Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 283 One Family Goes to the Snow Field

Chapter 283 The Family Went to the Snow Field
A ray of warm sunshine broke into this beautiful small courtyard, heralding the arrival of a new day, she got up on time, as a tutor, she was responsible for her students!

"Zhuqing, I told the dean that you don't need to go. When my husband is back, he will naturally accompany you." Oscar opened his eyes, looking at the scrambling ice beauty, feeling inexplicably happy.

Hugging her into his arms, her proud figure made people get into the mood quickly. In the morning, they fought fiercely again before going out to meet the warm sunshine.

"Daddy! Good morning!" The two brothers asked happily. It seems that the happiness of a child is that simple.

"Well, Xiao Hua, Xiao Cheng, good morning, today Dad is going to take you and your mothers out to play!" Oscar said with a happy brow, hugging the two jade-carved children.

"Yeah, Dad, is it true? I'm so happy. Except for going out occasionally, my brother and I can only play in the academy, and my mother won't let us go out." Osi Cheng said happily with charming dimples.

"It's true, Dad will often take you out to play in the future! Sihua, Sicheng, today Dad has a gift for you, and it is a gift from a very beautiful mother." Oscar said, still with mystery, let The eyes of the two children were full of expectation.

"What kind of gift?" They asked about the gift first, but didn't ask whether it was from the mother.

"Close your eyes first!"

Oscar said, the exercise that was brewing in his mind, his master said that if someone without his blood practiced this exercise, he would die in the end due to exhaustion of energy and blood.

The two little guys closed their eyes obediently, looking forward to what kind of gift it was. They didn't know that this gift would change their lives in the future!
"Relax your body and take a deep breath!"

Oscar slowly input the complete exercise information into the two weak bodies, guiding them to accept it.

"Sihua, Sicheng, see that little black rabbit, grab it, it's your gift!"

Oscar guided them patiently, a black mist enveloped the father and son, and Oscar was afraid that they would be disturbed, so he implemented the method.

"This is my husband's method. Self-protection. He should be doing important things with Xiaohua and Xiaocheng. Don't worry."

As a veritable eldest wife, Mu Xian'er knew how to use Oscar's method, and the two had discussed their lives many times in it, so she spoke.

The two brothers were chasing the rabbit, but they didn't know that it was the route of the exercise, and the rabbit was the spiritual energy!
Half an hour later, Ao Sicheng had already caught nine rabbits, persisted until the end, and passed out by the time he caught the tenth rabbit.Ao Sicheng, who was born with a soul power of level 28, caught 20 of them, and after chasing No. 28, half of the nine collapsed and passed out. This shows the foundation of the two. Pressed to [-] and a half.

"It's not bad. Osihua inherited Nini's Blue Silver Grass. I wonder what Osicheng's martial spirit is?"

Oscar gently hugged his two sons, the black mist cleared, he sent them to the room, and started preparing breakfast!

Oscar's exclusive kitchen!

"elder brother!"

A soft voice came, and she poked her head to look at the man inside who could go up to the hall and down to the kitchen.

"Nini, don't tell me you want to be stimulated again, brother... misses you too!" Oscar smirked, and hugged her soft and delicate body, which was already charming, plump and charming, with the temptation of a woman.

"Brother, have you taught Sihua the exercises they practice..." She hugged him tightly, and the two were very excited to eat the only one!

"Of course, Nini, you know that now you are considered to be at the peak of the golden core stage. Even the soul king of the fortieth level of soul power may not be your opponent. The next stage is the Nascent Soul stage. At that time, your strength It will be several times stronger!"

Oscar answered her questions, and also discussed the problems of the two of them. They didn't stop until she felt the cold energy.

"Hee hee, brother, you still dote on Nini the most, Nini is so happy!"

She snuggled into the man's arms and said happily.Oscar changed her, made her stronger, and even the waste martial spirit Blue Silver Grass evolved into the Blue Silver King martial soul.

"Of course, you were sold to me."

Oscar smiled, reminding the two of the good times and the ups and downs of the two. If she had been more timid, the two would have no relationship.

Afterwards, the food was fragrant!
When the two came out of the kitchen, how could Mu Xianer and the others not know about it, but they also acquiesced in her actions, after all, she was the only one favored by Oscar.

Nini said softly: "Xiaohua, eat slowly, don't choke!"

On the big round table, the whole family enjoys the delicacy of the world, while the two brothers who just consumed too much gobble it up.

"Little girl, don't worry about them, let's eat first, these two brothers can at least eat a cow now!"

Oscar smiled and said, both of them are practitioners, they ate a little, and then let them eat. As for the food, Oscar made it himself, and Nini tasted a little more.

Two hours had passed since breakfast, the wives and children were together, and the two brothers were already looking forward to going out!
Oscar said: "Let's go!"

Directly build a channel, the first time is raw, the second time is acquaintance, before taking Dai Mubai and his wife outside the city is to let them spend some time alone, now, it's their family traveling to the north.

"Brother, why do we seem to be moving and yet not moving!" Ao Sicheng faintly noticed something and asked curiously, which involved the issue of reference objects.

Oswald replied: "Of course it moved, Dad is taking us out to play!"

Half a day has passed!
Because I have to go deep into the snow field with my family, the distance is longer, and it takes more than half a day, and I have only reached the extreme north now!Snowfield!
"so cold!"

Oscar opened the passage, and a gust of cold air invaded, making his woman and child shiver.

"Oh! Sorry, I almost forgot!"

Oscar lightly touched the foreheads of them and their son, and a white and pure snowflake was imprinted between their eyebrows. This unique technique, Oscar called it: planting snow!

"Boys, let's go out and play!"

Oscar smiled and threw his two sons away, and two little black dots appeared in the snow-covered world, a strange and beautiful place of snow and white, which aroused their playfulness!
"Wife! Welcome to Snowfield!"

Oscar smiled, and made a welcoming gesture, the passage dispersed, and the six women liked the time when they saw the ice and snow, and they didn't feel the cold anymore!

The children are chasing and playing in the snow field, and he accompanies his wife to appreciate the ice and snow peaks and the peaks of the jade girl, the beginning of a perfect trip.

(End of this chapter)

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