Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 270 Qingzhao Falls in Love

Chapter 270 Qingzhao Falls in Love
A month passed, and the land in the north returned to its original beautiful and peaceful appearance. The undead suppressed into ice sculptures by the Xuanbing Throne also turned into dust and returned to the embrace of the earth.

"Oscar, for some reason, I really want to walk quietly with you like this."

A young man and a woman, the young woman said softly.In the past month, she has seen the human world and even enjoyed the good time of the two of them, so she really wanted to take him as her own.

"Luoluo, believe me, we can always be together!"

Oscar smiled and said, although he didn't know the difference between the spiritual contract and the life-sharing contract, he vaguely felt that they both had similar effects, they were as one with him, and the spiritual contract was more restrictive.

"Huh? Are you ready for level 86!"

On the way back, the two joined hands, Oscar felt the continuous power of faith, and there were faint signs of a breakthrough in his cultivation.

Snow Emperor City!
Millions of refugees have been re-arranged in their new homes, and young and strong people have joined the army to rebuild their hometowns. They are willing to go to various places to build their homes.

"Hey! Have you heard, if the Snow Empress establishes an empire, will you agree?"

"Of course, we are getting old and hope to have a peaceful place to live for the elderly."

"Yeah, it doesn't matter whoever becomes the emperor, as long as it can make our common people live a better life, Snow Emperor is the best candidate."

Some old and weak people gathered together to discuss these things that are closely related to themselves and some have nothing to do with them.

None of the common people noticed that the two figures passing quietly took their words into their hearts.

"Yes, this emperor will let you all live a good life." One of the men who was as beautiful as a fairy smiled, thinking of the grand blueprint, and felt that he would be busy in the future.

A well-known big hotel!

"Bad guy, you still know how to come back, what's the name of this beautiful sister."

The one who spoke was none other than the big boss of the hotel, a charming goblin, Shangguan Xueer.I saw her staring at Jingluoluo, who was as clear and beautiful as a lotus emerging from water.

"Hi, I'm Oscar's... person, my name is Jingluoluo!"

Jing Luoluo's face was rosy, she looked extraordinarily pure and charming, but she did not back down, but instead declared her status as a spouse.

"Okay, Luoluo, this charming big goblin is called Shangguan Xue'er, and that beautiful girl is called Roland, and they are all my...people!"

Oscar said with a hint of a smile, they didn't know Jing Luoluo's real body, they just thought she was also Oscar's woman, if they knew that what they were facing was a 10-year-old soul beast, they would definitely not be so calm.

"Hmph! I knew you would be promiscuous again." Shangguan Xue'er said dissatisfied.

She is dissatisfied, but what can be done, his beautiful master is hard to look up at, and all the women around him have charming characteristics and proud capital.

"Okay, big goblin, I'll make it up to you tonight, it's alright, are they all here!"

Oscar approached her, and asked quietly after finishing speaking.They refer to Shen San and the others that Xuanming took over from Arabin City.

"Well! They're already waiting for you!"

Shangguan Xue'er nodded and said, I don't know why Oscar cares about that group of people, the strongest is only a soul king, and a group of women, although they are pretty, are just ordinary people.

"Xuan Ming! Thank you for your hard work!"

Looking at the Xuan Ming he summoned, Oscar said to the avatar, as if he was talking to himself.Later, he began to arrange for him to do other things. Now that everything is settled, there are many things that need to be dealt with.

"Big... lord!"

Not long after Xuan Ming left, a charming voice came, with a charming, stable, mature and superior aura.

"It's Qingzhao, long time no see, oh! Brother Shen, long time no see too!"

Oscar said hello, and arranged these people in several rooms. When Oscar arrived, they all poked their heads out curiously.

"What a beautiful man, is he the one that sister Qingzhao has missed for four years!"

"It should be, such a beautiful man, no wonder I often see sister Qingzhao staring blankly in the boudoir."

Some fresh and refined, first-class young girls were discussing, looking at Oscar's charming appearance, they were also excited. Since ancient times, heroes love beauties, and beauties also love beautiful men.


Oscar said helplessly.Originally, she wanted to use Shen San to block her, but she paused for a moment and hugged herself resolutely again.

"Hehe, brother Ao, how dare I be your big brother now, you are now the famous Snow Empress, the ruler of the north."

Shen San joked that looking at Oscar, who was already in his early twenties and was more beautiful, his heart trembled. Fortunately, he has a wife, otherwise it would definitely affect the issue of orientation.

Looking at Qingzhao who got what she wanted, Shen San said deeply again: "Brother Ao, although you have become emperor, Qingzhao is a good woman. For the past four years, she has been thinking about you all the time."

Oscar was speechless, why does it feel like you are training a scumbag.How could I not know that the most difficult thing in the world to repay is a love debt.

Seeing a couple of beauties embracing intimately, they all dispersed consciously, leaving them a space for the two of them.

Seeing Whale Luoluo turning into a blue light and entering Oscar's mind, Shangguan Xue'er could only take Roland and the two of them away in shock.

"My lord, Qingzhao misses you very much. Qingzhao knows that there are countless beauties around you, but Qingzhao only wants to stay by your side and serve you well!"

The tone of the woman in her arms was pleading.She is over 25 years old, and it is the best time for a woman, the most beautiful moment.But she is not a soul master after all, no matter how well maintained she is, she will eventually grow old. Looking at the more charming Oscar, she would rather leave the best for him.

"Qingzhao, why are you bothering? There are thousands of men in the world, and you will always find a man who is satisfactory and can accompany you."

For Qingzhao's love, Oscar said with a different feeling.The path he wants to take is immortality, his women are all geniuses among soul masters, and her age has already missed the best time for cultivation.

"But Qingzhao has already found it. The most desirable and unforgettable person is you!"

Qingzhao replied softly, causing Oscar, who was about to erase her memory, to tremble, and gently lowered his hand to caress her jade back.

"Forget it, although there are not so many powerful monuments, it is not difficult for her to cultivate to the peak."

Oscar hugged the soft and elastic beauty in his arms.At this moment, she knew that he also had her in his heart.

"My lord, thank you!"

She felt satisfied, and snuggled into his soft embrace, as if she was no longer that rootless duckweed.

"It's me who should thank you, it's you who made my people, my heart soft!"

Oscar said, once upon a time, in the arms of a woman, he imitated the poets of the ancients, drunk and dreaming many times, and once upon a time, he was already full of beauties, and the love of a woman touched his lonely heart.

(End of this chapter)

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