Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 286 Give Me My Sister

Chapter 286 Give Me My Sister
"Ahem, do you want to sacrifice, or did I hit you and want to sacrifice? After all, you have seen it too. If you want to die, it is impossible!"

Oscar coughed dryly, threatening with jokes, instead of looking at the playful Ice Empress, he looked at the old Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

" I still have a choice!"

The old Bingbi Emperor Huangxie seemed to be replying with a wry smile, it was fine to be pulled out by the patriarch he had just resigned from, and it was fine to be beaten up, and now he was forced to sacrifice to a child.

In the end, it finally accepted the arrangement of fate, and as the first black ten-thousand-year soul ring in the transitional period, it shone again.

With a soft sound, the old Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion who was close to Oswald devoted all his life's cultivation in this way.

A soul ring with a hint of blood red began to hover above the first black soul ring, which gave people a shock.Oscar didn't dare to slack off in the slightest. Although it is best to obtain a spirit ring through sacrifice, the energy is still huge. The old Bingbi Emperor Scorpion obviously doesn't have the wisdom of the million-year-old Xiaobai.

"You will be resurrected too, help seal your excess energy!" Oscar said to the old Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Soul that hadn't dissipated, he could also seal it all, but if it took over, the effect would be the best.

A thrilling time has passed!
Oswald's mutated blue silver grass, one black and one light red, two shocking soul rings rose up, the old ice jade emperor scorpion was revived, and passed the first time limit, becoming a 10-year soul beast , and ice silkworms live in Oswald's sea of ​​air.

With the help of Oscar and Golden Silkworm, Ao Sihua obtained the second martial soul, the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Martial Soul, and returned to the peak of level [-], but he did not continue to absorb the soul ring to break through the golden core stage. Oscar hoped that he would polish it once or twice. Years later, after reaching the half-step Golden Core stage, a breakthrough will be made.

Returning to a peaceful and beautiful life again, Ye Lingling also accepted Oscar's good night, and went to Mu Xian'er to start again.

Ten days later, travel through the void tunnel built by Oscar again and start the return trip!
"Honey, I really want to be like this, and live with you forever!"

Mu Xian'er leaned on the man's shoulder and said reluctantly.Here is a piece of snow, they don't have to worry about Oscar looking for other women, and they can always enjoy the happiness of a few people.

"Yes, there is a more beautiful place, we will all live there, and you don't have to worry about your man being too attractive!"

Oscar teased the eldest wife, thinking about how to find the inheritance of the gods, so that you can all be young forever and avoid reincarnation.

Surrounded by woods, the sun can easily come here to play, and the fence with flowers and butterflies flying inside seems to welcome the return of their family!
In the yard, there were not only more ice silkworms, but also a little girl, a little white rabbit, and a little white bear, a moon rabbit, and a little white bear. In the end, Oscar accepted him as the seventh and eighth spiritual pet.

"Xian'er, Zhuqing, Nini, Rongrong, Lingling, Zhu'er, I still have something to do, wait for me to come back tonight!"

Oscar called each woman's name, just came back, his buttocks didn't even sit on his exclusive couch, there was a soul tremor, it was the soul token he gave to Qian Renxue.

Shi Zhan Xuanming flashed, leaving only a scattered silver glow!

"This guy knows that there are still women out there!" Mu Xian'er said, Zhu Zhuqing and the others knew it well.It is not a good thing for a man to be too good, just like a woman who is too beautiful will attract bees to pick her.

In a quiet courtyard, a young man and an eighteen-year-old girl seem to be waiting for someone to arrive.

"Brother, I've been waiting for several days. If the man you said is as beautiful as a fairy hasn't come, I will go back. I still like that Tang Yin with extraordinary temperament!"

The young girl had some playful words, and the young man was Xue Qinghe who doted on her very much, the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, and she was the princess Xue Ke, who was young at the age of eighteen when she was just beginning to fall in love.

"Xue Ke, my big brother's intuition told me this time, he will come, my good sister is worthy of such a beauty!" The young man was talking, a little obsessed, recalling the lingering love between the two, The beauty between men and women.

"Sister, he's here, you hide first and watch quietly, if you don't like him, brother won't force you!"

The young man hurriedly pushed the girl to hide behind the courtyard window, and it happened to be a place where Xueqinghe could be seen!

I saw... the fairy came, she was already obsessed, didn't the elder brother let her look at the man, why did a fairy suddenly appear, curiosity made her continue to pay attention to the fairy who appeared.

"Xue'er, you didn't tell me!"

The man asked with a smile, his voice was just right, so that the girl hiding aside couldn't hear clearly!
"Xiao Ao, don't mess around, I'm still the crown prince, don't you like beauties, I'm going to give you a beauty, do you want it or not!" Xue Qinghe thought in his heart but still pushed Oscar away, and said softly.

"Haha, is she the little beauty hiding there and watching!" Oscar obviously knew, but when he appeared, Xue Qinghe asked him to cooperate.

"Hmm! Like it, you know about me, so I don't have a princess or any woman, she is my favorite sister, and I want to give her to you for the next thing, so as not to affect her!" Xue Qinghe road.

"need my help?"

Oscar replied, regarding the matter of giving away his sister, he could watch it for her as long as he could, and he didn't have the intention of appreciating the courtyard, he just wanted to spend time with her.

"No, Xiao Ao, follow my arrangement and capture my sister's heart first. She was studying in Yuexuan before, and met a young talent named Tang Yin who looked good. She didn't think about eating or drinking all day long... …" Xue Qinghe said, but that person was no longer in the mood.

Oscar is speechless, it's Tang San again, I accept all the women who like you, and now this little princess Xue Ke, that's all, you don't want one more, not many more.

The performance of the two lovers began.

"Brother Xiao Ao, I also looked for you a few days ago, I wonder if you have any important matters!" Xue Qinghe said with a clear voice.

"Brother Xue, I'm a savage in the mountains. Occasionally, I spend time in the mountains with my like-minded... wife, discussing life together, practicing calligraphy, playing the piano and enjoying life!"

Oscar was talking and wanted to laugh, but being stared at by Xue Qinghemei, he almost revealed his secrets, he even kicked himself, and gave him his sister who had spoiled him for more than ten years, is this really good!
"I see. I wonder if I can play a small mountain tune for my brother, so that my brother can sweep away the haze!" Xue Qinghe has already entered the play, looked at Oscar and said, except for hearing it once at the competition, listening to the music in the palace is already tasteless !
"Big brother has a taste, how dare the younger brother refuse!" Oscar really wanted to laugh, so it's fine to just push it, a simple girl, and she has to waste a lot of energy on her own.

"What a beautiful qin, the fairy I met at my elder brother's place is obviously a man, but he looks better than a woman!" Xue Ke, who was hiding aside, said in surprise, looking at Oscar who took out the seven-color fairy qin.

Gently plucking the strings, beautiful notes came out one after another, Oscar played the piano, intending to be the princess, but Xue Qinghe still voluntarily indulged in it, as if Oscar was playing for her!
Xue Ke, who was hiding aside, found that the room had disappeared, and her elder brother had also disappeared, leaving only the immortal. She walked over and listened to the tune of mountains and rivers, as if washed by a clear spring. She suddenly understood that Tang Yin's artistic conception came from The immortal learned it here.

The immortal stopped playing, smiled very charmingly, and stretched out his irresistible hand. The two played the piano hand in hand.
(End of this chapter)

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