Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 263 Planning 3 North

Chapter 263 Planning Three Norths
Snow Emperor Palace!

"Hmm! Bingfeng is guarding the forest, and Xiaolu is going back to guard the snow field. They can hold on for a while. The most important thing right now is to calm the Three Norths and drive away the undead!"

Oscar analyzed the current situation. Ever since he accepted the belief of the people, he felt an extra responsibility in his mind, that is to restore their homeland, so that this game about him could end as soon as possible.

The refugees inside and outside the city, exposed to the warmth and wrapped their stomachs in delicious food, once again recalled the shocking appearance and modest temperament of the Snow Emperor in their hearts, which made them gratified.

"Big goblin, you are still so charming!"

In the deserted palace, Oscar said with a shallow smile.With Shangguan Xue'er's company, it's a bit more beautiful!

"Bad guy, what are you thinking?"

Looking at Oscar who was lost in thought, Shangguan Xueer asked softly.

"I'm thinking about dividing up the Three Norths and establishing two kingdoms in the Northwest, Northeast and Northeast!"

Oscar replied that when the artifact was thrown, he knew that there would be many undead kings coming, and everything will be known tomorrow!
This time, wait!
The sky is gray, and it is warm and sunny a hundred miles away from Snow Emperor City, but at this time Snow Emperor City has been surrounded by the undead and human army begging for life!

"Jie Jie, this emperor has gathered 36 emperors of power and emperors, 72 emperors of 52 emperors, and millions of troops, and they will conquer the Little Snow Emperor City, just around the corner!"

A young man who looked gentle and elegant smiled, looked at the Dacheng shining with divine light, and frowned with joy, because it was another fetish that he coveted!

Snow Emperor Palace!

"That's true, our Snow Emperor City has been surrounded by them! Snow Emperor, do you need to lead someone to repel the powerful enemy!"

The following said respectfully, especially when he got the excellent quality 6-year soul ring, and saw Oscar's mysterious resurrection method, he made up his mind that he would dedicate himself to Oscar all his life, but seeing the strength of those undead, He barely managed to kill one or two of the king-level undead, but he was helpless against the emperor-level undead.

"Don't worry, you still have important things to deal with, Li Wu, Haote!" Oscar said flatly, his tone was majestic and unquestionable.

Afterwards, the two stood side by side, arched their hands and bowed to salute!
"This emperor wants to establish two kingdoms, and needs you to go to the northwest and northeast. I wonder if you are willing!" Oscar asked. In front of him, these two are the best candidates.

"The last general takes orders!"

Li Wu has the spirit of a general, he only knows that he must carry out the military orders.

"Xuedi, I don't know how to lead troops to fight!"

Hao Te humbly replied, it is okay to lead dozens of soul masters to hunt and kill soul beasts, but not to lead tens of thousands of troops to fight.

"Who is born to know it, Haote, don't disobey the emperor's order, Li Wu, you will guide him a lot in the future!" Oscar suddenly said majesticly, as if he could determine the common people with one word.


In the end, there was a sonorous and forceful response, and a very helpless response.

"Li Wu, Hote!"

Oscar said again, this time is the main event, Oscar also wants to see the reaction of these two guys.


The two were puzzled, did Xuedi have any other missions, and there was no army to go out yet.

"My Emperor, today, I specially named Li Wu King of Wu and established the Northwest Kingdom. Remember, it is the entire Northwest!"

Oscar secretly smiled, looked at Li Wu's mouth that could not be opened and closed, but spoke in a calm manner.

"Xue Di, with such a great responsibility, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing for my subordinates!" Li Wu declined, Oscar is giving him the rule of the entire area.

Oscar waved his hand, looking at Hao Te, Hao Te suddenly felt his whole body go numb, and thought to himself: After I unify the Northeast and establish the Northeast Kingdom, let me be the king too.

Hao Te's conjecture is also almost inseparable. It can be seen that his mind is still close and more suitable.

"Hot, today the emperor specially confers you as King Hao, guarding the northeast, and Li Wu one east and one west as the gates of the empire, to achieve the emperor's career. In one fell swoop, for the sake of the future, please do not refuse!"

Oscar was more tactful this time, threatening the seriousness of the situation.

"I will swear to serve the Snow Emperor to the death. Li Wu swears with his martial soul. If there is any betrayal, the five thunders will strike and he will never enter reincarnation!"

Li Wu said excitedly, Oscar has already handed over to them, it is equivalent to trusting them, if he still refuses, it is too inhumane, moreover, it is not my choice to be crowned king, I hope Beiping will be peaceful!

"Yes! Haote will certainly live up to Xuedi's high expectations!"

As if he was infected by Li Wu, Hao Te also started, and said swearingly, only one sentence: I am the same!
"That's great, Haote. I'll tell my wife at that time to let the Shangguan patriarch go out with you. In this way, you will also have a strong Contra on your side, and your strength will be guaranteed!"

Oscar said, Contra is considered a top-notch powerhouse in the mainland, but it is not top-notch if it is not titled.

In this way, the regional issues in the Three Norths have been completely resolved. After Oscar asked them to take the Northeast and Northwest, they returned to Arabin City to take the Northland and completely unify them.

Next, is the opening of the plan for the Three Norths: to meet the enemy of Snow Emperor City.

The two armies faced each other, except for many civilians on Oscar's side, there were very few who could fight, and the momentum had already been at a disadvantage.

"Called Snow Emperor, come out and be slaughtered!"

"The Snow Emperor is a shrinking turtle!"

"The Snow Emperor dare not come out!"


The provocative voice made people dare not speak out. Looking at the people who took refuge in those evil creatures, the refugees were full of hatred. How many of their relatives died at their hands, and they were willing to be lackeys.

"Snow Emperor, this..."

The army, as Oscar's loyal followers, was very angry, even Li Wu and the three deputy army commanders glared and wanted to tear them apart.

"It doesn't matter, act according to the plan, whether the north can truly be unified depends on you!" Oscar said with a slight smile, and a few innocuous words bought people's hearts.

"Swear to serve the Snow Emperor and the Empire!"

They shouted from the bottom of their hearts.Empire They don't know what kind of empire they want to build yet, but for the sake of their inner passion, they still shouted out loudly.

"Okay, it's my great fortune to have your help, and it's the heaven's favor! Get ready!"

As Oscar said, when he raised his hand, nine majestic and ferocious snakes began to attack those scolders, strangling them to pieces!
"It's Snow Emperor!"

"Our Snow Empress is here!"

"Snow Empress, mighty!"

Millions of people knelt down to welcome the emperor they recognized in their hearts.

"Everyone, follow this emperor to kill the enemy!"

Oscar said with a flat but passionate expression, a red light swept across the millions of ordinary refugees, and suddenly another million people appeared!
"Hey, that's me, Ergou, that's you!"

"Snow Empress... so powerful!"

One by one, the refugees watched the miraculous scene and Oscar's miraculous methods.This is the skull of the 10-year-old Soul Beast Mirror Emperor and its enhanced skills. The other skill is treasure hunting, which is very tasteless.

"Everyone, kill!"

Oscar shouted, and the copied millions of refugees rushed out of the python robe protection area, attacking those people and evil undead.

"That's me... I can kill these vicious creatures."

"And me, I killed one too!"

At this time, the people were excited, Oscar had fulfilled their dream, and they were even more convinced by Xuedi.

"King Wu! King Hao! The next step is up to you, don't worry about those emperor-level undead, this Emperor will take care of them one by one!" Oscar patted the two new kings to cheer them up!
"Don't worry, Xuedi, I will definitely send Xuedi a magnificent country!"

Li Wu's heroic way, the breakthrough of the realm, seems to be young, the general just wants to gallop on the battlefield.

In the scuffle between the two armies in Snow Emperor City, no one would have imagined that the two powerful armies would head east and west, start their legends, and establish unworldly feats!
(End of this chapter)

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