Chapter 282
In an elegant and girly room full of fragrance, she has been counterattacked soft and weak, and finally she was placed on her soft and fragrant big bed, as if she was suffocating, sucking and nourishing.

"Xiao Ao, don't go!"

Looking at Oscar who was about to leave, she shouted, her voice was so soft and feeble.

Oscar looked at the ruddy and charming girl's face, smiled slightly, walked to her side, and kissed her lightly.

"Xiangyan, you are a good girl, but I already have many women, how about this, if you can get their approval, I will accept you, how about it?"

Oscar said, looking at her bewildered appearance, Oscar was also reluctant to give up, making her look forward to it, and creating an insurmountable gap.

"Xiao Ao, I will. I also want to be with you. Being with you will be safe and beautiful..."

In the end, she fell asleep peacefully, leaving behind a smiling Oscar. He didn't want to let such a beautiful student go, but is it possible!
On the way back, Oscar was really provoked by her, but this was not the North, and she was not another girl, she was still a female student he had taught, so he restrained his impulsiveness in the end.

In the distance, the courtyard with lights exudes, that is his home!
"came back!"

The six women said in unison, they were all waiting for him, Oscar looked at them, Mu Xianer, Zhu Zhuqing, and Nini were in the middle, and the other less powerful Ye Lingling, Ning Rongrong, and Jiang Zhu were behind them !

"Yeah! I'm home!"

Oscar smiled and said, brushing away the trace of dissatisfaction in their hearts, and appeasing their hearts of anticipation.

"We were too hasty last time, and we didn't have time to make up for it. This time, we all entered the star map, how about it?" Jiang Zhu asked the sisters who had been together for several years with anticipation.

"Will this be bad for him? After all, he is our source of life!" Mu Xian'er said unbearably.

Although she really wanted to do this, in the Star Map, the time can be extended, and they can make up for more than four years, but this is like betting their future.

"Yeah, after all, we are all brother's women!" Nini said softly, if she hadn't been the first to eat meat, they wouldn't have to fight so quickly.

Oscar was speechless, watching the discussion of a group of little she-wolves, it seemed that they still had a bit of conscience and knew they cared about their kidneys.

"Forget it! Xian'er, as we agreed today, Zhuqing will come first!" Jiang Zhu said, Zhu Zhuqing was the only one who could suppress Mu Xianer, and for this, she also tried her best.

Zhu Zhuqing's expression was flat, but she was still looking forward to it. Seeing brothers Oswald and Osscheng, they seemed to be carved out of the same mold. They were very cute. She was close to 20 years old, and she said that she didn't want to be fake. Have a child.

The final result came out, and Oscar held the ice beauty Zhu Zhuqing, quite satisfied.When he came to her clean and tidy room with a faint fragrance, he was certainly not afraid of having a fairy bone, but he just didn't want to break the beautiful relationship between them.

"Xiao Ao, let's play a game..."

If it's difficult, she will pause shyly, a little angry, why isn't the martial soul of his man from other food.

Oscar held her down, and teased, "Yes, let's fight now, haha!"

Zhu Zhuqing wants to struggle, but where is Oscar's opponent, she just wants to compare with Oscar, the difference in strength between them!
The deal is done, she releases her cat spirit, hoping he can have fun, her spirit power stuck at level 64 has broken through!
"Oscar, will I also have our child?" She was like a docile cat at this moment, snuggling in the man's arms, with a martial soul, and a top-notch figure, but this was also her capital.

She also knew that that energy would naturally improve her body and imperceptibly enhance her soul power, but she wanted a child.

"Maybe, now that I have been completely reborn, the chance of giving birth to offspring is extremely low. You will know in the future, Zhuqing. When you reach Title Douluo, I will tell you everything, okay?"

Oscar said softly.He couldn't say that he was a half-immortal cultivator, because he didn't know what would happen. When they became stronger, they would all know that gods existed, and it would be difficult for them to give birth to a son of god.


Zhu Zhuqing nodded, didn't think about it any more, and relied on him for everything, just like her domineering quotation: You can be passionate, but you can't be passionate.

Oscar loves this perfect body. He still has the last place in the life-sharing contract. I don’t know who to give it to. Mu Xianer is married to him, a legitimate couple, and Nini took his first one. , but the one who makes people feel sad the most is the most understanding Zhu Zhuqing.

She fell asleep exhausted, Oscar got up and summoned the Xuanming Sword!

"Master, should I teach the Xuanming Jue to my son? After all, the best exercise in my hands is the Xuanming Jue created by you."

Oscar muttered, stroking the Xuanming Sword that communicated with his heart, but there was still a large space separating him from him. Oscar knew that it was his master's "boudoir".

"Hmph! I don't think of me, Master until I'm done! Xuan Ming Jue can also be taught, as long as you want him to become as feminine as you."

With a flash of black light, the beautiful master in that seductive black dress that gave people a mysterious feeling appeared!

"Master, I miss you so much!"

Oscar stood up, embraced the unique woman in his heart, and was honest with her.

"Even if you still have a conscience, I didn't expect you to resolve the karma of the undead so quickly and get a crystal of the gods, so I have been practicing quietly for a few months, and now I come out!" Hong Ming said calmly, among which Only she knows the process.

"Master, you won't be going back this time!" Oscar asked worriedly, holding Hong Ming who had the same aura.

"You still have to go back. After all, you have a heavy workload now, so Master won't participate. Don't play tricks. This is a modified exercise. It's called Lingming Jue. It's suitable for men's cultivation. It lasts four years. I knew you needed it when I saw that child before, so I simply changed it for a few years. A small gift!"

As Hong Ming said, he lightly tapped Oscar's forehead with his index finger, and a stream of information about exercises that were somewhat similar to Xuan Ming Jue but different poured in.

In a short while, Oscar had a brand new exercise in his mind, Lingming Jue!

"Master, can I practice the Lingming Jue again?" Oscar asked, looking at the domineering and masculine Lingming Jue.Although he likes the beauty, it is not good if it becomes more and more feminine!
"It's ok, you can get reborn and start cultivating again from a low strength, but your current body is the best, and your spiritual bones and immortal bones are gathered together!" Hong Ming said indifferently!

Feeling the Lingming Jue in his mind, he shook his head, how could it be possible to do it all over again, that would at least make his woman wait for more than ten years!
"It's cheaper for these two boys!"

Oscar had a plan and said secretly.Right now, the beautiful master has come out, which means that she... is still beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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