Chapter 257

Outside the frozen city, millions of soul beasts gather, making everyone who enters and exits extremely shocked, trembling, all sigh, it is really a wonder through the ages, but no one dares to disturb them, they also stay quietly, inside the city, An undercurrent is surging!
Outside the Cher Hotel!
A man as beautiful as a fairy put his arms around a charming and charming woman, looking at this first-class hotel!
"It's here again, Xue'er!"

The man smiled and said, the first foothold of this frozen city is here, and the story also starts from here, and this beauty is also taken from here!

"Hmph! Bad guy, you made me miss you so much these past three years, you just have to make it up to me!"

Regarding the man's words and deeds, the enchanting woman twisted her slender waist, and said in a tone that made people want to stop, her beauty was a little delicate, and the slightly rippling peaks and mountains revealed two touches of jade white!
"Okay, your man hasn't had sex for a long time, so today you should start!"

The man hugged this stunner horizontally, striding towards the inside, the target was the secret incense room of Boss Shangguan!

Zhaoxue, a beautiful female employee who was smiling at the counter, covered her small mouth and looked at this scene in puzzlement, seeing her boss shyly in the arms of a young and beautiful man!

The man gave her a slight smile, and went upstairs, leaving only the female staff talking about the name blankly, suddenly a little inexplicable, this name seems to have some magical power, and it feels very comfortable when you read it!

Oscar pushed open the door, and it was completely different from the last time he came in. The room turned out to be a red and charming color, not as white and pure as last time!

"little tricks!"

Oscar murmured, once he let go of the beauty in his arms, it would be like a tiger preying on it!
"Xue'er, I didn't expect you to be so interested! Tell me, should I continue!"

The two of them swayed for a while, Oscar looked at the big goblin and smiled, his hand had already torn off the jade silk of her dress wrapped around the snake's waist, with just a light tug, he could have a glimpse of the beautiful scenery!
Suddenly, there was a soft noise from the exquisite cabinet beside it, causing Oscar to walk over slowly with great interest, like cat playing with a mouse!

The people inside are holding their little hands tightly and looking at the man who is slowly approaching and thinking about it day and night!


The door of the cupboard was opened, and a plump woman in a pink dress shouted nervously!

Oscar squatted down, looked at the girl in the cabinet who was able to hide just now, stretched out his hand and scratched her little nose lightly, and said with a smile: "Little Roland, you will be punished for peeping at people's private affairs!"

"Hee hee! I'm not afraid!"

The girl smiled and said, with tears of relief in her eyes, looking at the man who is still so close to her, everything is worth it!

"Is it!"

Oscar pulled her out and hugged her slender and charming waist domineeringly. It had been more than three years since she had seen her. She had grown up completely. She only had the fragrance of a girl, without the slightest immaturity. Green shy!


The girl buried her head in his arms, and responded gently, very tenderly!

"Then, I want you to stand aside and watch us do what husband and wife should do!"

Oscar said jokingly, looking at this very innocent girl, there must be a big black hand behind the scenes, otherwise, how could she be hiding here!

"That's not okay, sister Xue'er said, because with her, together..."

The girl finally said in a panic, seeing the helpless Shangguan Xue'er, her face immediately turned red, it's so embarrassing!

"Okay, you bad guy, knowing that Roland is still an innocent girl, you are still teasing her!"

At this moment, Shangguan Xue'er couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and felt resentful and dissatisfied. Are you not happy that two beauties came to serve you together?

"Ah! Then who shall I eat first!"

Oscar looked at a simple, a voluptuous, and two different beauties, and was at a loss for what to do. He had never enjoyed such a beauty before!

"Xiaolan, then I'll wrong you!"

Shangguan Xue'er looked at Roland and said with a smile, it was actually for her sake, a girl who has been thinking about him for nearly four years, she had to accept Roland's stupidity!
"Little Roland, did you hear that, your sister Xue'er wants to watch you and me..."

Oscar laughed.

"Okay, stop teasing Roland, why don't I go out!"

Shangguan Xue'er fastened the ribbon around her waist, and when she walked towards Oscar, she twisted her waist fiercely, blaming this guy for being too timid for completely disrupting her plan!

Shangguan Xue'er slammed the door and walked towards Tianyi's room, leaving only the young and beautiful couple in the warm and fragrant room!

"Oscar, where have you been these few years?"

Seeing that the big boss had gone out, Roland breathed a sigh of relief, if there were two, if it wasn't for Oscar, she wouldn't have the courage to come to this room at all if it wasn't for Oscar!

"I am right in the innermost part of the frozen forest. It is covered with snow, and it is covered in silver at first glance. It is a pure world!"

Oscar put his arms around the girl, and he didn't even have the urge to face the big goblin. Instead, the two started chatting like a couple!
"...Well, the ice river is delicious, Roland, wait a minute, I'll get you some delicious food!"

In the end, when Oscar talked about food, he wanted to put it into action for some reason. Maybe it was because of his deep love for cooking. Afterwards, a strong smell of meat wafted out from the beautiful incense room!
"Hee hee! It smells so good!"

On one side, Roland propped up his beautiful little face, looked at the man who was cooking for him, and looked at his back. The tension in his heart relaxed inexplicably, and he was a little lost. Why did Oscar treat her big boss and her attitude differently? Like a hungry wolf meeting a little sheep, the latter, the big bad wolf has become a little sheep!

"It's delicious! Hey, try it, my homemade fish skewers!"

Oscar took out a bunch of grilled skewers with excellent color and fragrance, handed them to the girl, and said softly, compared to desire, he prefers to admire her innocence, the sweetness of a girl!
"Well, it's hot, but it's delicious!"

The girl bit her silver teeth, and then began to comment, eating with gusto!
In an hour and a half!
The door of the room was kicked open, yes, it was kicked open, the big boss with a hot figure couldn't stand it anymore, when he came over, he smelled a smell of meat, and there was laughter from the two of them, it was all she worked so hard to arrange The room, unexpectedly... how can you not be angry!
"Oh! It's Xue'er, why don't you try it!"

Oscar picked up a bunch, smiled slightly at Shangguan Xueer!

"Ah bah, who wants to eat, Roland, what's going on with you, you don't seize such a good opportunity, this bad guy has a lot of women!" Facing the pure Roland, Shangguan Xueer hated him indisputably. Said!
Roland lowered his head and remained silent for a long time!

Oscar patted her fragrant shoulder lightly, comforting: "Don't listen to her, you are my little girl who warms the bed, and I am your boss!"


The big goblin came over, yelled, and suddenly there were two more pieces of delicious fish in her mouth, and then she chewed carefully!

"Hmm! Not too bad, fragrant but not oily, oily but not greasy! Everything is just right!"

After eating delicious food, she also forgot what happened just now. She was really speechless about Roland's stupidity. Although she was worried about the transformation of the fragrant house into a kitchen, how many times in the world would she have to taste such delicious food? !
(End of this chapter)

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