!
"Your man is very lucky, long time no see, big goblin!"

Oscar smiled slightly, and said to the alluring woman, he opened his arms and waited for her to come, but the reality is always different from the imagination!
Shangguan Xueer's eyes were slightly rosy, and she walked slowly, very charming, but no one dared to think too much, because of her strength, and also because of his strength!

"Damn, there are so many people!"

Shangguan Xue'er was embraced by Oscar, she said shyly, she is not as domineering as the Contra powerhouse just now!

"It's okay, they didn't dare to look at it. I opened my arms just now, but you didn't rush in and say! How can I punish you!" Oscar said pretending to be angry.

Still thinking that the tall and straight peaks of this big goblin should have an unimaginably wonderful feeling, but she didn't, Oscar couldn't help being dissatisfied, and stretched out his claws to her proud buttocks!

Shangguan Xueer's face was so blushing that she could bleed. Although she was over 30 years old, she was not ashamed to face so many men being tricked by Oscar!

But at first glance, those people on the city wall seemed to be avoiding a natural disaster, and they were far away from Oscar. Their eyes were fixed to describe their current situation. Of course, they were more watching the wonderful battle in the distance!

Shangguan Xue'er snorted, she didn't expect this bad guy to be so blatantly tricking her, but looking at the appearance of those old men, she looked like she could pick and choose!

"Xue'er, you miss me very much!"

Oscar asked with a smirk, after not seeing her for a few years, she has become more and more mature, exuding a strong peach fragrance!

"Hmph! I'm thinking, if you don't come back, I will give you a cuckold!"

Shangguan Xue'er replied, "Hey, this guy has been away for nearly four years, and he hasn't heard from him yet, so he asks these unspeakable questions when he comes back!"

"Oh! Then do I want to feed you now, my big goblin!"

Oscar smiled, and pulled the beautiful leather jacket vigorously, causing Shangguan Xueer to fall into Oscar's arms like a frightened rabbit!
"No, there are many people here, let's talk about it when we go back, husband..."

Shangguan Xue'er leaned close to Oscar's ear, whispering softly, her charming appearance made it hard to stop!
"Then, what about my husband!"

Oscar looked at the aroused ground fire, and looked at the big goblin with a smirk!
Afterwards, Oscar finally realized what the emperor's treatment is. Watching the battle of the apes from a distance, with a perfect beauty serving him beside him, he lamented how skillful the great goblin's methods are!
The golden-haired snow ape smashed to the side angrily, ignoring the unconscious Commander Li, if it weren't for Oscar's threatening eyes, the person who offended him would have died long ago!

Oscar waved his hand, and then a white light radiated out, floating into the body of Li Junjun, and sighed: You are also a hero if you can persevere until you are done!

Xueying came back with him in his mouth, and gently put down Commander Li. Shangguan Xueer was like a charming fox, entwined around Oscar, making Bingfeng dare not speak out, especially the embarrassing thing about the two of them just now!

"Take Commander Li and go down to heal your wounds. The Japanese Emperor will come back tomorrow. The Emperor will see your efforts. He will let you obtain suitable soul rings tomorrow!" Oscar said to several people!

It was already planned, because of the arrival of the big goblin, he had to go back to satisfy this stunner!
(End of this chapter)

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