Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 262 The Power of Faith

Chapter 262 The Power of Faith
In Arabian City!
"Jie Jie, it turned out to be an artifact, there are even artifacts in this world, if you can..."

A young man who looks very elegant but is playing with a stunning woman in a noble purple dress said excitedly, looking at the exquisite ice crystal throne that shines all over the sky and is delighted!


Suddenly, the man called out!
Afterwards, I saw a bloated and luxurious middle-aged man rushing over with a big belly, kneeling shivering all over, waiting for orders!
"Arabia, as the king of a kingdom, do you know who Snow Empress is?"

Playing with the proud peaks of the woman, he looked at the middle-aged man with a smile.Watching them kill each other and reaping the rewards for themselves is what these high-level undead do. Predating is just a little preferential treatment they give to their subordinates.

The middle-aged man called Arab shivered. He didn't know where this Snow Empress came from. If the Emperor of the Undead was not satisfied, even if he didn't die, he would face unimaginable pain and torture. .

"Reporting to Emperor Zhi, this Snow Empress is what I told you about, the kind of strong human with nine soul rings titled Douluo, such as the one from last time!"

The kneeling Arab replied with his forehead intimately facing the jade brick.If you can fool it, you can fool it, life-saving is the most important thing.

"Hmph, dog slave, get out!"

Suddenly, the young man suddenly said angrily.Thinking of the nine black rings with mid-level nine strength, the masked man in black who slipped away from him, and rescued a top-notch woman with a virgin fragrance, he couldn't help but get angry. For him at the top, it was simply a stain on him.

"You go too!"

The young man pushed the first-class woman beside him, and said angrily.The princess of this kingdom is also a vulgar fan, and she is actually a woman that others have played with. At this time, she is just a tool for him to play with!

"What an enviable artifact, but unfortunately, if I fail to kill your master, I will not be able to control you!"

The young man looked at the high-altitude Xuanbing Throne with satisfaction, as if watching a young girl taking a fragrant bath.

Heading to Snow Emperor City, a silent figure passed by in the sky. Looking at the continuous crowds, Snow Emperor City must not be able to accommodate so many people. He has to go back quickly, clean up the surroundings, and build a temporary residence!

"Huh? Is this the power of faith that Master said?"

After only half a day of rushing, Oscar felt an inexplicable soft power coming in, like the meritorious power before, entering the golden soul ring.

Oscar has been groping all this time but still doesn't know what the function of this eighth spirit ring is. He has a vague feeling that it can store any kind of energy.

Inside and outside Snow Emperor City!
At this time, it was crowded with millions of refugees, and there were hideous undead ice sculptures that made people hate it. Everyone wanted to smash them one by one, but the outer ice crystals of the ice sculptures were as hard as fine iron.

"Mrs. Xuedi, Master of Water City, is there any news about Xuedi? There are already more and more refugees in Xuedi City."

A very anxious middle-aged man said.Looking at these two women who are strong regardless of their appearance, strength, and background, he can only treat them respectfully.Mrs. Xuedi is Shangguan Xueer, and Shuicheng Lord is Shui Binger who has an affair with Oscar.

"Don't panic, Dongyang City Lord. The Snow Emperor said that the suppression will be three months. Within three months, he will definitely come back. Let the refugees live outside the city for the time being. There is no place to settle in the city. Please trouble Dongyang City Lord!"

At this time, Shangguan Xue'er said in her irrefutable tone, and the reason is clear, you are the owner of the city, you can arrange it!
"Yes, that's the only way, we have to control the emotional disputes of the refugees!"

Shui Bing'er added that she already had an idea in her mind, but when she heard someone call Shangguan Xue'er Mrs. Xuedi, she felt very upset. After all, she is not bad!
Among millions of refugees!

"What about the Snow Empress, he shouldn't have lied to us, right? We don't have a place to stay."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, see!"

Some refugees began to express dissatisfaction. The temperature here is so cold that it is unacceptable. It is obviously not a place to stay for a long time, and they can't even enter the city!
Later, another refugee pointed out that when they saw nearly ten seven-ringed soul saints kill the frozen undead, they immediately relieved their dissatisfaction. Looking at it, there were actually five Contra powerhouses participating. The eight charming spirit rings shut them up.

Seeing so many strong men, they seemed to have a guarantee in their hearts, and they felt at ease. This was a trick from Shui Binger, which invisibly changed those people's impression of Xue Di. Even Oscar who rushed back didn't know about these inexplicable things. What happened to the extra power of faith?

Finally, he returned to his imperial city!

Looking inside and outside the city, full of refugees huddled up in a group to keep warm, Oscar flew among them, still caressing!
"Meet the Snow Emperor!"

"Meet the Snow Emperor!"

Headed by Army Commander Li Wu, the sergeants shouted loudly, which shocked the hearts of the common people. Seeing the beautiful man with long hair suspended in the air, they felt inexplicably relaxed, which was unprecedented since the darkness came.

"Everyone get up!"

Oscar held up the generals and soldiers who followed him, and spoke plainly, his voice nourishing their hearts like soul soup.

Oscar took off another artifact that his master refined for him, the python robe.Only a thin pure white silk garment was left on his body. Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Oscar gently tossed out that beautiful python robe.

"You trust me, how can I let you suffer from hunger and cold, go!"

Oscar said affectionately, looking at the shivering ordinary people, their bodies must have been frozen!

Inputting the spiritual energy recovered by oneself made the clothes emit a huge beam of light, and the people inside suddenly felt warm, as if soaking in a hot spring. The white light enveloped a hundred miles outside the city, and suddenly nine huge and hideous snow-white pythons appeared. Crushed ice sculptures one after another.

"The Snow Emperor is our god!"

Watching the astonishing scene, suddenly someone shouted.The solid ice sculpture, which even Contra could hardly break open, was completely wiped out by this beautiful Snow Emperor's clothes, everyone was amazed.

"Snow Empress!"


"Snow Empress!"

Millions of people shouted loudly, as if they had won a big victory.

Suddenly, with a flash of golden light, Oscar didn't even notice, the golden soul ring came out by itself, and it was independent.Under the shining golden light, they became even more convinced that Oscar the Snow Emperor was a god sent from heaven, and they all prayed, hoping that the darkness would dissipate and return to peace.

"Level 83,...Level 85!"

Sitting cross-legged on the Xuanming Sword, Oscar watched his cultivation improve, gathering the power of faith of millions of people, and actually let his cultivation directly rise to three levels. Oscar could not imagine that when his northern empire was established, What is the extent of one's own cultivation.

"Thank you, this emperor will always guard this beautiful north!"

Oscar stood up and bowed.I also feel extremely in my heart: I should seek some well-being for the north, clean up and repay their power of faith!
(End of this chapter)

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