Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 258 Snow Emperor City

Chapter 258 Snow Emperor City

The night in the Frozen City is as usual!

Oscar lived in a warm room, and was accompanied by a beautiful woman. The beautiful and gentle township was like a dream in life, which made it difficult for people to wake up, even Oscar!
"Bad guy, why don't you let Roland become your woman, she is top-notch in terms of figure, appearance, and temperament!"

Being nourished by Gan Lin, she had to think about that silly and innocent girl, and she was also very curious about Oscar's actions!
Oscar looked at the charming big goblin, lay down with a slight smile, and said, "It's because of her beauty that people can't bear to pick it up. If she's thinking wildly, go and help me enlighten her!"

After Oscar finished speaking, he hugged the charming Shangguan Xueer, dispersed his energy, and then fell into a peaceful dream!

"Don't worry, she will understand!"

Looking at Oscar who had already fallen asleep, Shangguan Xueer smiled and said softly, at least, he is still by her side now!
In the dream, he seemed to have returned to that ordinary and beautiful world, without practitioners, strange monsters, and...

The next day was slightly bright, and the cold air outside had not dissipated, and it was a vast expanse!
The man with beautiful long hair got up, stretched his body gently, and slept more easily than ever, only heard the crisp sound between the bones, and the energy and spirit gathered together again!
"Hmm... Oscar, don't you want to sleep more!"

The beautiful woman on the bed looked at the man with sleepy eyes and asked, revealing her fragrance and a lazy look. Last night was like a long drought, and she was also very tired!
"No, I still have some things to deal with, big goblin, and little Roland are waiting for me at home!"

Oscar kissed him lightly on the forehead, and the big goblin also gave him a wonderful hug. The proud feeling was different!
Shangguan Xue'er said: "En! Go, we will wait for you to come back."

In Xiangxiang's beautiful room, only the deep love between the two was left behind. With a flash of silver light, Oscar had disappeared from her eyes!

Shangguan Xue'er came back to her senses, and said: "My man is indeed not someone in the pool, it seems that I have to help him, I really don't want to see the faces of those old guys in the clan!"

Oscar didn't know that after he got a woman, he got the support of a big family!The Shangguan family is a very secretive family in the north, and there are countless strong people in it. Rumor has it that there are also Titled Douluo guardians!

Frozen City, East Wall!

"Li Wu, Mr. Xu..., meet the Snow Emperor!"

The first four middle-aged men dressed as military commanders half-kneeled, as if they were welcoming the emperor.There are more than a dozen strong soul masters who are all at the level of soul kings behind them, suppressing a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes!

"Okay, everyone get up!"

Oscar the Snow Emperor exuded the majesty of an emperor and said, nodding slightly, those half-kneeling people were the army commanders guarding the Frozen City!


Commander Li and the others said respectfully, the etiquette is very good, without the slightest negligence, the leader is still a little weak Commander Li said: "Xue Emperor, this is the lord of the Frozen City, Dongyang, a soul of level 76." Holy Power, the army in the city has been brought together by our army, and I wish to help Snow Emperor accomplish his great cause!"

Oscar was also overjoyed, looking at Commander Li who had made up his mind, and at the imprisoned Lord of the Frozen City, he had to say, these guys are really quick to strike, they really are not comparable to the army of soul beasts, they have Their self-awareness, everything has been considered for themselves!

"Dongyang, are you willing to surrender to this emperor? If you perform well in the future, you will be awarded a title!" Oscar casually said to the city lord. Now, his power has begun to take shape!

"This condition makes me very excited. No wonder even a talent like Li Wu is willing to surrender to you, but you are so young, how can you convince me!"

The Dongyang City Lord replied that to rule such a big city, he is obviously not an idiot, and his own strength is also his capital. He is betting with this young man.

"Xuan Ming!"

Oscar smiled lightly and said.

Suddenly, in the city wall, no one found Xuanming ambushing here. Oscar's hand shocked some of the strong defenders of the city wall, because they didn't even notice the group of people here.


Suddenly, on a city wall shrouded in black, everyone opened their mouths wide in surprise, watching an unimaginable scene, and seeing things that they thought impossible in their life, because the man in black who came out wearing a mask The soul ring turned out to be nine dark and shiny ten-thousand-year soul rings. Under the shock of the soul rings, he still had his terrifying strength!
"Hehe, he is the protector of this emperor, titled: Xuan Ming!"

Oscar said plainly, but his heart was greatly relieved, and he hit them hard. This kind of strength, the soul ring, was obviously impossible for them to achieve in this lifetime, and he did it on purpose, just to shock!

"...Dongyang, I wish the whole city to belong to Snow Emperor!"

The city lord Dongyang bowed down, and he was really convinced at this time!A mythical titled Douluo with nine ten thousand year spirit rings could easily crush them to death!
"Haha! Ben Emperor, welcome!"

Oscar helped him up and said, looking at the army of soul beasts standing in formation in the distance!Thinking about what to do next!

"Dongyang, from today onwards, you are still the city lord of the Frozen City. Listen to my emperor's order, gather the people and soul masters from a hundred miles away, and start to expand the city with the standard of an imperial capital. Later, it will be renamed Snow Emperor City! The emperor's imperial city!"

Oscar said seriously to the newly arrived Dongyang, this is a big project, and this is also the arrangement of the beauty master. When the construction of the imperial city is completed, it will be the next big move!

"Yes, Snow Empress!"

Dongyang replied, but the name "Snow Emperor City" was muttering in his mouth!
at this time.His heart is the same as that of Commander Li Wu and the others. They are very excited. If the empire is established, they will be the first generation of heroes, veterans!

"That's right. In addition, the deputy city lord is Shui Bing'er, the lord of Dongyang City. If there is something she doesn't understand, you need to teach her carefully, but don't move other greedy thoughts. The emperor's guardian will also protect her. You understand Is it?"

Oscar spoke to the city lord with a threatening tone. For some reason, he didn't want Shui Binger to be contaminated by anyone, and he had already set out to create the first female soldier, Marshal Ma, for the future!
"Yes! Yes! The future will understand!"

The subordinates below the city lord live there, and they are looking forward to creating a new empire with Oscar. Although the four kingdoms have changed, they dare not put it into action!

"Well! If you have any questions, come and report to the emperor!"

Oscar said, the establishment of "Snow Emperor City" started, and Shui Binger didn't know that Oscar entrusted her with a heavy responsibility!

(End of this chapter)

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