Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 287 Xian'er's Tolerance

Chapter 287 Xian'er's Tolerance

Once the song was settled, Oscar finally named the song, Girl's Heart.Because, it was played to capture a girl!

"Brother Xue, how are you?"

Oscar smirked, meaning besides, I have done everything you arranged, I can't just return without success, can I?

"Okay! I have handwriting treasures in my room, Brother Xiao Ao, come with me!"

Although his contemplation was interrupted, he was able to experience the true artistic conception afterward, and in this way, he let go of the impatient Oscar.

The two left, leaving behind a courtyard with a lingering sound, which seemed to be lonely because of the departure of the immortal!

"It's a good thing that brother is gone, otherwise I'd be ashamed to death, listen to the qin music, and I'm like a fairy!"

Xue Ke, who was hiding aside, felt the changes in her body, and couldn't help but blushed. Her mind was full of fragments of blending with immortals, and Tang Yin was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, when they came to the elegant room of the prince, the strict guards thought that their highness the prince had enlightened, and they passed by with such a celestial beauty.

"Quiet but elegant, fragrant but not coquettish, high-end but not luxurious, Xue'er, what a nice room!"

Oscar said with a smile, looking at the books beside the bed, and the simple nanmu chairs showed her quiet heart.

"Sect Master Ning said that a prince should be a good prince, so quiet and elegant, it's quite good!"

Xue Qinghe replied to his man's words, and took the initiative to lift off that layer of mask, revealing a somewhat harmonious and delicate face.

"Well! As long as you need, I will come!"

Oscar came and said softly, a sentence with two meanings, gently took off her clothes, showing her most beautiful scene.

Crazy!She seemed very crazy at this time, she wanted to release all the suppressed things for more than ten years here, and wanted him to accept herself well, but she didn't know that she was already hopelessly infatuated with him!
At this moment, she is Qian Renxue!In the near future, the person behind her will no longer use the name Xue Qinghe because of his eagerness for quick success. He also hopes that she will fail and be called Qian Renxue forever!

"Xiao Ao, I... love you!"

Just when the man left, she said the sentence in her heart with a red face, she wanted to give him away, but Oscar's terrifying teleportation soul ability had to give up.

"Yeah! Me too, Cher, goodbye!"

Oscar smiled and waved. He has been out for a long time. I don't know if her stamina...will improve after she becomes a god!
With a flash of silver light, her man left temporarily, and she shed a sparkle. She really wanted him to stay, but knew it was impossible.

Oscar's courtyard!

Its owner came back again, looking at the six women waiting for him, he decided, let's sleep together!

"Xiao Ao, can you really do it? You can't mess around!" His wife, Mu Xian'er, said worriedly, fearing that Oscar's sudden fever and emotion would be bad for him.

"Man! No, no!"

Oscar was suspected, and he signaled Zhuer to unfold the star map, giving her a blow!

Cozy cottage, the screen changed, and we arrived at the lush and lush forest, where the grass is fragrant and fragrant, and it is a real paradise, but the people who come in are ulterior motives!

The first one who doubted Oscar was also his wife, who experienced the taste of whether he could do it or not. At this moment, they began to unite their camps, and they were bound to subdue the man!
A few days later, Soto City!Mu Mansion!

A handsome man with white hair and red clothes came here with his wife and children to visit his relatives!
"Dad! Mom! Father-in-law! Mother-in-law!"

Looking at the Mutian couple who were still loving each other, Oscar and his wife couldn't help shouting, knowing that Mrs. Mu has often visited Xian'er for four years, and his son also agrees with these parents!

"Grandpa and grandma!"

Ao Sicheng revealed the same charming dimples as her mother, and she didn't need to be specially reminded by adults, she called out politely.

"Okay! Come in! Sicheng, let grandma hug you!" Mrs. Mu smiled and bent down. Her appearance didn't change much, but her charm became more profound.

"Yeah!" Ao Sicheng came into Mrs. Mu's arms very sweetly, and the family entered the mansion and began to chat about homework.

"What, level ninety!"

Mu Tian was shocked and said, Oscar only went out to practice at level [-], after more than four years, he directly reached level [-], wouldn't it be surprising?

bang!With a sound, the housekeeper of Mu's residence and the ghost servant smiled at Mu Tian, ​​"Oh! We're all getting old!"

Listening to the words of the two old men, Mu Tian felt very embarrassed, saying it so loudly was not a blow to others.

"Father-in-law, don't be so surprised, it's just that he got some spiritual upgrades!" Oscar said, Wannian Ice Essence, combined with Snow Emperor, these are all harmless and fundamental, the most important thing is the luck of the empire and the power of faith.

"Absorbing the elixir, although you are at level ninety, will it affect your future? After all, you are still young, and Xian'er is over level 60!" asked the more attentive Madam Mu.Mu Xian'er is only about 23 years old, it is not impossible to break through to the title in the future!
"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, just look at my spirit ring!" Oscar smiled and didn't want to explain any more. Mu Xianer stared at him, as if to scare my parents again.

Mu Tian and his wife also looked at it, it was only a ten thousand year soul ring at most, and it wasn't...

"The ring, what is the age limit!" Mu Tian and his wife asked curiously, apparently Oscar had successfully caught their attention.

"The red soul ring is more than 9 years old, and it is generally called a 10-year soul ring. As for the golden soul ring, I don't know, it must be a million years old!" Oscar said plainly!


Ao Sicheng waved his little hand, looked at the surprised Mrs. Mu and said.

"Okay, these are beyond our reach. Xiao Ao, if Xian'er marries you, just treat her well in the future. I just want to have a few drinks with you today with my father-in-law!" Mu Tian said, 10 years Many people don't know about soul rings, let alone millions of years old.

At meal time, the son-in-law and the son-in-law drank a lot, and Oscar did not deliberately dispel the potency of the medicine. Poor Osicheng, both sides had no time to talk to him. He suddenly felt that it was better to be a big brother, and Ice Silkworm could be together Play!

After staying for a few days, Oscar took Mu Xianer back. Before leaving, he helped his father-in-law and mother-in-law to unblock the meridians, and refined some of the spirit crystals for them. With their efforts, it is not difficult to break through the title.

"Husband!" Just as Oscar sent their mother and son back to the small courtyard to leave, Mu Xian'er yelled.

Oscar asked: "What's the matter, Xian'er!"

Mu Xian'er was silent for a while, then looked at her man, showing charming dimples, and said: "Take them all over, this way, you don't have to run around, and you can stay at home properly!"

Her smile was forced, but the last sentence proved her love for him and her tolerance for a man, as long as she can see him at home, everything is satisfied!
"Yes! Yes, Xian'er, you will always be my wife!"

Oscar smiled back, clearing away the bad emotions in her heart, and because of her tolerance, he left behind a beautiful back, and he will go home soon...

(End of this chapter)

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