Chapter 273

Just when all the people were cheering, there was a tremor on the sunny day, and a group of golden shining clouds quickly condensed into a golden dragon, writhing and frolicking in the nine heavens, and its body was already hundreds of feet long!

"It's a dragon, we actually saw a dragon!"

The people shouted in shock, and they all started to look at Jinlong in shock.

The golden dragon in the clouds seemed to be tired from playing. It came down from Jiuxiao, and its target was Oscar. It came in such a hurry that everyone who watched thought that the golden dragon was going to attack the Northern Snow Emperor Oscar.

"Quick! Protect the Snow Empress!"

Lin Chentian was dazed, and he followed Oscar and called out.The ten thousand troops were furious against the golden dragon, and so were the common people. Even the dragon could not let it hurt their emperor.

"This guy, don't play yourself badly!"

Xue Qinghe, the representative of the empire, clasped his hands tightly, and he also wanted to stand over to protect him, but Oscar was like the bright moon supported by the stars, making it difficult for people to get close.

"Is this what Master said about the Golden Dragon of Imperial Luck? Anyway, seeing that you are so loyal, I will send you a fortune!"

Oscar smiled and sat cross-legged, his body was two yellow, one purple, two black, two red, and one gold. Eight gorgeous soul rings were shining, and the eighth soul ring was radiant, putting people in the golden ocean, making every cell jump. .

"Ah, old woman, how did you become so young, so beautiful!"

"Old man, you too!"

"Haha, I have soul power, I can become a soul master!"

"I broke through!"

All the civilians, soldiers, and officers had undergone earth-shaking changes. The moment Oscar was entered by the golden dragon, a golden light changed them like a cleansing tendon.

"How is this possible, even the elder sister only has a red soul ring, what level is this golden soul ring!"

Xue Qinghe watched the changes of Oscar and a group of people from a distance, and said in disbelief.

"It turned out to be Contra, senior, I'm only level 65, will you let me live?"

Dai Mubai led the beautiful and lively woman beside him and said.Suddenly, a dazzling golden light floated and entered the body of the woman beside him.

Looking at the majestic and beautiful person on the Golden Dragon Throne, he believed that Oscar would not harm his woman, this golden light obviously had the effect of cleansing the tendons, looking at the woman whose strength had skyrocketed, Dai Mubai protected her.

"This is your compensation!"

Oscar said softly, after all Zhu Zhuqing is already his own woman, with this golden light, her future achievements will not be much worse than Zhu Zhuqing.

"Okay, you be quiet for a while!"

Oscar's solid soul patted the golden dragon in his body.This is the condensed fate of heaven and earth, and no one can restrict their freedom. It symbolizes the rise of an empire, and when the empire declines, it will dissipate again.

The luck of a country is so powerful, and the Xuanming Jue is running so fast, the momentum of Oscar, who is already level 86, is rising again and again!
Level 87, level 88... until level [-], the golden dragon seemed to be very weak, being squeezed hard by this guy.

"Haha, go, and bless the Northern Snow Empire to prosper for a thousand years!" Oscar released a blurred luck golden dragon, and said with a smile.

The golden dragon fled far away and dissipated in the north as if fleeing from the sea of ​​suffering.

A heavenly sound came, and a beautiful blue bird flew towards it.

"That... that's Phoenix! Snow Emperor is really the chosen one in the north!"

"Yes, long live the Snow Emperor, long live!"

Today, the dragon and the phoenix appeared together, feasting their eyes, but the ripples from the golden dragon benefited them a lot.

"This guy, it's long overdue!"

Oscar smiled wryly, the golden dragon was an accident, and the ice phoenix was his backer!

They felt the earth shaking again. After the ice phoenix, all the soul beasts with a cultivation base of more than 5000 years in the forest were brought out, thousands of them!

"Soul beast, it turned out to be a soul beast!"

"Don't be afraid, the Snow Emperor is here!"

The hearts of the people were already ups and downs, trembling and trembling, and their legs were trembling. Everyone used the Snow Emperor to calm themselves down.Shocks and surprises continue one after another, and today's deeds will be listed as the number one legend in the Beixue Empire.


The beasts prostrated and roared, as if they were paying their respects to their king.



It shook again. It was led by a big emerald green scorpion, and on the left and right were two snow-white big apes like mountains. One of the big apes had a cute and charming little girl on its shoulders. Behind them was a big white rabbit that was not weak.Every soul beast behind him is ten thousand years old.

"This guy, how did he do it!"

Seeing the astonishing scene, Xue Qinghe asked himself, looking at those spirit beasts with high cultivation, just this force, unless the three parties unite, they will not be able to stop Oscar's army of spirit beasts.

"Meet the Snow Emperor! Ho Ho!"

A few soul beasts uttered human words, while the rest roared and knelt down on the ground!
"Zhang San, is that the ten-thousand-year soul beast!"

"Li Si, you are stupid, it's more than ten thousand years old."

"Ah! So many thousand-year-old soul beasts!"

Some free soul masters discussed that after all, their advancement is indispensable for soul rings.

"Okay! They are all meritorious ministers, reward!"

Oscar laughed, and with a wave of his hand, a golden light shone on the army, improving their cultivation for hundreds of years.

"Huh? I've touched the edge of the limit again, and I should be able to break through when I go back." Charming Daxuehu felt the changes in his body.

"This emperor declares that from now on, the ice phoenix will be the guardian beast of the empire!"

After Oscar finished speaking, another golden light scattered, which caught Oscar off guard. The energy that the golden light can absorb seems to be related to his entrustment level. For example, Lin Chentian, Li Wu, Haote and others occupy most of the energy.

"Hee hee, man, I'm going to break through the second limit too, I can't let that big scorpion be embarrassed!"

Accepting a wave of pure energy from heaven and earth, Bingfeng raised her phoenix head and said, a howl resounded through the sky.

Oscar smiled wryly, you are the darling of heaven and earth, but whether you can cultivate to that level depends on you.

"All the troops dispersed, Xiaolu, Lord Snow Fox, you stay here for now!"

Oscar gave an order to the army of soul beasts that had absorbed energy.Most of the Xuehu clan are female. Although his palace is guarded by soldiers, but for the harem, he has to arrange a few nimble little foxes to guard it. Those who have cultivated for ten thousand years are the best.

"Farewell to Emperor Beixue!"

It's over here, the people shouted loudly, and followed the army all the way to the Snow Emperor's Palace.

"Long live the Snow Emperor, long live, long live!"

In the palace, all the officials knelt down.This time, they really became Oscar's subjects.

"Everyone loves you in peace! I hope you will help me to create a prosperous world, start playing when there is something to do, and retreat to the court if there is nothing to do."

Oscar said, as if he had already entered this role.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to announce!"

Standing at the head of the officials, wearing gorgeous and noble official robes, watching the old, mature, stable and elegant officials stand up and speak.

"So it's Zhang Aiqing, what do you have to say!" Looking at this upright person, it was the Right Prime Minister Zhang Zheng, Oscar asked as he sat upright.

"Your Majesty is in his prime, this shouldn't be the case. For the sake of the Beixue Empire and to strengthen the royal family, Your Majesty should stand up as soon as possible!" Zhang Zhengfeng said calmly, and all the officials behind him agreed.


Oscar cursed secretly, as expected, the emperor was brought down by you.It's a bit difficult for me to ask someone to be the eldest wife just after I took office.

"Let me think twice about this matter. All my lovers are tired today. For the sake of the empire, you should take a good rest and retire."

As Oscar said, he released his imperial domain, making it impossible for them to refuse, and he couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he walked out of the hall.

The distinguished guests representing the three major regions of the mainland have not yet left, and Oscar still has to deal with them, especially Xue Qinghe!

(End of this chapter)

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