Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 271 Dispatch Xuanming

Chapter 271 Dispatch Xuanming
Snow Emperor's palace!
Those who can come here must at least have the cultivation base of the Soul Emperor, and have to make special contributions to the Snow Emperor. For those who dare to spy, the Snow Emperor Oscar admires their courage, and sends them to the Snow Emperor one by one. Temple for reform through labor.

"Meet the Snow Emperor!"

It was Lin Chentian, the master of the Snow Emperor Palace who was summoned at this time, and he was half kneeling and saluting with a respectful face.

"Well! Get up, Lord Lin, I will trouble you with the matter of the Snow Emperor Palace. You can't delay the emperor's founding and enthronement ceremony. At that time, you will be the national teacher of the empire."

Oscar said flatly, everything started to be handled by him, and government affairs were left to Shui Binger and Dongyang City Lord.

"It's about the important matter of Xuedi and Jianguo, and my subordinates dare not slack off in the slightest. I don't know what orders Xuedi has."

Lin Chentian stood up, looking at the Snow Emperor who was smiling at the city and then at the country, he couldn't help being distracted for a while, it was so beautiful.

"Dianzhu Lin, during this period of time, I will trouble you to recruit the Wuhun sub halls and sub halls from all over the north to find the first batch of backbones for the status of our Snow Emperor Hall."

Oscar said that the distribution of the Wuhun Temple is quite extensive, and it is also a good force. Will Oscar waste such a force, obviously not.

"Yes! This subordinate understands!"

Lin Chentian replied that Oscar, the Snow Emperor, made them all admire him both in temperament and in strength.

"Back off, it's okay for now."

Oscar waved his hand, signaling Lin Chentian to leave. At this time, the north was in a state of waste, and the division of the three north did save a lot of energy.

Three North Fortress, near the Arabian border.

From a distance, a couple in love is holding hands, and there is a man in black wearing a gold yucca lace mask, who looks like a bodyguard, but he is sent as an envoy at this time.

"Xuan Ming, let's go over here, and invite representatives from the Heaven Dou Empire, Wuhun Palace, and Star Luo Empire to participate in the emperor's founding and enthronement ceremony."

Oscar patted the man in black, not noticing any change in his clone's eyes, and he could only carry out Oscar's orders.

Xuanming left, he looked at the Tianzhu Fortress with three gates opened, Oscar couldn't bear to destroy this masterpiece, after a hundred years, it would slowly disappear by itself.

"Oscar, can you walk around with me more?" The girl in the clear blue dress begged, holding his soft hand, not wanting to go back so soon and watch him get intimate with other people.

"Of course, Luoluo, let's just walk back slowly like this. Wherever we go, I'll cook something delicious for you."

As Oscar said, he hugged Jingluoluo, and whispered softly in her ear: "Don't worry, my silly Luoluo, I won't neglect you."


Whale Luoluo nodded slightly, and the two of them walked in the north clinging to each other. Every time they went to a mountain, a river or a stream, Oscar could always get all kinds of game, which made her a real feast.

Time flies!

Heaven Dou Empire!Heaven Dou City!palace!
"What is the origin of this Snow Empress? That man in black is so terrifying. The nine black soul rings are unbelievable."

"Yeah, I heard about the shocking changes in the north, but I didn't expect there to be such deep muddy water."

The group of ministers discussed, and the emperor Xue Ye on the throne lamented in his heart, but no one shared his worries.

The man in black was Xuan Ming. After issuing Oscar's invitation, he went to the Wuhun Hall, leaving behind the terrified Tiandou high-level people.

After retiring from the court, Emperor Xue Ye found Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe.

"His Majesty!"

Ning Fengzhi bowed slightly and saluted, the basic etiquette is still indispensable, after all Xue Ye is still the ruler of the empire.

"Sect Master Ning, Qinghe, I'm afraid you already know what happened today, but is there any way to relieve my worries, the establishment of the Northern Empire is like a bright knife hanging on the back of the Heaven Dou Empire, my heart is not at ease. "

Emperor Xue Ye said, now that he is like an old man, weak and sick, it is impossible to go to war, and he does not know how the forces in the north are.

"North? That guy is also..." A young man who looked at the elegant and kind-hearted muttered, and then stepped forward and said: "Father, Qinghe is willing to go to the north to find out the enemy's situation in person, so as to relieve father's worries and problems."

"Qinghe, as the crown prince of the empire, and the enemy's motives are unknown, how can you take risks so easily."

Ning Fengzhi persuaded him, as his teacher, he knew his nature, if he succeeded to the throne, even if he didn't do much, he would still be a generation of Mingjun.

"Seeing that Emperor Father is so worried, Qinghe will not hesitate to die, teacher, please don't persuade me."

Xueqing Hedao, on the surface, was actually looking for the beauty who teased him again and again. He hadn't heard from him for four years, and he felt uneasy.

At the same time, Wuhun City!Pope Palace!

"It's really him. Originally, he had no ambitions. Why did he rule the north in just a few years?"

The queen, who was rectifying her throne, looked at the man in black who didn't kneel, especially when he was fighting seven titled Douluo alone, with nine majestic black soul rings on his body, which was very scary.

"Pope, the letter has been conveyed, and the token has also been delivered, Xuan Ming bids farewell!"

The voice was emotionless, and the token was the one she bestowed on Oscar in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

"Nana, it's Oscar, do you want to meet him? Now he can ask a titled Douluo expert with nine black soul rings to run errands. I really don't know how strong he is!"

After Xuanming left, the queen said to a charming girl in her twenties in a hidden corner.It is not perfect because she has not realized the essence of Mei, and the girly breath has not faded.

"Teacher, nine black soul rings, how is this possible."

The girl said in disbelief that she was Hu Liena, the empress' disciple, the leader of the golden generation.

"Who can tell the truth about the things in the world, if you want to go, then go, otherwise, I will send other people to go."

The queen said, it seems to be an insignificant thing, nine ten thousand year soul rings, she also wants to find a few 10 thousand year soul rings, but there are so many, she only arrests Chenggong Xiaowu's mother, Ah Yin Forced to sacrifice Tang Hao, and there are three more in the forest, even she had to plan carefully.

"Lena is willing to share the teacher's worries!"

The girl saluted, the scene of the beautiful man playing the piano in her mind, and the scene of sharing hardships with another man with refined temperament made her entangled.Compared with the former, she has more contact with the latter, and it is still physical contact.

Star Luo Empire, Star Luo City, Imperial Palace!
"Father, Mubai is willing to share the burden for Father. Moreover, the five-year agreement between Mubai and his academy partner is coming to an end, and the empire still needs you to sit in the city."

A strong man with blond hair and natural eyes half-kneeled and said, especially when he saw the golden silk orchid lace mask that made him remember deeply, he had to sigh, this old senior's tricks.

"Mubai, according to regulations, this should..."

Emperor Xing Luo said that at this time he is in his prime, the country is thriving, and its national power is far from comparable to that of the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Father, you know that Mubai doesn't care about the throne, if Mubai doesn't come back, the throne will be inherited by the elder brother in the future!"

As Mubai said, it's not that he doesn't care about the throne, but that he is single and weak. He has been away for many years, and he is far from being as powerful as Dai Huabin's backside.

In the end, under Mubai's insistence, he finally left this cage and ran outside. Although he lost the succession to the throne, he also had the opportunity to improve his strength and make a living.

Xuan Ming, who came out alone, had another couple who abused dogs when he went back. He is a clone, and he also expressed discomfort!However, the successful completion of this mission took about two months, and it was considered to have traveled all over the mainland.

(End of this chapter)

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