Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 260 Three North Fortresses

Chapter 260 Three North Fortress
Snow Emperor City!
After a month of hard work, they all got the rich rewards they deserved. When they saw the towering city that had changed greatly, they couldn't believe it, it was built by them!

In later generations, those who participated in it will all be proud of it, and follow their descendants to state their great achievements. It is they who built such a perfect capital!
In the city, there is a unique big palace in a corner, which is a special place in Xuedi City. It is said that this is the palace of Xuedi. Many soul masters who wanted to find out, finally disappeared without a word, as if the world had evaporated. The same, making this place listed as the most mysterious place in Snow Emperor City!

"Teacher, it's time, they need a savior!"

In the deserted palace, a jealous woman was talking. At this time, she was hugged by a man who looked like a fairy. The two were quite similar.

"Well, it took so much effort to get to this day, Master Beauty, I will take every step you arranged, and I will, always, always love you, Hong Ming, my woman!"

The man hugged her tightly, and when he learned about the consumption of her, the two still had a cold war over it for a while!And he is the real master of the Snow Emperor City, Snow Emperor Oscar!

"Okay, silly apprentice, your sweet words are quite useful to me as a teacher!" Hong Ming smiled, completely devoid of the serious atmosphere that he was going to face next!
Looking at those charming red lips and eyes shining like black jewels, Oscar bowed his head and kissed them, Hong Ming did not refuse the affectionate love from his apprentice!
A kiss to the sky, seems to reach the old world!
Hong Ming's rapid breathing, facing the pestering apprentice, slowly broke away!

"Okay, your master can't die, and when you become a fairy, you will be happy!"

Hongming laughed, scattered like flowers, the beauty was too beautiful, looking at the passionate and infatuated apprentice, his eyes were full of affection.

"But I think, I don't want to leave you, Master, for a moment, I'm used to having you by my side!"

Oscar hugged her, seemingly sweet words, but in fact they were the truth in his heart, his heart could not forget her, his soul was bound to her!
"Okay, you look like a little girl, don't call me Hongming's man when you go out in the future!"

In the end, Hong Ming gave Oscar a fierce look, and she looked more and more like a woman. At this time, her charming appearance made her laugh secretly, as if she was afraid of hurting his heart by laughing!
"Remember, this is the north, your battlefield!"

Hong Ming said seriously at last, exuding a terrifying and cold aura all over his body, even Oscar couldn't get any closer.Staring in a daze, he watched the beautiful master step up to the high platform step by step. It was the snow watchtower overlooking the whole north, and it was also the most mysterious part of his palace.


A simple word, like the decree of the god king, once sipped, a darkness shrouded the bottom of the extreme north, covering the originally gray sky, making it even more difficult to distinguish between day and night!

A certain place, like a subsidence, or the birth of an earth dragon, made the whole cold north tremble!

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of tremors, making the creatures in the extreme north think that the sky had collapsed, and the land had also sunk!As everyone knows, this is a man-made riot!
The trembling world of the undead caused everyone to cheer!

"Jie Jie! The gate of heaven has been opened, and our undead are coming!"

"Jie Jie! It's such a good world. I'll break through to the rank of general, and it's just around the corner. Open the gate of heaven!"

Humanoid, ferocious, and dark creatures cheered!

The north of Douluo Continent!
At this time, there was a cold breath, Hong Ming also stopped casting spells, and looked at the devastated continent with a flat face, as if she had nothing to do with her!
"Silly apprentice, don't look!"

Yinhui flashed and hugged her, only to see Hongming lowered his head and shouted in a low voice.I just hope to talk to this, the only man who makes my heart beat, before I go back to cultivate myself!
"Hong Ming, you are my woman, why don't you allow me to see it!"

Oscar said domineeringly, lifted Hongming's face vigorously, and found that horrible bloodshots wrapped around her beautiful face like cobwebs, and the bloodshots seemed to be about to split in the end!
"Master...isn't this ugly!"

Hong Ming lowered his head and asked softly.This time, the two worlds were suddenly opened, which contained cause and effect, and in the dark, the shackles of that consciousness made her look like this!

"No! Master, in my heart, you will always be the most beautiful!" Oscar smiled slightly, and kissed her pair of flaming red lips that were still so elastic and charming!
"Okay, I'm going back to recover, when I wake up, I hope you have succeeded!"

Hong Ming said that she was afraid that her apprentice would pester her again and again, in that case, all efforts would be in vain!Next is Oscar's race against time, against the sky, under her darkness, to take the north as soon as possible, and when all the dust in the north has settled, God can no longer intervene.

"Don't worry, Master, I won't let your efforts be in vain!"

Oscar watched a black glow retreating to the Xuanming Sword, and said resolutely.The next step is to build a three-north defense fortress to prevent the army of undead from escaping from the north!

"See Snow Empress!"

Kneeling in the palace are Commander Li Wu who leads the army, City Lord Dongyang, Lord Snow Emperor Hall Lin Chentian, Hao Te and others!

"At this time of crisis, Army Commander Li Wu, defend the imperial capital well and organize a large army to be on standby at any time. City Lord Dongyang, you are in charge of the order in the city. Palace Master Lin, in addition to protecting the talents of the empire, you will also lead the masters of the Snow Emperor Palace to look for something that can be built in the north." Material, strengthen our empire. Haote, you organize a team of free soul masters, and prepare to hunt and kill the coming alien creatures!"

Oscar straightened the throne, held them up, and began to give orders one by one. The master said that the emperor-level undead could not cross over, so what he had to face was the title-level emperor-level undead!
After dispersing one by one, the Shangguan clan came next, an old woman who looked very weak, don't underestimate her, she is an existence with half a foot in the title, if it wasn't for Oscar's promise to let her break through the title , she may not come!
"Next, we need to trouble the Elder Shangguan to guard the Snow Emperor City!" Oscar cupped his hands, Xuan Ming had already sent to Arabian City to escort Shen San, Qingzhao and the others arrived!
"Well, I hope Xuedi won't deceive me, an old woman, and I hope I can enter that realm!"

The old woman said politely, Oscar's appearance, temperament, and relationship with Shangguan Xueer, the future successor of the Shangguan family, made her a little more polite!
Continental North!

Thousands of terrifying creatures suddenly appeared, killing anyone they saw, immediately causing the northern land to be afflicted with charcoal, and the dark red blood dyed the north red!

It is necessary to speed up the construction of the Three North Fortress. A white shadow shuttles through the world of killing and being killed. These are the people who sacrificed for him!
The land of the true north, the junction of the Arabian Kingdom and the Heaven Dou Empire!Suddenly a black spectacle appeared, it was a wall of water exuding a strange cold, and it began to spread out quickly, reaching the west, the border of a kingdom called Haagen-Dazs, connecting the sea, and the east, a land called Doni. On the border of the small kingdom, a hundred-foot water wall suddenly appeared!
At the Three Norths, a strange scene suddenly appeared, making those terrifying creatures stop because they couldn't get out, because it was the Taiyin True Water that Oscar had comprehended in the fairy bone!

Oscar drank in a low voice, the black water that was not perfectly controlled turned into extremely cold ice in an instant, and his spiritual power was passing away quickly. Oscar had never felt so strenuous, and his efforts now made future generations have a sigh of relief. spectacle!

Connecting the Three Norths, it is called: Three North Fortress!
(End of this chapter)

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