Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 272 Founding a country and enthroning

Chapter 272 Founding a country and enthroning

Half a month ago, with the return of the Snow Emperor, the development of the north was also on the right track. All cities and towns were assigned officials to manage it. The Snow Emperor Palace replaced the Wuhun Palace, and many decrees were issued. Looking forward, a new empire rises.

"Snow Emperor, the affairs of the Snow Emperor Palace have been settled. The release of the Foundation Establishment Spiritual Liquid has won the support of many people. The children who have awakened martial souls in just one month have innate second-level soul power. Even ordinary martial arts Children of the soul all have the hope of becoming a soul master."

The deserted palace, Lin Chentian said.Still these few core members, as for the rest of the big clans and sects that belonged to them, they were all accepted and arranged to Snow Emperor City by Shui Binger's thunderous means, making Snow Emperor City flourish.

"Very good, Master Lin, no, it should be said now, National Teacher, you have worked hard!"

Oscar said that verbal promises obviously couldn't make him work so hard. In the past few months, Lin Chentian's cultivation has broken through to level 77, and he has tasted the sweetness.

The newly built City Lord's Mansion!
There were only three or two maids inside, but the people inside were not simple. The support of the Shui clan, a big family in the imperial city, was impressive, but behind her was the support of Snow Emperor.

"Oscar, he is about to become the emperor of the north, and he still plays such little tricks!"

There was a bit of chill in her body. This guy left everything to himself, and there was no actual compensation except for the improvement of his soul power.

"Bing'er, no one here with you knows, who has seen it."

The visitor smiled and said with a bit of a rogue, saying that the emperor was involved in everything, but he, all of them were separated and thrown to others.

Oscar let go of the hand that covered her beautiful eyes, and he was terminated without even saying a word about guessing who I am.

Taking advantage of the situation, she sat down with a very suitable posture. Oscar hugged her arms from behind, and looked at the table in front of her, which was full of affairs of the north. One could imagine how tired she was.

"Bing'er, in fact, some unimportant things can be done by others, so you don't have to work so hard." Oscar said, but if you let him handle each one, it will definitely be the first and the second.

"Learn from you!"

Shui Binger reproached, but in her heart she wanted to share more for him, but when she wanted to continue to check the files, she was interfered by the devil's claws.

"Hmph... Oscar, don't make trouble, I still need to check today's affairs."

Feeling hot all over her body, her head was a little dizzy, and she was talking in a soft voice, which made her feel hot.

"What's the trouble? I'm here today just for you."

Oscar smirked, and blew hot air in his ear, making the person in his arms tremble. How could he let such a good wife go.

The blossoming snow lotus in the City Lord's Mansion has already bloomed her beauty at this time.

"You bastard, didn't you say you have to pass through the door!"

The person curled up in his arms, like ice melting with shyness, a little happy, but also a little bit blaming.

"That's because I'm afraid you'll run away. Where can I find such a good woman." Oscar said, unknowingly, his sweet talk skills had reached perfection.

"Well, Oscar, you have to stay with me these few days, otherwise, I will defeat you in the future!"

The person in her arms threatened, and hugged the man who was softer than her body tightly. She just tasted the forbidden fruit, and she was not willing to let him run so fast.

"Alright, Bing'er, I'll leave the rest of the work to your man!"

Oscar patted his chest and said, after a while of intimacy, government affairs cannot be delayed.Oscar got up to get dressed, because the python robe was still above the imperial city, so he was only wearing a thin white coat.

"Huh, is this all to be counted?"

Oscar suddenly felt that this amount of compensation was really not enough for Shui Binger, half of the big and small affairs in the city, including the handling of money, food and supplies, required her to check carefully.

"Okay, let me do it. You are the one who decides the major affairs of the country. I will help you deal with these small matters."

Looking at Oscar, who had only dealt with dozens of pieces, she couldn't help but smile, with a more feminine charm, she came to Oscar's side, and sat on his soft thigh, as if sitting on a white cloud, light and soft.

Until the time for the founding of the nation, Oscar accompanied Shui Bing'er to deal with government affairs, and the two of them also went out occasionally to relax and see the new-looking imperial capital. With the participation of Shen San, a profiteer, Snow Emperor City became much more prosperous.

Finally, when the day when the founding of the country was set, people from all around came to watch, all wanting to see the snow emperor's demeanor.

"The Snow Emperor is out!"

National teacher Lin Chentian yelled, and the gate of the Snow Emperor Palace, which was listed as a forbidden area, was opened. Tens of thousands of soldiers followed, and a majestic snow-white dragon sedan chair carried by dozens of people came into everyone's eyes.

"Wow! That's the Snow Emperor who saved our north!"

"Stop barking, hurry up!"

Some city residents cheered, every decree of the Snow Emperor took care of them, and the development of the big clan, so there are countless families, large and small, following, with the Shangguan family and the Shui family as the leaders.

The location of Jianguo Announcement to the World is just outside Snow Emperor City, where the founding of the country is announced, the founding fathers and ministers and so on.

In a wide and flat open space, the army stopped, and the ministers lined up, waiting for the order of the Snow Emperor and the announcement of the founding of the country.

"It really is him, this guy!"

This heartfelt voice comes from the representatives of the three major rulers of the mainland, they are Xue Qinghe, Hu Liena and Dai Mubai respectively.

"Report to Snow Emperor, everything is in order!"

Lin Chentian followed Long Jia around, and said to Oscar.

"There is Lao Guoshi!"

Oscar said simply, closing his eyes and running the Xuan Ming Jue in the big sedan chair to pass the boring time.

I saw Lin Chentian nodded, took out a long and endless declaration, and began to read solemnly: "This emperor, named Oscar, has killed millions of undead souls. He has made great contributions to the north, unified the north, and united the world. Today , to establish a unified northern empire, the country name is Beixue, the year name is Beixue Chronicle, and the Beixue Empire is established today!"

Bang bang bang!
The sound of exploding ice and snow firecrackers like fireworks made the audience tremble, thinking that the sky was about to collapse again.

"What a beautiful snowflake!"

"Yeah, the Snow Empress can also make snowflakes!"

The people watched the holy white flowers bloom in the sky and began to discuss.

Oscar in Longjia was speechless. In fact, he prefers colored ones, but it seems that the mainland has not yet entered the era of hot weapons.

After a burst of cheers, Lin Chentian pressed down excitedly, signaling to be quiet!
"This emperor granted an order. Lin Chentian rectified the Northern Snow Emperor Palace, making the empire full of talents. He was specially appointed as the national teacher. Chen Ping and Zhang Zheng were outstanding in government affairs. He was specially appointed as the left and right prime minister to share our worries. He was specially appointed as Mu Ying Shuibing My son is the Grand Marshal of the left and right soldiers and horses, commanding the soldiers and horses of the empire... Wang Zheng has a pure character, and he was named the imperial admonisher."

After a whole half a day, Lin Chentian was still in high spirits, and all the officials who had been entrusted by the public were all flushed and frowning.

"Sigh, today I feel the helplessness of the emperor." Oscar joked to himself.

"I will pay my respects to Emperor Beixue, please ascend the throne!"

Headed by Lin Chentian, hundreds of officials knelt down, tens of thousands of soldiers knelt down, and millions of people knelt down, just to usher in a new rule!
Oscar raised his spirits again, and lazily stepped out of the dragon sedan chair, looking at the millions of kneeling people who felt heavy responsibility in his heart.

Oscar volleyed towards the huge golden dragon throne not far away. Although it was not as good as the Ice Throne, Oscar had to say that it was pure gold!
"Everyone, today I will rule the north and establish an empire. The prince of the Tiandou Empire, the saint of Wuhun Temple, the prince of the Star Luo Empire, and King Hao, the king of martial arts under the empire, are witnesses. This emperor is willing to destroy the old and create a new one for the thousands of people in the empire. a glorious era."

Oscar's calm and majestic voice reached everyone's ears!

"Long live the Snow Emperor!"

The people shouted loudly, they didn't expect that even Emperor Beixue invited Tiandou Empire, Wuhun Palace, and Star Luo Empire!
(End of this chapter)

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