Chapter 259 etc.

The mainland at this moment is terrifyingly peaceful, but often behind this tranquility, there will be a big conspiracy brewing, whether it is the Heaven Dou Empire with a weak military, or the undercurrent between the two empires. The mighty Wuhundian participated in it, and no one noticed the rise of the North!
The land in the extreme north, the frozen city, should be renamed "Snow Emperor City" at this time!

For half a month, Oscar paid a generous reward, the army in the city, free spirit masters, and many ordinary people actively participated in it!
For the army and free soul masters, if you insist on building for a month, you can get spiritual fluids that can improve your strength. Of course, there are also distribution according to work, great efforts, and special rewards!

For ordinary people, in addition to getting generous wages, there is also a bottle of diluted spiritual liquid for strengthening the body. When the common people know that it has the effect of strengthening the body and strengthening the foundation of children, they all want to participate in it!

The mighty army of soul beasts also helped to carry the mud, stone, soil and other materials for construction!

"Huh! Taking advantage of me again, you bastard, let me be the deputy city lord to oversee the work, but you ran to enjoy it!"

A beautiful girl said angrily, looking at the beautiful man who came towards him and put his arms around her slender waist!

"Bing'er, I'm the boss. Have you ever seen the boss working in person? Besides, you broke through to level 56 in half a month, whoever takes advantage of you!"

The beautiful man said that he also liked this smart girl very much, and the more he looked at it, the more he could feel a hazy beauty.

Even her own army of soul beasts was given to her to command, and it was still in order. I saw a little snowflake mark on her eyebrows, making her even more beautiful and moving.

"Tch! You are right!"

The person in his arms didn't struggle, and the two of them looked at this increasingly perfect city, and felt a sense of pride in their hearts, because it was their masterpiece!
"By the way, Oscar, did you do something to me? Why, there are always intermittent images in my mind recently!"

Suddenly, the girl asked, looking at him with blinking and shining eyes!
"Hey, Bing'er, what else can I do to you, don't you know!"

Oscar smirked, so he wouldn't tell you that I erased your memory once. You still remember the girl who was extremely dissatisfied with her back then!


Shui Bing'er was so angry that she couldn't speak, but what he said was the truth, and he had taken advantage of her own advantages. In the end, she could only accept him slowly!
The two continued to look at the scenery of the Northland!
"What a couple! Lang's concubine is interested!"

Suddenly, a melodious voice came, causing Oscar and Oscar, who were showing their affection, to separate. Shui Binger was still a little bit ashamed, and her heart was thumping like a deer!
What a beautiful person... When Shui Bing'er saw the person coming, she covered her pink lips and was speechless. Seeing her was like a fairy coming down to earth!
"Master, it's been half a month, and I thought you could bear it!"

Seeing the beautiful master Hongming appearing in a long black gauze dress with ripples at every step, Oscar teased a few words!

"You, I really don't care about you, you just provoke these beautiful little girls everywhere!"

Hong Ming gently touched Oscar's forehead with his hand, and said helplessly.As the saying goes, if there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three.

"Hey! Master, how can you blame me as your apprentice, they are all attracted by my beauty!"

Oscar grabbed Master's beautiful hand and said intimately.With a slight smile, after Master's careful teaching, he smiled very carefully, and almost covered his mouth and smiled softly.

Shui Binger, who was watching from the side, murmured: "Zi Lian!"

Oscar didn't refute, and then he took Ermi to travel to the north!

"Sister, you look so beautiful. Are you really Oscar's master? Why do you feel more like his sister! You look so young!"

Afterwards, Shui Bing'er spoke softly to Hong Ming.Looking at the somewhat similar Hong Ming and Oscar, I have doubts.

"Hehe, the little girl's mouth is quite honest. I am indeed his master, but I am also his woman. We are two childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, and our fingertips are..."

The giggling Hong Ming, like a dramatist, fooled Shui Bing'er, but was interrupted by the unbearable Oscar!

"Master, we are honest people, honest people don't tell lies!"

Oscar said, throwing a blank stare, still a child, I don't even know what you were born with, young..., Oscar was speechless.

Hong Ming's beautiful eyes also stared back at Oscar, life is so boring, it's okay to tease the girl, this incomprehensible apprentice.

With the sudden drop of cold, the night is coming!

Oscar dismissed Shui Binger and asked her to arrange for the staff to leave on the surface, but in fact he wanted to talk to Master about the next plan!

"Master, what should we do next!"

Oscar asked, half a month has passed, and it has been nearly four years since he came out, and he also misses those little girls at home, maybe they are all beautiful now!

"The next step is to make all the preparations. As a teacher, I plan to open up the passage between the world of the undead and the north of this world, and use the power of the undead to accomplish great things for you!"

Hong Ming said seriously, obviously this matter is also extremely difficult, there are still gods in the undead world, if one is not good, it will trigger a war between gods and gods!

"Master, will it be bad for you if you do that? Undead creatures need souls to evolve. Once they get through, the north will become a purgatory on earth!" Oscar said!

"Those who achieve great things don't care about small things, and this is related to your future immortality. You only need to save them when they are desperate and achieve the emperor's career!"

Hong Ming said, looking at his apprentice affectionately, slowly leaning on his arms, looking at this white world, everything is for him!

"Well, Master, I will not let your efforts be in vain!"

Oscar said, they have already come to this point, there is no turning back when they open their bows, and only by going forward bravely can they blaze a trail!
"Don't think of me as one of your little girls!"

Suddenly, the serious atmosphere was broken by the beauty master, because Oscar gently stroked her head, as if to comfort her, causing her dissatisfaction!
"Hey, those who make big things don't care about small things, we shouldn't be serious!" Oscar smiled for a while, and took his hands away.

Hong Ming replied: "Learn from the bad, but you learn very quickly!"

Oscar was speechless, nothing was good or bad, but he didn't refute Master, the two hugged each other!

"Master, there is still half a month before my imperial city can be completed, what else needs to be done!"

Oscar asked, looking at the towering Snow Emperor City, which is not inferior to Tiandou City, he is very satisfied. Almost everyone in the city can move their hands and feet, and even a million soul beasts are involved. A large city has to make people feel a lot of emotion, and I thought of an appropriate idiom, that is, the strength of all makes a city!
"That is to wait, wait for the teacher to make arrangements for you, wait for the arrival of the undead, and then start to act. Remember, protect the snowfield, that is your place of origin!" Hong Ming said!
"Wait! You really need to wait!"

Oscar murmured, the wind and rain are coming, and the catastrophe in the north is about to come!
(End of this chapter)

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