Chapter 301
At an altitude of [-] meters, in addition to the original high-hanging sun, a warm and holy little sun suddenly appeared, shining on the beautiful continent!
Under the shroud of the real fire of the sun, this is her strongest expression!

"Sun Angel! Sun Holy Sword!"

A golden wheel strikes, the god of angels is mainly holy, supplemented by flames, and the flames are still the terrifying real fire of the sun!

"The body of the Snow Emperor, Taiyin True Water!"

The strangely cold but feminine Xuanshui formed a giant python, biting away at the real fire of the sun. The extreme water and fire were immediately helpless to anyone, Oscar under the half-immortal, and Qian Renxue at the god level , if she really wants to go all out, she is obviously no match for Oscar!
The anaconda whispered, and turned into a real dragon, and the flames turned into a phoenix, and there was a game of dragon and phoenix!
"You bastard, how can you control my flames!" Qian Renxue looked at this scene with many doubts on her reddish face!

"Facts show that there is me in you, and you in me! Xue'er, since..." Oscar smirked, hugging the goddess in his arms, the fight is over, and there is another protracted battle ahead!
After the war...

"Little Ao, you haven't said anything yet, how did you control my flames!" Qian Renxue still had the arrogance of an angelic god at this time, only a little woman asked.

"Because it's an illusion!"

Oscar said with a smile, looking at the stunner in his arms.God, endurance is really extraordinary!Oscar said: "Xue'er, why don't you go back to guard Jialing Pass first, and I have to go to Sea God Island to improve my strength!"

Qian Renxue said: "It's not to improve your own strength, what about your other women, why didn't I sense it?"

"Because I received a spatial artifact from them!" Oscar said, and there was nothing to hide from her. At this time, Qian Renxue was no match for even the great goblin who was already level 95.

This time, she was not watching him leave, but at her strong request, the two flew to the beach!

"Hehe, Xiao Ao, they are all waiting for you!" Looking at Tang San, Dai Mubai, Fatty and the others on the ground, Qian Renxue laughed.

"Don't worry, my husband will avenge you!"

Oscar understood, kissed the goddess' face lightly, and said with a smile.

"Ah bah, I'll wait for you here before you marry me, Xiao Ao!" Qian Renxue said with a slightly red face, this guy has so many women.

"Brother Ao, why is she here!"

Others couldn't recognize Qian Renxue who had become a god, but why couldn't Tang San recognize him, asked!
"Little San, she is my woman, so she can't come and see me off!" Oscar replied.

Looking at the dissatisfied Oscar, Tang San was speechless, you are the best!

"Brother Ao, who is she, she is so beautiful!"

"Fatty, who do you think is beautiful?"

The fat man leaned over to ask, and was startled by a voice behind him, obviously it was his fiancée Bai Chenxiang!
"Okay, get ready to go to sea! Follow me!"

Seeing Tang San who was about to trouble Xiao Baibai again, Oscar said.Gently stepping out of the sea, a road of ice is formed immediately!
The fat man asked: "Aoge! Isn't there that black hole?"

"I'm happy, come or not!" Oscar said.Go out first, so that he can use the power of ice more proficiently, so when fighting, he always uses the power of ice to fight.

Walking slowly, Oscar and Jiang Zhu communicated. One day outside is equivalent to ten days inside. They have more or less broken through. Even the big goblin has broken through to level 96. It can be seen that the life of the deep sea demon whale king The energy is so strong.

The ice layer was smashed by a black shadow, Oscar's spiritual sense detected it, it turned out to be a ten-horned devil fish, it was very scary, and it had 10 years of cultivation!
"Could it be?" Oscar looked at Tang San.

"Brother Ao, can you give it to me!" Tang San also looked at Oscar and asked.He now has eight spirit rings in the Clear Sky Hammer, which seems to have been made for him by the Sea God.

"It's up to you, I won't make a move!"

Oscar said flatly, fortunately, he has a few pets in his family, except for the three-eyed golden lion and the two moon rabbits, the rest have broken through to the 10-year level.

But looking at Tang San's string of black, black and red spirit rings, he didn't envy him at all...

Sea God Island!
"Ding! The inheritor returned to the island safely, rewarding 15.00% Seagod Affinity!" A reminder sound came from the mind as soon as he landed on the island!
"90.00% five! If it wasn't for the master saying that it would be beneficial for me to understand the law of water, it wouldn't be rare!" Oscar muttered, he also wanted to take a red-level assessment, send more soul rings, increase the number of years and so on.

The content of the eighth test: assist the inheritor to repair the artifact, and the strength reaches the nine rings!


Knowing the content, Oscar immediately wanted to spit on people, and it was okay to say anything, this is to pick meat from his master, let alone pick, he doesn't want to, Hong Ming is the woman who has been with him for the longest time.


Oscar summoned his master and asked about the rescue method. After all, this belonged to Tang San's luck, but it was snatched away by him who owns the luck soul beast!
"Forget it, it's impossible to give you the dragon ball that has been transformed into a dragon for a million years. I have a water spirit pearl here that should be able to recover!" Hong Ming said.

Oscar looked at the blue spirit beads made of water that suddenly appeared in front of him, bred with the power of water!
"Master, can you give me this bead? We don't want that whale bead anymore!" Oscar looked at the spirit bead, and said with some reluctance, Hongming's product must be a treasure!

"One whale bead is worth five water spirit beads, and your real water is so advanced, it's useless to ask for water spirit beads!" Hong Ming replied, rejecting Oscar's thoughts.

"Oh!" Oscar responded, and finally gave Tang San the Water Lingzhu with great distress, muttering in his heart: Waiting for you to become a god, if you don't beat you hard, he won't be relieved!

then!Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi sacrificed!

Tang San also started the inheritance of the god position!

"It's about to start! I'm looking forward to it, your remaining Seagod power, can you let me return to the Tribulation Stage!" Oscar muttered, watching all this calmly!
Tang San went through the trials of the seven emotions, until finally the soul bone turned into the armor of the sea god, and the water spirit beads made the artifact shine again, and the sea god was born!
"Thank you, my friends!"

A man with a sea of ​​tolerance appeared, smiling.Looking at his companions who were worried about him, with a wave of the halberd, the blue-golden divine door opened, and a divine power that was rich and surpassed spiritual energy radiated out!

Oscar nodded to Tang San, this is a settlement!

"Xian'er, you should absorb it first, the god bestowed spirit ring is ready to be absorbed until the ninth spirit ring!" Oscar said to the woman behind him.During this time, the sea spirit beasts suffered a lot!
Qingzhao, who started late, has her soul power at level 61, Nini, Wanjun, and Xue Ke have also reached level 71, and the others have broken through level 81. The energy of whale brain is beneficial even for divine absorption.

"Xue Nu, the heart you gave me is about to merge with me now!"

Seeing that the expecting women began to absorb the remaining divine power, Oscar stroked his heart and said.To break through the tribulation, only divine power is not enough, and a huge amount of energy is needed to support it!

Catalyzed by heart bone, divine power, and aura, the Ten Thousand Years Rejuvenation Crystal gradually shrunk, and Oscar, who was originally at the peak of Rank [-], instantly entered Rank [-], and even reached Rank [-]!
"God bestowed the spirit ring!"

Oscar grabbed his second god-given spirit ring in front of him, and squeezed it hard!On the sausage golden soul ring, a scarlet light appeared!

"Heh! This amount of energy is not enough! It takes a million years!" Oscar absorbed like a hungry man, and he has reached the peak of rank nine!

"Give it to me! Breakthrough!"

Oscar low drink!Nine Turns to Transcend Tribulation!A spiritual energy that seems to communicate with heaven and earth invades the whole body, which is also the difference between the Mahayana period and the Transcending Tribulation period!He has returned to the Tribulation Transcendence Period again!
Suddenly, there was a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and two rays of light from the sky floated into Oscar's sea of ​​consciousness...

(End of this chapter)

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