Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 300 The First Battle of Becoming a God

Chapter 300 The First Battle of Becoming a God

"Xiao Ao! Thank you!"

As if after baptism, when she opened her crystal eyelashes, she was even more charming.Years of pain disappeared, and she seemed to have returned to the moment when she met him, but the acquaintance became the man in front of her.

"My empress, your body belongs to him, and your heart belongs to him, but your soul belongs to me. If you dislike this skin, I will create a more perfect body for you in the future! Oscar said, stroking her charming face lightly.

"Hmm! I'm looking forward to giving up this painful body!"

She smiled and was very beautiful. She didn't know what method Oscar used to change her from the depths of her soul.

"Okay, let's meet again next time, I should be able to help you solve this problem, but I hope... Forget it, let nature take its course!"

Oscar paused as he spoke, and sighed again, it's good if she becomes a god, and it's more certain for her to be reborn if her spirit is strong.

"I really ate it and ran away!"

She smiled and said, feeling that the surrounding confinement disappeared, and looked at Oscar, who had not seen him for several years and was so powerful, the place where her man left!
Oscar, who was going to the Heaven Dou army, originally wanted to say hello to the empress, but unexpectedly, he would find it difficult to resist the temptation of a mature woman. However, he did not have much resistance, the tree has blossomed, and the tree has become a boat!

Heaven Dou Camp!

"Xiao Ao, I need to ask you something!"

Knowing that Oscar had just returned, Tang San came looking for him!

"It's like this, we plan a general attack, and we need your flying sausages to cooperate... to have an unexpected effect!" Tang San said.

"Little San, don't you think it's against the law to do this? The person opposite is also a human life, that's all, five thousand roots, as for the result, it's up to you. After this matter is over, I will go back to accompany the child!" Oscar As he said that, he reduced the [-] sausages he requested by half.

Tang San said: "Alright!"

As long as it can produce unexpected results, five thousand roots are enough.

In one night, Oscar made a total of [-] sausages, which was regarded as the reward for this result!

Star Dou Great Forest!Oscar came to the big lair of the demon poison, waiting for his and her arrival!
"Barely turned five, master, can you give me more energy!" Inside the lair, Oscar said with a wry smile.

"No, you'd better cultivate slowly, the deep sea demon whale king has a lot of energy, you should be able to reach the peak of rank seven if you absorb some!" Master's voice came from his mind.

In the quiet and serene forest, Oscar is on top of the giant tree, like a hermit, overlooking the entire forest, and the core of the forest has been occupied by three big ants!

"Silver Dragon King! After I turn nine, I will return to the Tribulation Crossing Stage, and I will meet you later!"

Looking at the beautiful small lake, Oscar muttered, the real dragon, Oscar doesn't know where the black-eyed Golden Dragon Ditian is at this time, but she is obviously still sleeping!

Jialing Pass!
The war has begun!
With the sausage provided by Oscar, coupled with Tang's army's sophisticated hidden weapons, the Heaven Dou Army came to a surprise attack, and the blooming of Tang Lian caused the Spirit Empire to suffer heavy losses, blood flowing like rivers!
Six major offerings appear!

The queen was condemned back!
as well as……

"Xue'er, you still succeeded!"

In the forest, Oscar also felt the seraph statue in the sky, and sighed.When they were fighting, he had already slowly approached the top level!
The forest finally ushered in an unexpected visitor... He is looking for powerful spirit beasts, hunting spirit rings, and making up for the lack of strength!

"It's coming! Wait for me to absorb these energies first, Xue'er!"

In the lair of demons, Oscar, who had already turned seven at the Mahayana stage, felt a beautiful woman with an extraordinary temperament without a trace of soul power fluctuations in her body, and she also came to the forest!
Over there at the core of the forest!That uninvited guest has absorbed three soul rings with reddish color!
"Is it all absorbed? Tang San!"

The woman said plainly, and then walked out!
"It's you, long time no see, you have changed a lot, when did you come!" Tang San said, looking at her cautiously.

He, who already has level 96 soul power, didn't even notice it at all. It can be seen that her strength is profound at this time, and she is Qian Renxue, Oscar's woman!
"It's pretty early, and so am I!"

Another soft voice came, interrupting the two who were talking like friends!
"Xue'er, you'll find other men as soon as you come out, I'll be jealous!" It was Oscar who came, and he said with a smile on his face, looking at the noble woman with blonde hair and gold dress who had become much prettier.

"When did you arrive, why didn't I notice it at all, well, Tang San is not only useful to my Spirit Empire, but also to your Beixue Empire a lot!" Qian Renxue looked at her and said humanely.

Oscar smiled: "Are you recruiting talents for me? It seems that I don't need it. The strength of my northern country is considered the number one in the mainland!"

Oscar is not arrogant, just sending out a big family in the frozen forest is enough for other countries to drink a pot!
"Since it can't be used by us, then kill it directly!" Qian Renxue said, swiping the fierce holy sword like a shining sun!
With a crisp sound, Oscar didn't make a move, but Tang San blocked her attack with the help of the artifact trident!
"Little San, let's go! Go back to Sea God Island, she, I blocked her, this is my assessment!" Oscar said flatly, it doesn't matter whether he passed the test or not, he just wanted to fight with his wife!
"Okay! Ogo, take care!"

Tang San put away the trident and said, Qian Renxue's attack was too terrifying, her hands were still numb.What he doesn't know is that if Oscar is still the original Oscar, he can only run away!

"Xue'er, shall we play a game?"

Oscar smiled, hugged her increasingly charming waist, and fought, one is to stabilize her divine power, and the other is to test his own strength, killing two birds with one stone!
"Okay, but, just let him go like this? He failed me last time!" Qian Renxue responded, seeing Tang San leaving, she wished she could kill him soon.

"He! Your man will avenge you in the future, come on! The sky is your battlefield!"

As Oscar said, the snow-white four wings spread out behind him, and he carried her to the [-]-meter-high sky!
Gao Kong, Qian Renxue said: "Xiao Ao, can you do it, I'm afraid I'll hurt you!"

Injured self-esteem, Oscar said with a wry smile: "Man! You can't say no!" Oscar displayed the Mysterious Body, as well as his strongest domain, controlled by the law!

"Dispel!" Qian Renxue released the holy light confidently, but the cold air couldn't be dispelled!

"Haha, Xue'er, be serious, your man is not an ordinary person!" Oscar smiled, and Xuanming Sword swung a simple sword energy.

"It's not a mortal, it's a little black man, and it's as black as jade!" Qian Renxue smiled, her smile seemed to have magical power, and the sky suddenly became clear!

"I've been underestimated, Xuanming swordsmanship, No.60 nine moves, a sword of heaven and earth!" Oscar replied, condensing thousands of sword energy, a seemingly simple sword, but with the power of heaven and earth!

"Sword of Angel! Holy Sword of Angel!"

Qian Renxue, who had become a god, was also shocked by this fierce attack. Although it couldn't kill her, it was enough to hurt her!

"Looking at the holy armor, you are so beautiful!"

The two destructive energies collided, and Oscar looked at her who was divinely and charmingly golden. The armor showed off her beautiful curves very well!

Qian Renxue said proudly: "Of course, I'm your woman too!"

"Come on! Make your strongest blow!"

Oscar nodded in agreement, his snow-white long hair fluttered down, exuding a terrifying cold air, which stopped the high-altitude airflow!
"it is good!"

Qian Renxue simply said, Oscar has already convinced her with his strength, this is her first battle to become a god, so he can't let him underestimate it!
(End of this chapter)

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