Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 285 Chapter 1 Soul Ring Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 285 The First Soul Ring Ten Thousand Years
Oswald, who was playing vigorously, was suddenly sucked away. He felt a little dissatisfied in his heart, but when he heard what his father said, his interest suddenly arose. He was also ready to absorb the first soul ring!
"Dad, this big white bug is so cute, can you leave it for me to play with!"

Seeing the ice silkworm wriggling nearly two meters with two silver stripes, Oswald couldn't bear it. He had asked the big brothers and sisters in the college about the martial spirit and the soul ring.

Elder Bingbi Emperor Huangxie: You can avoid death by being cute, what is wrong with the world!

"Well, Sihua, take the dagger and stab it in the head with all your strength. It won't die. Daddy will do a magic trick for you!" Oscar said, and a consciousness was transmitted to Xiaobai, the golden silkworm, motioning for it to let the ice silkworm Give up resistance.


Finally, with a beep, the white blood flowing out instantly congealed, it was frozen by the cold air, and soon, a circle of black soul rings appeared.

"Xiaolu, for the sake of my family, can you let me live a few more years?" Seeing the cruel scene, the old Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion begged the Ice Emperor, and called out the Ice Emperor's little scorpion. name.

"Old Bing, just watch, follow the boss, you will not suffer, and it is not impossible to become an immortal god in the future!"

The Ice Empress believed in Oscar's words very much. Their clan could become the overlord of the snow field because of their unity. Every Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion knew that the end was approaching, so they would first return to their clan to wait for death.

"Brother, will this be too..."

Looking at the black soul ring, Nini said worriedly, the energy of the ten thousand year soul ring is too powerful, and Oswald is still so young, as a mother, how could she not be worried.

"Nini, believe me, he is my successor, he is protected by luck, don't worry!" Oscar said while hugging her gently.

"Yeah, Nini, come here!" Mu Xian'er came over and pulled her away and said, Sicheng would be worried too.

"Sihua, do you have confidence!"

Looking at the black soul ring, Oscar said to his eldest son.In the future, the empire will be handed over to him for management. Although luck will be weaker than that of the founding period, it is still an extremely powerful force.

"Well! I believe in Dad!" Oswald nodded his head fiercely, a typical newborn calf is not afraid of pitfalls.

Xue Lian brought Sicheng, Dabai came over, looked at the brave Oswald, and cheered him up: "Come on, Sihua, we are optimistic about you!"


Oswald nodded, and with the support of his mother's care and pure friendship, it seemed that he was not afraid of any danger.

Under the gaze of more than a dozen pairs of eyes, Oscar instructed his son to lead the black ten thousand year spirit ring to the mutated blue silver grass that was gently swaying in black.

"He's still a kid!"

Looking at the frightening scene, the old Bingbi Emperor Scorpion sighed, as spirit beasts, they have worked hard in cultivation, so they naturally know the power of the ten thousand year spirit ring.

The Bingdi threatened: "Binglao, shut up!"

Nini didn't dare to look at her and prayed: "Brother, don't let Sihua get hurt." Nini's eyes sparkled and she was hugged by Mu Xianer.

Feeling the invasion of a tide, Osihua's small face turned pale instantly. Even though the ice silkworm is not good at fighting, it is still a ten thousand year soul beast with dual attributes of ice and spirit.

The golden silkworm received the order, and gently moved to Oscar's side, released his breath, and frightened the unwilling spirit in the spirit ring.

"Sihua, hold on, see the group of little rabbits, drive them all to the lake!"

Oscar is still using the old routine, and has watched Oswald's slowly forming cyclone, showing signs of reaching the foundation building stage.

Seeing Oswald alone and a group of lively little rabbits around him, he started to act when he heard his father's serious voice.

"Is there still too much energy?"

Looking at the cyclone that couldn't hold it anymore, Oscar frowned and said, he definitely won't backfire. It is good to help Oswald open up a cyclone, but if he doesn't control it well in the future, the energy may collide and explode the body to death.

"Stupid apprentice, guide the energy and help him cultivate the Lingming body!" Master's reminder came from his mind, and Oscar suddenly realized that Lingming Jue is an improved version of Xuanming Jue.

There is no need for Oscar's harsh cold air to enter his body, and now the excess energy has been guided by Oscar to temper his body. Oswald's body is like an indifferent spirit jade, without the strange blackness of Oscar's mysterious body.


Oscar breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, for another person, Oscar can only absorb or open up a space for him to store excess energy.


Nini walked quickly to the side of Oswald whose eyes were still closed, eyes full of worry.

"Nini, it's okay, we succeeded, our children will be stronger than us in the future!"

Oscar caressed her jade back, and she couldn't blame Oscar, not to mention that Oscar was the most important person in her heart, and her parents expected her to be a success.

Nini said: "Well, brother, I am too worried about our children!"

Oswald finally opened his eyes, his small face was full of excitement, he had already reached the peak of the foundation building stage, and he felt full of strength.

"Mom, why are you crying? Sihua will be fine!" Osihua looked at his mother and comforted him.

"Yes, Nini, don't worry, Sihua is our child, you go there first, I still want to give Sihua a gift."

Oscar smiled, the first soul skill Wannian finally succeeded, and after resurrecting the ice silkworm, Oswald will be able to obtain the second soul ring again.

"Sihua! Do you trust Dad!"

Kneeling down, looking at his son who was similar to the master, Oscar asked with a smile.

Sihua nodded, "Yeah!"

Oscar didn't say anything more, but stroked his soft hair, walked to the corpse of the ice silkworm, a pure energy full of vitality began to restore its wound.

Except for the tightly closed eyes, the ice silkworm looked like it was asleep, and it didn't look like it had been stabbed by a dagger at all.

"Xiaohua, come here, release the spirit ring!"

Oscar said, Oswald rarely came obediently, a circle of black hovering soul rings enveloped a small blue silver grass.

"It will hurt a little, we are men, we must persevere, Xiaohua, relax!" Oscar said, and began to pull away from the imprisoned ice silkworm soul.

Ao Sihua gritted his teeth, as the eldest brother, the younger brother was still watching him, hold on, he persuaded himself, and the ghost body was released automatically.

"Hey, this kid, you can really bear it!" Oscar smiled secretly, the Shui Bing'er had fainted back then, maybe her physique is different, envy.

Having successfully extracted the soul of the ice silkworm, Oscar also took a drop of Oswald's blood, and began to condense the spirit contract to help him obtain the first bodyguard.

"go with!"

Oscar flicked the soul into the body of the ice silkworm, and the contract took effect immediately. After a while, the "sleeping" ice silkworm opened its charming little silver eyes, and the people and spirit beasts present all watched the unbelievable scene.

"Go, protect your master well in the future, you are already one body." Oscar said to the ice silkworm, and it took advantage of the opportunity to break through to 3 years of cultivation!
"Hee hee, Dad is so kind, I will have another partner to play with my brother in the future!" Seeing the ice silkworm that was rubbing against him intimately, Oswald laughed and said.

Next, Oscar looked at the old Bingbi Emperor Scorpion...

(End of this chapter)

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